Search by image content
This criterion will find items whose image has been ‘tagged’ as showing a particular subject or subjects.
Choose items from the drop-down lists. If you don’t want to apply one or more of the criteria, leave the relevant boxes showing ‘choose from this list’.
Relatively few images in Lucerna have been tagged (though more are being added continuously), so this search will not necessarily show you all items illustrating a particular subject.
You can apply the tag criteria in combination with each other and with the other criteria, and it may take time to get used to the effects of these complex searches.
When you choose more than one tag, you have the choice of combining it with other tags as either an AND search (finds items that match all the criteria together) or an OR search (finds items that match any one or more of the criteria). These conditions only apply within the Image content section – any other criteria you apply will be treated as AND searches in conjunction with each other and with the image content tags as a group.
- There is a limit to the number of each type of criterion you can search for. If you can still add another criterion of a particular type, another drop-down box will appear when you select an item in the first box.
- The Subject tag criteria are organised in rough categories to make it easier to find a given tag. It may be worth familiarising yourself with the available categories and subtags to get an idea of the kinds of subject that can be found.
- The lists for Identifiable person, Identifiable location and Identifiable event only show those items which have already been tagged against images, not the full lists of people, locations and events recorded in Lucerna.
- This search feature is at an early stage of development – if you have any comments on how we could improve it please Contact us.
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