any person A MERE PHANTOM [pseudonym of MARTIN, James (fl. 1860s-80s)] ABBOTT, Henry (c.1864- after 1911) ABBOTT, Thomas (fl. 1890s) ABERDEEN, Earl of (1847-1934) ABRAHAM, Abraham (c.1798-1863) ACRES, Birt (1854-1918) ADAMS, W.P. (fl. 1880s) ADAMSON, William Shaw (fl. 1890s) ADDERLEY, Hon. Reverend J. (1861-1942) ADDISON, H. (fl. 1890s) ADDISON, W. (fl. 1890s) ADKINS, Frank (1845-1928) AIRS, William (1862-1916) ALBERT, Prince (1819-1861) ALDRIDGE, Reverend J.M. (fl. 1890s) ALEXANDRA, Queen (1844-1925) ALFORD, R.S. (fl. 1890s) ALIGHIERI, Dante (1265-1321) ALLAN, W. (fl. 1890s) ALLARDICE, Thomas (1840-1898) ALLEN, S.W. (fl. 1890s) ALMOND, H. (fl. 1890s) AMOS, J. (fl. 1890s) AMUNDSEN, Roald (1872-c.1928) ANDERSEN, Hans Christian (1805-1875) ANDERSON, A.H. (fl. 1890s) ANDERSON, Martin (1854-1932) ANDERTON, John (c.1847-1905) ANGUS, George (1831-1912) ANSCHÜTZ, Ottomar (1846-1907) APPLETON, Richard (1856-1946) ARCHER, Foster H., F.S.M.C., B.O.A. (1861-1935) ARCHER, Frederick W. (1860-1945) ARCHER, Walter J. (c.1858-1902) ARCHER, William F. (c.1827-1887) ARGAND, Ami (1750-1803) ARKWRIGHT, Sir Richard (1732-1792) ARMITAGE, G.H. (fl. 1890s) ARMSTRONG, A.W. (fl. 1880s) ARNALOT I MIRALLES, Sergi ASKEW, W.D. (1862-1918) ASQUITH, W. England (1868-1900) ASSENDER, William H. (1852-1920) ATKINS, Reverend A.C. (fl. 1890s) AUBERT, Louis (fl. 1840s-90s) BACON, Roger (c.1220-c.1292) BADEN-POWELL, Lieutenant-General Robert (1857-1941) BAILEY, Miss M. (fl. 1890s) BAINBRIDGE, C.H. (fl. 1890s) BAINBRIDGE, J.B. (fl. 1890s) BAINBRIDGE, Reverend W. (fl. 1890s) BAKER, E. (1842-1919) BAKER, W. Weaver (1866-1954) BALL, Sir Robert (1840-1913) BALL, W. (fl. 1890s) BALZER, Richard (1944-2017) BAMFORTH, Edwin (1877-1939) BAMFORTH, James (1842-1911) BAMFORTH, Joseph (1819-1899) BANKS, Horace (1858-c.1946) BARCLAY, A.G. (fl. 1890s) BARDWELL, Jex (1824-1902) BARNARDO, Dr Thomas (1845-1905) BARNES, Bill (1920-2019) BARNES, John (1920-2008) BARRACLOUGH, J. (fl. 1890s) BARTLETT, Edwin D. (1872-1954) BARTLETT, F. (fl. 1870s-90s) BASHALL, Reverend W. (1829-1902) BASTOW, Reverend T.C.V. (1850-1933) BATE, A.E. (c.1855-1935) BATTEN, J.B. (1840-1918) BEALE, John (1825-1899) BEALE, Joseph Boggs (1841-1926) BEALE, Lionel (1828-1906) BEARD, R.R. (c.1856-1932) BEECHEY, Canon St Vincent (1806-1899) BELL, Alexander Graham (1847-1922) BELL, Reverend M.F. (fl. 1890s) BELL, Thomas (fl. 1890s) BERESFORD, Admiral Lord Charles (1846-1919) BERRY, Thomas (fl. 1890s) BETHELL, Honourable Slingsby (1831-1896) BICKMORE, Professor Albert S. (1839-1914) BIDA, Alexandre (1823-1895) BIDEN, L.M. (c.1857-1926) BING, Adolf (1842-1915) BING, Ignaz (1840-1918) BIRD, Frederick (c.1838-1928) BIRD, Graystone (1862-1943) BIRKBECK, J.T. (fl. 1890s) BISHOP, Charles D. (1865-1942) BISHOP, Reverend J.W. (fl. 1890s) BLACK, Joseph (fl. 1890s) BLAIR, T.H. (1855-1919) BLAND, W.R. (1851-1929) BLOW, G.W. (fl. 1890s) BLUNDELL, J.J. (fl. 1890s) BLYTH, Dr E.E. (fl. 1890s) BOAM, J.H. (fl. 1890s) BOLAS, Thomas, F.C.S., F.I.C. (1848-1932) BOLLAERT, Herman (1929-2021) BOMBASTES TRIPLE [pseudonym] BOND, H. (fl. 1880s) BOND, Reverend K. (fl. 1890s) BOND, T.R. (fl. 1890s) BONNER, Judson (1856-1938) BOORMAN, J. (fl. 1890s) BOOTH, Mrs Catherine (1829-1890) BOOTH, General William (1829-1912) BOOTHROYD, W. (fl. 1890s) BORLAND, Frederick J. (c.1867-1940) BORTON, Terry BOTHAMLEY, C.H. (c.1860-1939) BOTTERELL, R.M. (fl. 1890s) BOULDER, Reverend C.J. (fl. 1890s) BOYD, Thomas Hunter (fl. 1890s) BOYLAND, Miss M. (fl. 1890s) BRAID, H. (fl. 1890s) BRASSEY, Sir Thomas, M.P. (1836-1918) BRETT, Ernest (1879-1958) BRETT, W.J. (1854-1921) BREWER, W.T. (fl. 1890s) BREWSTER, Sir David, F.R.S. (1781-1868) BRICE, Fanny [pseudonym of BORACH, Fania (1891-1951)] BRIGHT, J. (fl. 1890s) BRITTEN, James (fl. 1890s) BRODER, Reverend N.V. (c.1847-1912) BROMLEY, J. (fl. 1880s) BROOKE, H. (fl. 1890s) BROOKS, Samuel (fl. 1890s) BROTHWELL, J.C. (fl. 1890s) BROWN, F. (fl. 1890s) BROWN, Theodore (1870-1938) BROWNING, John (c.1831-1925) BUCHANAN, J.S. (fl. 1890s) BUCKLE, A.G. (fl. 1890s) BUNSEN, Professor Robert (1811-1899) BUNYAN, John (1628-1688) BURDON, W.M. (fl. 1890s) BURGOYNE, Reverend H.W. (fl. 1890s) BURKETT, W.N. (fl. 1890s) BURN, J. (fl. 1890s) BURN, R.E. (fl. 1890s) BURNS, Robert (1759-1796) BUSCH, Wilhelm (1832-1908) BUZBY, Albert G. (1835-1897) BYLAND, R.A. (1870-c.1931) BYLAND, W.S. (1872-1947) BYRON, Lord (1788-1824) CAINE, W.S., M.P. (1842-1903) CALLENDER, W.O. (fl. 1890s) CALVERT, Reverend James (1813-1892) CAMERON, Lieutenant Verney Lovett (1844-1894) CAMPBELL, Thomas (1777-1844) CAMPBELL, W. (fl. 1890s) CARETTE, Georges (1861-1954) CARPENTER, Miss Mary (c.1788-1877) CARPENTER, Philip (1776-1833) CARPENTER, William Lant, B.A., B.Sc., F.C.S. &c. (1841-1890) CARROLL, Lewis [pseudonym of DODGSON, Charles Lutwidge (1832-1898)] CARTER, J.W. (fl. 1890s) CARTER, Reverend W.L. (fl. 1890s) CELLINI, Benvenuto (1500-1571) CERVANTES, Miguel de (1547-1616) CHADWICK, W.I. (1848-1913) CHALLENDER, Joseph (fl. 1890s) CHARLES I OF ENGLAND, King (1600-1649) CHARPENTIER, Dr A. (fl. 1890s) CHASSERAUX, Emile (fl. 1890s) CHEFFINS, William (c.1840-1912) CHELLEW, Thomas (c.1863-1954) CHERRY, Edward (fl. 1890s) CHICK, Elijah (1852-1921) CHILDE, Henry Langdon (1781-1874) CHIPPENDALE, Brigadier Martha (c.1867-1926) CHOPPING, J. (fl. 1890s) CHORLEY, Reverend E.C. (fl. 1890s) CHRIST, Jesus (fl. C1st) CHRISTOPHERS, Reverend W.J. (fl. 1890s) CLARE, Thomas (fl. 1840s-50s) CLARK, J.W. (fl. 1890s) CLAUDET, Antoine (1797-1867) CLAYTON, S. (fl. 1890s) CLOWES, Joseph (1838-c.1925) COATES, H. (fl. 1890s) COCKBAIN, Henry (1828-1912) COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834) COLLINS, Charles W. (c.1810-1861) COLLINS, Mrs F.A. (fl. 1890s) COLLINS, Frederick G., F.G.S. (1866-1933) COLLINS, J.I. (fl. 1890s) COLUMBUS, Christopher (1451-1506) COLVILLE, Mr (fl. 1890s) COMFORT, Reverend J.W. (fl. 1890s) CONWAY, Sir Martin (1856-1937) COOK, J.W. (fl. 1890s) COOK, Olive (1912-2002) COOK, Reverend R. (fl. 1890s) COOMBE, S. (fl. 1890s) COOP, F. (fl. 1890s) CORNISH, T. (fl. 1890s) COTTER, R. (fl. 1890s) COTTINGHAM, F. (fl. 1890s) COWAN, Reverend D.G. (fl. 1890s) COWPER, William (1731-1800) CRABTREE, John H. (1863-1924) CRACROFT, Mrs (fl. 1890s) CRAVEN, Robert, C.M. (1833-1897) CRIPPEN, Dr Hawley (1862-1910) CROMPTON, Dennis (1935-2025) CROMPTON, Samuel (1753-1827) CROMWELL, Oliver (1599-1658) CROSS, H. (fl. 1890s) CROWHURST, H.A. (1868-1943) CRUIKSHANK, George (1792-1878) CURE, Frederick Capel (1869-1901) CYNICUS [pseudonym of ANDERSON, Martin (1854-1932)] D'ARC, Jeanne (c.1412-1431) D'AUBIGNE, H.M. (fl. 1890s) D'URBAN, W.S.M. (1836-1933) DA FONTANA, Giovanni (c.1395-c.1455) DA VINCI, Leonardo (1452-1519) DAGUERRE, Louis (1787-1851) DALEN, Reverend J.A. (c.1847- ? ) DALLENGER, Dr (fl. 1890s) DALLMEYER, J.H. (1830-1883) DALLMEYER, T.R. (1859-1906) DANCER, John Benjamin (1812-1887) DANQUEY, Mr (fl. C19th) DARKER, Charles (c.1841-1900) DARKER, William H. (c.1812-1864) DARLING, Miss Grace (1815-1842) DARLINGTON, Ralph, F.R.G.S. (c.1860-1937) DARWIN, Charles (1809-1882) DAVID OF ISRAEL, King ( ? - ? ) DAVIDSON, Robert (fl. 1890s) DAVIES, D. (fl. 1890s) DAVIS, John (fl. 1830s) DAY, W. (fl. 1890s) DAY, Will (1873-1936) DE BEDTS, George W. (fl. 1890s) DE SELINCOURT, M. (fl. 1890s) DE VALLEMONT, Abbé Pierre (1649-1721) DEAN, Reverend P. (fl. 1890s) DELAGRANGE, Léon (1873-1910) DELLA PORTA, Giambattista (c.1535-1615) DENHAM, William (fl. 1890s) DERRY, M.S. (fl. 1890s) DESCH, E. (fl. 1850s-1910s) DESTURNAL, J.L. (fl. 1890s) DEVANT, David (1868-1941) DICKENS, Charles (1812-1870) DICKINSON, T. (fl. 1890s) DICKMAN, George (c.1846-1898) DOCKETT, Bishop (1873-1913) DOCKREE, E. (fl. 1890s) DOCWRA, Colin (1855-1942) DODSHON, J.H. (fl. 1890s) DOLBEAR, Professor A.E. (1837-1910) DORÉ, Gustave (1832-1883) DOUBELL, E.H. (1843-1928) DOUGLAS, Reverend Lord A. (fl. 1890s) DRAKE, Charles (fl. 1890s) DRESSER, A.R. (1845-1903) DREYFUS, Captain Alfred (1859-1935) DRUMMOND, Lieutenant Thomas (1797-1840) DRY, B. (fl. 1890s) DUBOSCQ, Jules (1817-1886) DUGDALE, Tony DULLER, Annet (1948-2022) DUNCAN, J. (fl. 1890s) DUNCAN, W.H. (c.1830- after 1901) DUNNETT, George (fl. 1890s) DYKE, Thomas G. (fl. 1890s) DYMOCK, Reverend John (fl. 1890s) DYSON, Elizabeth (c.1853-1935) DYSON, Joshua (1851-1910) EASON, Reverend A. (fl. 1890s) EASTMAN, Mrs E.J. (fl. 1890s) EASTMAN, E.J. (fl. 1890s) EASTMAN, George (1854-1932) EASTON, W. (fl. 1890s) EATON, F.N. (fl. 1890s) EATON, Francis (1861-1922) EBY, Reverend C.S. (fl. 1890s) EDWARD, Thomas (1814-1886) EDWARD IV, King (1442-1483) EDWARD V, King (1470-1483) EDWARD VI OF ENGLAND, King (1537-1553) EDWARD VII, King (1841-1910) EDWARDS, J. (fl. 1890s) EDWARDS, Dr J.F. Hall, L.R.C.P. (1858-1926) EDWARDS, Neville P. (fl. 1900s) ELIZABETH I, Queen (1533-1603) ELLIOTT, Hubert J. (fl. 1890s) ELSBURY, David (1935-2015) ELSBURY, Eunice (1932-2017) EMIN PASHA, Mehmet (1840-1892) ENGLAND, William (1856- ? ) EVANS, Miss A.K. (fl. 1890s) EVANS, John (fl. 1890s) EVANS, Mortimer (c.1850-1921) FAIRHEAD, Thomas (1861-c.1947) FARMER, Reverend G. (fl. 1890s) FELTHAM, Richard FINDLAY, H. (fl. 1890s) FITCHETT, Reverend W.H. (1841-1928) FITTON, T.H. (fl. 1890s) FLEMING, Reverend J.R. (fl. 1890s) FLETCHER, Reverend (fl. 1890s) FLOWER, J. Edward (fl. 1890s) FOORD, Lieut. W.L.T. (fl. 1890s) FORSTER, E.J. (fl. 1890s) FOURNET, Auguste (fl. 1860s) FOWLER, T.W. (fl. 1890s) FOWLER, W. (fl. 1890s) FOX, Frederick (fl. 1890s) FOXE, John (c.1517-1587) FRANKLIN, Reverend Canon (fl. 1890s) FRANKLIN, Sir John (1786-1847) FRASER, John (fl. 1890s) FREEMAN, Major (fl. 1890s) FRESHWATER, T.E., F.R.M.S., F.R.P.S. (1843-1918) FRIESE-GREENE, William (1855-1921) FURMAGE, James (fl. 1890s) FURNISS, Harry (1854-1925) GAIN, W.C. (fl. 1890s) GALPIN (fl. 1890s) GANZ, Thomas (1920-2018) GAPE, Herbert (fl. 1890s) GARBUTT, Ernest C. (1873-1959) GARBUTT, James W. (c.1864-1917) GARFIELD, President James A. (1831-1881) GARNIER, Perran (fl. 1870s) GEORGE V, King (1865-1936) GIBBON, F.W. (fl. 1890s) GIBSON, Reverend J.G. (fl. 1890s) GILBERT, Pat (1941-2022) GILBERT, Ray (1934-2022) GILL, Henry J. (fl. 1890s) GILL, Rosemary (1939-2020) GILLIES, James (fl. 1890s) GIMSON, Mr (fl. 1890s) GLADSTONE, Lieutenant C.E., R.N. (1855-1919) GLADSTONE, W.E., M.P. (1809-1898) GOAMAN, W.H. (fl. 1890s) GOGIN, Charles (1844-1931) GOLDSMITH, Oliver (1730-1774) GOLDTHORP, Reverend Newby (fl. 1890s) GOOLD, Eben (fl. 1890s) GORDON, General Charles George (1833-1885) GOUGH, John B. (1817-1886) GRAHAM, J.A. (fl. 1890s) GRANDIN, J.P. (fl. 1890s) GRAVELL, D. (fl. 1890s) GRAY, Frank (fl. 1890s) GRAY, Dr R.W., F.Z.S., F.R.G.S. (1864-1943) GRAY, Thomas (1716-1771) GRAY, Reverend W. (fl. 1890s) GREEN, E.T. (fl. 1890s) GREEN, James (fl. 1890s) GREEN, Thomas B. (fl. 1890s) GREGORY, E. (fl. 1890s) GREGSON, Robert (fl. 1890s) GREY, Lady Jane (c.1537-1554) GRIER, Reverend Canon R. (fl. 1890s) GRIMSHAW, Walter (1854-1896) GUINNESS, Dr Harry (1861-1915) GULLAND, J.W. (1864-1920) GUNN, Alexander ( ? - before 1939) GUYOT, Edmé-Gilles (1706-1786) GWYER, G.W. (1853-1926) GWYN, Walter (fl. 1890s) HACK, Reverend E.J. (fl. 1890s) HALL, Frank (fl. 1890s) HALL, George (fl. 1890s) HALSTEAD, B.H. (fl. 1890s) HAMILTON, Andrew (fl. 1890s) HAMILTON, J.H. (fl. 1890s) HARDMAN, T. (fl. 1890s) HARRIS, Chas. K. (1867-1930) HARRIS, G.T., F.R.P.S. (c.1858-1938) HARRISON, R.J. (fl. 1890s) HARRISON, W.H. (1840-1897) HART, Mrs A.M. (fl. 1890s) HASLER, William (fl. 1890s) HASTINGS, Charles W. (1849-1921) HAWKER, J.S. (c.1835-1915) HAWKINS (fl. 1890s) HAWKRIDGE, Samuel (1841-1902) HAYHURST, T.H. (fl. 1890s) HEARD, Dr Mervyn (1948-2017) HEARD, Mo HEATH, F.N. (fl. 1890s) HECHT, Ann (1929-2021) HECHT, Hermann (1923-1985) HEMANS, Mrs Felicia (1795-1835) HENRY IV, King (c.1366-1413) HENRY V, King (1387-1422) HENRY VI, King (1421-1471) HENRY VII, King (1457-1509) HENRY VIII, King (1491-1547) HEPWORTH, Cecil (1874-1953) HEPWORTH, T.C., F.C.S. (1844-1905) HERBERT, Stephen (1951-2023) HERMANN, Professor [pseudonym of WRIGHT, Edmund (fl. 1890s-1900s)] HERTEL, Christian Gottlieb (1683-1743) HESSBERG, Mr (fl. 1890s) HEWLETT, M.J. (fl. 1890s) HIDDON, A.M. (fl. 1890s) HIGGS, G. Bedborough (1868-1940) HIGHLEY, Samuel (1825-1900) HILL, H.J. (c.1873- after 1897) HILL, W.R. (1831-1901) HIME, Reverend A.E. (fl. 1890s) HINCHLIFFE, Miss Hannah (1887- ? ) HINE, G.H. ( ? - ? ) HODGE, John S. (1841-1911) HODGKINSON, J. (fl. 1890s) HOFFMANN, Paul (1829-1888) HOGARTH, William (1697-1764) HOLDEN, T.K. (fl. 1890s) HOLDING, E.T. (fl. 1890s) HOLDING, T.H. (1844-1930) HOLLOWS, T. (fl. 1890s) HOLT, William (fl. 1890s) HOLTBY, Reverend R. (fl. 1890s) HOOD, Thomas (1799-1845) HOOKE, Reverend Samuel (fl. 1890s) HOOPER, Quartermaster J. (fl. 1890s) HOOPER, William (fl. 1770s) HOPWOOD, Henry V. (1866-1919) HORNER, F. (fl. 1890s) HORNER, William (fl. 1830s) HORSEY, Fred (1869-1933) HORSFALL, T.C. (fl. 1890s) HORTON, Elizabeth ( ? -2017) HORTON, J.W. (fl. 1890s) HORTON, John ( ? -2017) HUBAND, Reverend H.R. (1862-1940) HUDLASS, F.W. (1874-1965) HUFF, James (fl. 1890s) HUGH, Bernhard T. (1881-1936) HUGHES, A. (fl. 1880s) HUGHES, Reverend H.T. (fl. 1890s) HUGHES, Henry (1816-1879) HUGHES, W.C. (1844-1908) HULME, Reverend Ferrier (fl. 1890s) HUTCHINS, Reverend A.G. (fl. 1890s) HUTCHINSON, F. (fl. 1890s) HUTCHINSON, J. (fl. 1890s) HUTCHINSON, W. (fl. 1890s) HUYGENS, Christiaan (1629-1695) HUYGENS, Constantijn (1596-1687) HUYGENS, Lodewijk (1631-1699) HYDE, J. (fl. 1890s) IBN AL-HAYTHAM, Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan (c.965-c.1040) IKEDA-TANAKA, Mitsue ILLINGWORTH, A.H. (fl. 1890s) ILLINGWORTH, Charles W. (fl. 1890s) INGLIS, J.C. (fl. 1890s) INGRAM, Henry B. (fl. 1890s) INNES, A. (fl. 1890s) IVES, Frederic E. (1856-1937) JAMES, G.H. (fl. 1890s) JAMES, J. (fl. 1890s) JAMESON, Dr L.S. (1853-1917) JARROTT, T. (fl. 1890s) JOBBINS, J. (fl. 1890s) JOLSON, Al (1886-1950) JONES, C.J. (fl. 1890s) JONES, Derek ( ? -2014) JONES, Reverend G. (fl. 1890s) JONES, Lloyd (fl. 1890s) JONES, Ralph (fl. 1970s) JONES, T. Parry (fl. 1890s) JUDSON, Jack (1927-2017) JUMP, Reverend (fl. 1890s) KAYS, Reverend J. (fl. 1890s) KEEVIL, Henry (c.1826-1898) KEY, J.T. (fl. 1880s) KHAN, Amir Habibullah (1872-1919) KING, Fred. (fl. 1890s) KING, T.E. (fl. 