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Slide set: The shadow of the Cross (effect: manufacturer unknown, 3 slides, in/before 1905)

Known references to this set
Catalogue of optical lantern slides (Bradford: Riley Brothers, 1905), 310
Catalogue of optical lantern slides (Bradford: Riley Brothers, 1905), 310

“This beautiful set represents: -- 1st, The flight into Egypt -- with Mary and the infant Jesus riding upon the Ass, led by Joseph. In the second they are encamping, and Mary is approaching the Tent with a Water Jug on her shoulder, the baby boy runs gleefully to meet her with outstretched arms, and the setting sun throws the shadow of a Cross athwart her path, and fills her heart with dismay. In the third, that which was shadowed in the desert is realised, and the Son of Man is starting from his Cross as Mary stands at her cottage door, thus completing the vision.”

Lucerna ID  3011172

Last updated  

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3011172. Accessed 3 May 2024.

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