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Slide set: [Expedition to Solar Eclipse 1901 Karang-Sago, Burgos 1905 and Maastricht 1912] (lecture: manufacturer unknown, 39 slides, 1905)

Descriptive data for this set (listed below slide images)
Slide 1
[photograph of phases of the sun [?]]
Slide 2
[Camp site: two temporary buildings with instruments]
Slide 3
Eclips van 1901, het kamp
Slide 4
Eclips van 1901, de Staf
Slide 5
Eclips van 1901
Slide 6**
Eclips van 1901, de Siderostaten
Slide 7
Eclips van 1901, de Prismacamera
Slide 8
Eclips van 1901, 10o fotogr. obj. Utrecht
Slide 9
[researchers taking a photograph (?) ]
Slide 10
[researchers taking a photograph - done (?) ]
Slide 11
Eclips 17 April 1912. groep Utrechtse waarnemers
Slide 12
[view of the camp site (with large Antenna?)]
Slide 13
[Map of the camp site near Karang-Sago]
Slide 14
[Man in front of house]
Slide 15
[Map of the region]
Slide 16
[Map of the island]
Slide 17
Eclips 17 April 1912. Warmtestralingstoestel
Slide 18
[photograph of phases of the sun [?]]
Slide 19
Eclips 17 April 1912. Warmtestralingstoestel
Slide 20
[three researchers / uniformed men with instrument]
Slide 21
[instruments inside a hut]
Slide 22
Eclips van 1901, equator. as met 3 camera's
Slide 23
[crossing the lake / sea]
Slide 24
[local population in parade or ceremony involving masks]
Slide 25
[Researchers and assistants for group foto]
Slide 26
Eclips van 1901, grote troep deelnemers
Slide 27
[Group photo with Indonesian Officials?]
Slide 28
[Eclips van 1901, Strandbaken]
Slide 29
[Getting from the beach to the steam ship]
Slide 30
[Photo of the solar eclipse]
Slide 31
[Photo of the full solar eclipse]
Slide 32
[Photo of the full solar eclipse]
Slide 33
[Graph relating to solar eclipse]
Slide 34
[drawings of instruments]
Slide 35
Eclips 17 April 1912. Warmtestralingstoestel
Slide 36
[Graph relating to solar eclipse]
Slide 37
[Graph relating to solar eclipse]
Slide 38
[Graph relating to solar eclipse]
Slide 39
[Graph relating to solar eclipse]
** there are alternative versions or views of this slide

JULIUS, Willem Henri  (1860-1925) – slides 11, 17, 19

NIJLAND, Professor Appie  (1868-1936) – slide 11


set of slides that were taken during the astronomical expedition to witness the solar eclipse in Karang-Sago, colonial Indonesia, in 1901 as well some slides that seem to belong to the eclipse expeditions og 1905 to Burgos, Spain and 1912 to Maastricht, Holland. The slides show mostly the eclipse camp, the set-up of instruments, and members of the expedition team. In both eclipse expeditions, astrophysicians / astronomers from Utrecht University took a prominent role.


Lucerna ID  3009185

Record created by Sarah Dellmann, Richard Crangle and Gert Wilkens. Last updated 5 March 2018

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3009185. Accessed 6 February 2025.

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