1890s) KINGSLEY, Reverend Charles (1819-1875) KIRCHER, Athanasius (1602-1680) KIRK, John (fl. 1890s) KIRKWOOD, Henry (fl. 1890s) KIRKWOOD, Stephen (c.1863- ? ) KITCHENER, Field Marshal Herbert (1850-1916) KLODT, Franz Heinrich (fl. 1890s) KNIGHT, Frank (fl. 1890s) KOENIG, Professor [pseudonym of NEW, Charles (1842-1919)] KRUGER, Paul (1825-1904) LACOMME, J.M.A. (c.1833- after 1903) LADD ( ? - ? ) LAMBERT, Mr, jun. (fl. 1890s) LAMBERT, J. (fl. 1890s) LANCASTER, John (fl. 1890s) LANDSEER, Sir Edwin (1802-1873) LANE, Reverend C. Arthur (1856- after 1908) LANGENHEIM, Frederick (1809-1879) LANGENHEIM, William (1807-1874) LANGFORD, J.A. (fl. 1890s) LANGLEY, G.W. (fl. 1890s) LAPIERRE, Auguste ( ? - ? ) LAPIERRE, Edouard ( ? - ? ) LAPIERRE, Maurice ( ? - ? ) LAPIERRE, Rene ( ? - ? ) LAWSON, R. (fl. 1890s) LAWSON, William (c.1842- after 1901) LAYFIELD, Robert (fl. 1890s) LEA, Reverend C.F. (fl. 1890s) LEAKE, Miss Marion (1900-1983) LEAR, Anita (1949-2017) LEAR, Doug ( ? -2025) LECKIE, Mrs Jeanie (1864-1944) LECKIE, Joseph A. (1866-1938) LEE, A.H. (fl. 1890s) LEE, A.H. (fl. 1890s) LEE, Edgar G. (1859-c.1915) LEE, Edward (fl. 1860s) LEES, S.O. (fl. 1890s) LEFEVRE, H.-A. (fl. 1860s-70s) LEICESTER, R.W.J. (fl. 1890s) LEITCH, Robert (fl. 1890s) LEONARD, T. (fl. 1890s) LESTER, F. (fl. 1890s) LEWIN, William (fl. 1890s) LEWIS, F.W. (fl. 1890s-1910s) LEWIS, J. (fl. 1890s) LIDBURY, Frank A. (fl. 1890s) LIDDICOAT, C. (fl. 1890s) LIEBERKÜHN, Johann Nathanael (1711-1756) LIEBERT, Alphonse (fl. 1860s) LILLY, W.R. (fl. 1890s) LINTON, Reverend W.R. (fl. 1890s) LISLEMARTIN, W. (fl. 1890s) LISTER, A. (fl. 1890s) LITHGOW, Reverend R.M. (fl. 1890s) LIVESEY, Joseph (1794-1884) LIVINGSTONE, Dr David (1813-1873) LOCKE, C.W. (1849-1925) LOESCH, F.O. (fl. 1890s) LOMAX, Alfred (1861-1937) LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882) LONGHORN, Mr (fl. 1890s) LORD, William (fl. 1890s) LUCAS, E.H. (1865-1927) LUTHER, Martin (1483-1546) LYONS, W. (fl. 1890s) LYTHGOE, Reverend G.E. (fl. 1890s) M.G.W., Reverend ( ? - ? ) MACCORMAC, J.C. (fl. 1890s) MACKAY, Reverend R. (fl. 1890s) MACKENZIE, Reverend C.C. (fl. 1890s) MACPHAIL, Reverend Peter (fl. 1890s) MADAN, H.G. (c.1839-1902) MADDER, Miles (fl. 1830s) MALDEN, B.J., F.R.G.S. (1838-1933) MALLET, Mrs L.T. (fl. 1890s) MANNION, Thomas (fl. 1890s) MANTLE, H. (fl. 1890s) MARCY, L.J. (fl. 1860s-80s) MARGERISON, W.M. (fl. 1890s) MARION, Harry ( ? - ? ) MARKS, Edward B. (1865-1945) MARSH, J. (fl. 1890s) MARTIN, James (fl. 1860s-80s) MARTIN, W. (fl. 1890s) MARTYN, Miss C.E.D. (fl. 1890s) MARY, Queen (1867-1953) MARY I OF ENGLAND, Queen (1516-1558) MARY I OF SCOTLAND, Queen (1542-1587) MASON, C.E. (fl. 1890s) MASON, G. Miles (1860-1938) MASON, R.H. (fl. 1890s) MASON, Thomas (fl. 1870s-1910s) MASON, Thomas Holmes (1877-1958) MASSEY, Stephen (fl. 1890s) MATHIESON, W.H. (fl. 1890s) MAWSON, Miss E.C. (fl. 1890s) MAY, P.H. (fl. 1890s) MAY, William R. (1835-1895) MAYHEW, Henry (1812-1887) MAZO, Elie (fl. 1890s-1910s) MCALLISTER, T.H. (1824-1898) MCAULEY, William (fl. 1890s) MCDONALD, Reverend W. (fl. 1890s) MCLELLAN, José W. (1861-1916) MCMILLAN, Reverend J. (fl. 1890s) MEAGER, Alfred (c.1858-1899) MEARS, W. (fl. 1890s) MEDLAND, J. Brandon (1846-1916) MELHUISH, T.W.W. (1856-1940) MENZIES, R.A. (fl. 1890s) MERRY, H.A. (1865-1918) MERRY, R. (fl. 1890s) MICKLEM, F. (fl. 1890s) MIDDLEBROOK, J.P. (fl. 1890s) MIDDLEBROOK, W. (fl. 1890s) MIDDLETON, Charles (c.1851- ? ) MILLAR, W. (fl. 1890s) MILLIGAN, Mrs D. (fl. 1890s) MILLIGAN, D. (fl. 1890s) MILTON, John (1608-1674) MINICI ZOTTI, Laura MITCHELL, Reverend W.A. (fl. 1890s) MOIGNO, Abbé François (1804-1884) MOLLETT, Nicole MOLTENI, Alfred (1837-1907) MONCKTON, A. (fl. 1890s) MONDY, Miss M.C. (fl. 1890s) MONTAGUE, C.J. (fl. 1890s) MONTAGUE, W. (fl. 1830s) MONTEFIORE, A. (fl. 1890s) MOORE, Miss A.D. (fl. 1890s) MOORE, J.R. (fl. 1890s) MOORE, Thomas (1779-1852) MOORHOUSE, Reverend M.B. (1840-1925) MORAN, Reverend Thomas, junior (1858-1927) MORGAN, N. (fl. 1890s) MORGAN, Ralph (c.1859-1922) MORRIS, Ron (1923-1990) MORTER, Reverend A. (fl. 1890s) MORTON, Professor ( ? - ? ) MOSS, R.J. (1854- after 1922) MUMFORD, Miss M.A. (fl. 1890s) MURPHY, G. Read (fl. 1890s) MURRAY, A.R. McLean (fl. 1890s) MURRAY, Robert C. (fl. 1890s) MUYBRIDGE, Eadweard (1830-1904) NADAUD, Octave (fl. 1860s) NANSEN, Dr Fridtjof (1861-1930) NAPIER, General Sir Robert (1810-1890) NAPOLÉON III, Emperor (1808-1873) NARES, Captain George (1831-1915) NEGRETTI, Henry (c.1818-1879) NEKES, Werner (1944-2017) NELSON, Admiral Lord Horatio (1758-1805) NETTLESHIP, Henry W. (1863-1914) NEW, Charles (1842-1919) NEW, Miss Florence Adelaide (1873-1896) NEWBOLD, J. (fl. 1890s) NEWLAND, John F. (fl. 1890s) NEWTON, Herbert (1859-1940) NEWTON, Sir Isaac, F.R.S. (1643-1727) NICHOLLS, J.W. (fl. 1890s) NIX, Josiah (1847-1924) NOAKES, D.W. (1859-1934) NOAKES, Gordon W. (1885-1958) NOBLES, Tommy (1847-1933) NOBLETT, T. (fl. 1890s) NOEL-COX, H.L.N. (fl. 1890s) NOLLET, Abbé Jean-Antoine (1700-1770) NORMAN, G.P. (fl. 1890s-1900s) NORTH, A.W. (fl. 1890s) NORTON, C. Goodwin (1858-1940) OLDHAM, Frank (fl. 1890s) OLIVER, E. (fl. 1890s) OTTWAY, John (1844-1897) OVEY, A. (fl. 1890s) OZANAM, Jacques (1640-1718) PAGE, Fid (1850- ? ) PALMER, Reverend A.W. Washington (c.1856-1925) PALMER, F. Grove (1851-1927) PALMER, Reverend W. (fl. 1890s) PARKINSON, G.R. (fl. 1890s) PARR, Mrs (fl. 1890s) PASTOR, Tony (1837-1908) PATON, Reverend C.D. (fl. 1890s) PATON, J.S. (fl. 1890s) PAUL, Saint (fl. C1st) PAUL, R.W. (1869-1943) PEARCE, F. (fl. 1890s) PEARSE, Reverend Mark Guy (1842-1930) PEARSON, J. (fl. 1890s) PEER, C.J. (fl. 1890s) PELHAM, Hon. Mrs Arthur (fl. 1890s) PEPPER, Professor J.H. (1821-1900) PERRY, C.H. (fl. 1890s) PERRY, Reverend F.E. (fl. 1890s) PETIT, Pierre (1617-1687) PETTITT, G. (fl. 1890s) PHILIPSTAHL, Paul de ( ? -c.1829) PHIPPS, W.C. (fl. 1890s) PICKERING, H. (fl. 1890s) PIGGOTT, John, junior (1847-1922) PIGGOTT, Theo. J. (1843-1892) PIGGOTT, W. Charter (1872-1943) PIGGOTT, William F. (1841-1923) PIKE, Samuel T. (c.1843-c.1912) PITMAN, C.J. (fl. 1890s) PITT, Theophilus (fl. 1890s) PLASTOW, James (fl. 1890s) POCHER, Carl Anton (fl. 1850s-60s) POCKLINGTON, H. (fl. 1890s) POLLOCK, Sir George (1928-2016) POOLE, George (fl. 1900s) POTTER, E.T. (fl. 1880s) POTTS, A.J. (fl. 1890s) PRESTON, Miss Nannie (1873-1950) PRESTWICH, J. (fl. 1890s) PRICE, F.S. (fl. 1890s) PRICE, W.S. (fl. 1890s) PRIESTLEY, Joseph (1733-1804) PRINGLE, J. (fl. 1890s) PUGSLEY, W. (fl. 1890s) PUMPHREY, H.H. (c.1857-1923) QUILTER, Reverend H.J. (fl. 1890s) QUINQUET, Antoine (1745-1803) RAE, J.B. (fl. 1890s) RAFFAN (fl. 1890s) RANDALL, Vincent (fl. 1890s) RANDS, F.E. (fl. 1890s) RANGER, H. (fl. 1890s) RANKIN, H.C.D. (fl. 1890s) RATEAU, A. (fl. 1890s) RAYMENT, Arthur (1847-1922) REDFERN, Jasper (1871-1928) REED, Thomas C. (fl. 1890s) REMISE, Jac (1927-2016) REMISE, Pascale RENDLE, Charles E. (1849-1928) REYNAUD, Emile (1844-1918) REYNOLDS, W.H. (fl. 1890s) RHODES, Cecil (1853-1902) RICHARD III, King (1452-1485) RICHARDSON, Mr (fl. 1890s) RICHARDSON, Arthur J. (1861-1941) RIDER, William (1866-1944) RIGBY, Janet (1939-2018) RIGBY, T.A. (fl. 1890s) RIGG, J.H. (fl. 1890s) RILEY, Herbert J. (1863-1941) RILEY, Willie (1866-1961) RIPLEY, John W. (1895-1996) RITCHIE, Reverend T.L. (fl. 1890s) ROBERTSON, Alex. (fl. 1890s) ROBERTSON, Etienne Gaspard (1763-1837) ROBINS, Edmund A. (1874-1957) ROBINSON, A. (fl. 1890s) ROBINSON, C.B. (fl. 1890s) ROBINSON, Frederick (fl. 1890s) ROBINSON, Reverend J.C. (fl. 1890s) ROCHE, G.W. (fl. 1890s) ROOTS, J. (fl. 1880s) ROSE, Harold (fl. 1890s) ROSS, James D. (c.1860- ? ) ROTHMULLER, Anton (fl. 1820s) ROTHWELL, Reverend G.J. (fl. 1890s) ROWBOTHAM, F.J. (fl. 1890s) ROWE, William Hannaway (1850-1934) ROWLEY, F.R. (1868-1939) ROWNTREE, A. (fl. 1890s) ROWNTREE, C.J. (fl. 1890s) RUDGE, J.A.R. (1837-1903) RUSKIN, John (1819-1900) RUSSELL, David (fl. 1890s) RUTHERFORD, W. (fl. 1890s) RUTTER, J. Farley (fl. 1890s) SALISBURY, Marquess of (1830-1903) SALOM, Bernhard (c.1791-1879) SALTER, A.E. (fl. 1890s) SAMBRIDGE, R.J. (1861-1918) SANDERS, H. Armytage (1867-1940) SANDERSON, Reverend J.G. ( ? -1895) SANDERSON, Thomas R. (fl. 1890s) SANDHAM, George (1871-1940) SANDHAM, John (1872-1929) SANDOW, Eugen (1867-1925) SAUNDERS, Alfred H. (1863-c.1937) SAUNDERS, Sydney (1837-1923) SCHERER, Major Robert W. (fl. 1970s-80s) SCHOMBERG, C.M. (fl. 1890s) SCHOTT, Kaspar (1608-1666) SCHRÖPFER, Johann Georg (1730-1774) SCHUTZ, A.R. (c.1845-1911) SCHWENTER, Daniel (1585-1636) SCOTT, Albert W. (1860-1893) SCOTT, Clement (1841-1904) SCOTT, John (1752-1838) SCOTT, John Duer (1876-1966) SCOTT, Captain Robert (1868-1912) SCOTT, W. (fl. 1890s) SCOTT, Sir Walter (1771-1832) SCRIMGEOUR, C.W. (fl. 1890s) SCRIMGEOUR, Fred. J. (1878-1947) SEE, Miss (fl. 1890s) SELWYN, Captain (fl. 1890s) SHAKESPEARE, William (1564-1616) SHEARS, Archdeacon Ernest H. (1849-1917) SHEPHERD, E. (fl. 1890s) SHEPHERD, Edward (fl. 1890s) SHIELDS, Frederic (1833-1911) SHINDLER, F.S. (fl. 1890s) SHRUBSOLE, W.H., F.G.S., F.R.M.S. (fl. 1890s) SHUTE, John T. (c.1857-1917) SHUTE, T.H. (fl. 1890s) SIMKIN, Mike (1939-2021) SIMPSON, Alfred L. ( ? -1914) SIMPSON, H. (fl. 1890s) SIMPSON, Reverend H.E. (fl. 1890s) SIMPSON, J. (fl. 1890s) SIMS, George R. (1847-1922) SKINNER, F.S. (fl. 1890s) SKINNER, G.E. (fl. 1890s) SKLADANOWSKY, Max (1863-1939) SMITH, A. (fl. 1890s) SMITH, Albert (1816-1860) SMITH, Albert C. (fl. 1890s) SMITH, D. (fl. 1890s) SMITH, David (fl. 1890s) SMITH, G. (fl. 1890s) SMITH, G. Albert, F.R.A.S. (1864-1959) SMITH, R. (fl. 1890s) SMITH, W.L. (fl. 1890s) SMYTH, Professor Piazzi (1819-1900) SNAZELLE, G.H. (1848-1912) SOLOMONS, Benjamin (fl. 1860s) SOLOMONS, Samuel (fl. 1860s) SOUTHEY, Robert (1774-1843) SPARKHALL, E. (fl. 1850s) SPENCER, J.W. (c.1856- ? ) SPENCER, Reverend Peter (1940-2022) SPITE, W.H. (1852-c.1941) SPURGE, James B. (fl. 1890s) SPURGEON, Pastor Charles H. (1834-1892) STABB, John (1864-1917) STANLEY, Henry Morton (1841-1904) STEAD, W.T. (1849-1912) STEBBINGS, W. (fl. 1890s) STEPHENSON, George (1781-1848) STERN, Joseph W. (1870-1934) STEVENSON, E.H. (1853- after 1900) STEWARD, J.H. (1817-1896) STEWART, Charles (fl. 1890s) STEWART, Charles E. (fl. 1890s) STEWART, H. (fl. 1890s) STEWART, H.M.J. (fl. 1890s) STEWART, W. (fl. 1890s) STOCKS, W. (1871-1944) STONE, John (fl. 1860s-80s) STONEMAN, L.E. (fl. 1890s) STOTT, Reverend S.W. (fl. 1890s) STRETTON, Hesba [pseudonym of SMITH, Miss Sarah (1832-1911)] STROUD, Mrs A.F. (fl. 1890s) STUART, Prince Charles Edward (1720-1788) STURM, Johann Christoph (1635-1703) STURMEY, Henry (1857-1930) SUFFIELD, M.O. (1838-1915) SURR, W. (fl. 1890s) SUTCLIFFE, W.E. (fl. 1890s) SWIFT, Jonathan (1667-1745) TANNER, H.N. (1884-1952) TAUNT, Henry W. (1842-1922) TAYLOR, A. (fl. 1890s) TAYLOR, Alexander (fl. 1890s) TAYLOR, F. (fl. 1890s) TAYLOR, Frederick (fl. 1890s) TAYLOR, George (fl. 1890s) TAYLOR, J. Hay (c.1858-1936) TAYLOR, J. Traill (1827-1895) TAYLOR, R. (fl. 1890s) TAYLOR, W. Stuart (fl. 1890s) TEAGUE, J.H. (fl. 1890s) TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord (1809-1892) THEOBALD, John (1858-1926) THEOBALD, William (1829-1908) THOMAS, George ( ? - ? ) THOMAS, H. Otto (fl. 1890s) THOMAS, John Charles ( ? - ? ) THOMPSON, Reverend J.S. (fl. 1890s) THOMSON, James (1700-1748) THOMSON, John ( ? - ? ) THOMSON, Reginald (fl. 1890s) THORNTON, J.E. (fl. 1890s) THORP, Reverend R.J. (1850-1935) TILLETT, G.W. (fl. 1890s) TIMMS, J. (fl. 1890s) TIPLADY, Joseph C. (fl. 1890s) TIPTON, James (1847-1922) TODD, R. (fl. 1890s) TOMS, H. Luscombe (c.1870-1935) TONKIN, J.P. (fl. 1890s) TRAVERS, Lindon (1850-1918) TREVOR, J. (fl. 1890s) TRUSWELL, J. (fl. 1890s) TUNSTALL, G.R. (fl. 1890s) TUSSAUD, Madame Marie (1761-1850) TWAIN, Mark [pseudonym of CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorne (1835-1910)] TWEEDIE, George R., F.C.S. (1857-1937) TYLAR, William (c.1859-1929) TYLER, Walter (1850-1909) TYNDALL, Professor John, F.R.S. (1820-1893) TYSER, Reverend E. (fl. 1890s) UNDERHILL, Alfred (1862-1939) UNDERHILL, Henry (1855-1920) UNDERWOOD, L.J. (fl. 1890s) URBAN, Charles (1867-1942) VAN ALTENA, Edward (1874-1968) VAN DALE ( ? - ? ) VAN DE WEGHE, Omer (fl. 1890s) VAN DER WALLE, Regis VAN MONCKHOVEN, Désiré (1834-1882) VAN MUSSCHENBROEK, Pieter (1692-1761) VEDY, Miss L.M. (fl. 1890s) VICTORIA, Queen (1819-1901) VIDLER, A.H. (1864-c.1949) VINER, Reverend A.J. (fl. 1890s) VIRGIL ( ? - ? ) VON UCHATIUS, Franz (1811-1881) VON ZEPPELIN, Graf Ferdinand (1838-1917) VON ZGLINICKI, Friedrich (1895-1986) VOSBURGH, Beryl (1932-2016) WAGNER, Richard (1813-1883) WAINWRIGHT, B.C. (fl. 1890s) WALBURN, A.W., F.R.P.S. (1871-1963) WALGENSTEN, Thomas Rasmussen (c.1627-1681) WALKER, T. (fl. 1890s) WALKER, W.J. (fl. 1890s) WALKER, William (c.1859-c.1937) WALL, E.J. (1860-1928) WALLACE, J. Bruce (fl. 1890s) WALLACE, General Lew (1827-1905) WALTERS, J.J. (fl. 1890s) WARBRICK, J.F. (fl. 1890s) WARD, H. Snowden (1865-1911) WARD, H.H. (fl. 1900s) WAREHAM, E.J. (fl. 1890s) WARRENER, J.M. (fl. 1890s) WASHINGTON, President George (1732-1799) WASHINGTON, J.G. (fl. 1890s) WATERS, Reverend W. (fl. 1890s) WATNEY, Reverend H.T. (fl. 1890s) WATSON, J.C. (fl. 1890s) WATSON, John (fl. 1890s) WATT, P.W. (fl. 1890s) WATTS, G.F., R.A. (1817-1904) WEATHERILL, Reverend W.H. (fl. 1890s) WEEKS, Frank F. (1845-1914) WEIR, Reverend R.W. (fl. 1890s) WELFORD, Walter D. (1857-1919) WELLINGTON, Duke of (1769-1852) WELLS, Reverend Alfred (fl. 1890s) WESLEY, Charles (1707-1788) WESLEY, John (1703-1791) WEST, Mr ( ? - ? ) WEST, A. (fl. 1890s) WEST, Alfred J., F.R.G.S. (1857-1937) WESTLEY, William (c.1807-1887) WESTON, J.C. (fl. 1890s) WHEELER, DeWitt C. ( ? - ? ) WHITE, J.W. (fl. 1890s) WILCOX, F.T. (fl. 1890s) WILKIE, Edmund H. (1857-1935) WILKINS, W.G. (fl. 1890s) WILKINSON, John (fl. 1890s) WILLIAMS, R.D. (fl. 1890s) WILLIAMS, W. Lisle (fl. 1890s) WILLIAMSON, James (1855-1933) WILLINGTON, Miss (fl. 1890s) WILLWAY, Alfred (c.1864-1912) WILSON, H. Raynar (fl. 1890s) WILSON, Reverend J. Paterson (fl. 1890s) WINDLEY, Reverend T.W. (1850-1920) WING, Thomas (1870-1930) WINKWORTH, J. (fl. 1890s) WOLFF, Philipp ( ? -1898) WOLLASTON, William Hyde (1766-1828) WOOD, A.A., F.C.S. (1846-1900) WOOD, E.G. (1811-1896) WOOD, George S. (1816-1882) WOODBURY, Walter B. (1834-1885) WOODWARD, Charles, F.R.S. (c.1789-1877) WOODWARD, David A. (fl. 1850s) WOODY, Dr Samuel E. (fl. 1890s) WOOLDRIDGE, A.J. (fl. 1890s) WOOLHOUSE, J.W. (1865-1945) WORDSWORTH, William (1770-1850) WRAY, Cecil (1866-1944) WREN, R.C. (fl. 1890s) WRENCH, Alfred (1861-1913) WRIGHT, Mrs (fl. 1890s) WRIGHT, D. (fl. 1890s) WRIGHT, Edmund (fl. 1890s-1900s) WRIGHT, Lewis (1838-1905) WRIGHT, W. (fl. 1890s) YELLOWLEES, R. (fl. 1890s) YERBURY, S.E. (fl. 1890s) YORK, Frederick (1823-1903) YORK, William (1855-1931) YOUNG, Dr Thomas (1773-1829) YOUNG, Reverend William H., Ph. D (fl. 1890s) YOUNGMAN, George (c.1835-1910) ZAHN, Johannes (1641-1707) ZAMBRA, Joseph (1822-1897)
Cities, towns etc.
any location 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Aalsmeer, Netherlands Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland Acqui Terme, Piedmont, Italy Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. Alderley Edge, Cheshire, England Alexandria, Egypt Algiers, Algeria Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain Alkmaar, Netherlands Almeria, Andalusia, Spain Amsterdam, Netherlands Antwerp, Belgium Aranjuez, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain Arnhem, Netherlands Athens, Greece Auckland, North Island, New Zealand Avila, Castilla y León, Spain Baalbek, Lebanon Baghdad, Iraq Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Barnard Castle, County Durham, England Beijing, China Berlin, Germany Biarritz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France Bilbao, País Vasco, Spain Bingen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany Birmingham, Warwickshire, England Blackpool, Lancashire, England Blankenberge, Belgium Bologna, Emilia Romagna, Italy Bolton, Lancashire, England Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Bradford, Yorkshire (West Riding), England Bramhall, Cheshire, England Bridgetown, Barbados Brighton, Sussex (East), England Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Broek-en-Waterland, Netherlands Bruges, Belgium Brussels, Belgium Budapest, Hungary Buenos Aires, Argentina Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain Cairo, Egypt Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, France Canterbury, Kent, England Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales Castleton, Derbyshire, England Ceuta, Spain Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Chester, Cheshire, England Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Chichester, Sussex (West), England Christchurch, Hampshire, England Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand Colombo, Sri Lanka Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain Cork, County Cork, Ireland Cromer, Norfolk, England Culemborg, Netherlands Damascus, Syria Dartmouth, Devon, England Deal, Kent, England Delft, Netherlands Delhi, India Den Haag, Netherlands Den Helder, Netherlands Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. Deventer, Netherlands Dordrecht, Netherlands Dresden, Sachsen, Germany Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire, Scotland Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand Durban, Natal, South Africa Durham, County Durham, England Ebbsfleet, Kent, England Edam, Netherlands Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands Eindhoven, Netherlands Ely, Cambridgeshire, England Enkhuizen, Netherlands Eversley, Hampshire, England Exeter, Devon, England Firenze, Toscano, Italy Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany Gdansk, Poland Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland Genova, Liguria, Italy Georgetown, Guyana Ghent, Belgium Gibraltar, Gibraltar Giethoorn, Netherlands Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Glastonbury, Somerset, England Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England Goes, Netherlands Gouda, Netherlands Granada, Andalusia, Spain Graz, Austria Groningen, Netherlands Guadalajara, Mexico Haarlem, Netherlands Halifax, Yorkshire (West Riding), England Hamburg, Germany Hamelin, Germany Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. Hastings, Sussex (East), England Havana, Cuba Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Helsinki, Finland Hereford, Herefordshire, England Hindeloopen, Netherlands Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Hoorn, Netherlands Huelva, Andalusia, Spain IJmuiden, Netherlands IJsselstein, Netherlands Ilfracombe, Devon, England Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria Istanbul, Turkey Jerusalem, Palestine Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa Kaliningrad, Russia Kampen, Netherlands Kandy, Sri Lanka Kansas City, Kansas, U.S.A. Katwijk aan Zee, Netherlands Khartoum, Sudan Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland Kingston, Jamaica Kolkata, West Bengal, India Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Krakatoa, Indonesia København, Denmark La Plata, Argentina Lahore, Pakistan Leeuwarden, Netherlands Leicester, Leicestershire, England Leiden, Netherlands Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany Leuven, Belgium Lichfield, Staffordshire, England Liège, Belgium Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England Lisbon, Portugal Liverpool, Lancashire, England Livorno, Toscano, Italy Loch Ness, Scotland London, England Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Lourdes, Hautes-Pyrénées, France Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland Lundy Island, Devon, England Luxembourg City, Luxembourg Luzern, Luzern, Switzerland Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany Malaga, Andalusia, Spain Manchester, Lancashire, England Manila, Philippines Marken, Netherlands Marrakesh, Morocco Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.A. Menton, Alpes-Maritimes, France Messina, Sicily, Italy Mexico City, Mexico Middelburg, Netherlands Milano, Lombardia, Italy Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. Moerdijk, Netherlands Monnikendam, Netherlands Monte Carlo, Monaco Montréal, Québec, Canada Moscow, Russia Mumbai, Maharashtra, India München, Bayern, Germany Namur, Belgium Napoli, Campania, Italy New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. New York, New York, U.S.A. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France Nijmegen, Netherlands Noordwijk, Netherlands Northampton, Northamptonshire, England Nürnberg, Bayern, Germany Oakland, California, U.S.A. Oberammergau, Bayern, Germany Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A. Oostende, Belgium Oslo, Norway Ostende, Belgium Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Oxford, Oxfordshire, England Padova, Veneto, Italy Paris, France Pasadena, California, U.S.A. Pendlebury, Lancashire, England Peterborough, Northamptonshire, England Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Piraeus, Greece Pisa, Toscano, Italy Pompeii, Campania, Italy Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa Port of Spain, Trinidad Port Said, Egypt Port Sunlight, Cheshire, England Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany Prague, Czech Republic Preston, Lancashire, England Purmerend, Netherlands Québec, Québec, Canada Ramsgate, Kent, England Riga, Latvia Ripon, Yorkshire (North Riding), England Rochester, Kent, England Rome, Lazio, Italy Roosendaal, Netherlands Rotterdam, Netherlands Salamanca, Castilla y León, Spain Salisbury, Wiltshire, England Salzburg, Austria San Francisco, California, U.S.A. San Remo, Liguria, Italy San Sebastián, País Vasco, Spain Santander, Cantabria, Spain Scarborough, Yorkshire (North Riding), England Scheveningen, Netherlands Schiedam, Netherlands Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Segovia, Castilla y León, Spain Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain Shanghai, China Sheffield, Yorkshire (West Riding), England Sheringham, Norfolk, England Siena, Toscano, Italy Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.A. Sneek, Netherlands Southampton, Hampshire, England Southport, Lancashire, England Spa, Belgium Spokane, Washington, U.S.A. St Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. St Petersburg, Russia Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Szczecin, Poland Tallinn, Estonia Tangier, Morocco Tartu, Estonia Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Toronto, Ontario, Canada Torquay, Devon, England Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany Tripoli, Libya Truro, Cornwall, England Tunis, Tunisia Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden Urk, Netherlands Utrecht, Netherlands Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain Valetta, Malta Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain Varallo Sesia, Piedmont, Italy Venezia, Veneto, Italy Verona, Veneto, Italy Versailles, Yvelines, France Vienna, Austria Vlissingen, Netherlands Volendam, Netherlands Washington, Connecticut, U.S.A. Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Waterloo, Belgium Wellington, North Island, New Zealand Wells, Somerset, England Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, England Winchester, Hampshire, England Windsor, Berkshire, England Worcester, Worcestershire, England Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England Yakima, Washington, U.S.A. York, Yorkshire, England Ypres, Belgium Zaandam, Netherlands Zandvoort, Netherlands Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain Zutphen, Netherlands Zwolle, Netherlands