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Slide set: [Astronomy Sonnenborgh - box 01] (lecture: manufacturer unknown, 50 slides, c.1905)

Descriptive data for this set (listed below slide images)
Slide 2
Maan naar Rutherford
Slide 3
H.R. Diagram
Slide 4

no image available
Slide 5
Middeleeuws Wereldstelsel
Slide 6
Maan, foto prof. Nijland
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9

no image available
Slide 10
Zonneschijf met vlekken
Slide 11
Reeks in H.R. diagram
Slide 12
Zonneschijf met vlek
Slide 13
Slide 14
Corona van 1871
Slide 15
Zoneclips partiƫle
Slide 16

no image available
Slide 17
Protuberansen en binnencorona
Slide 18
Flash spectrum 1905, Spanje
Slide 19
Zonnevlekbeweging, 1895
Slide 20
Onregelmatige zonvormen hij ondergang
Slide 21
Schuine hemelsfeer, breedte 52˚
Slide 22
Schuine hemelsfeer, breedte 78˚
Slide 23
Evenwijdige hemelsfeer, breedte 90˚
Slide 24

no image available
Slide 25

no image available
Slide 26
Slide 27
Protuberansen, tekening Vogel
Slide 28

no image available
Slide 29
Corona van 28 Mei 1900
Slide 30

no image available
Slide 31
Corona van 28 Mei 1900
Slide 32
Eclips van 28 Mei 1900
Slide 33

no image available
Slide 48

no image available
Slide 50

no image available
Slide 51

no image available
Slide 52
Seismogram nabije aardbeving
Slide 53
Baade's asteroide
Slide 54
Protuberansen spectrum
Slide 55
Protuberansen spectra
Slide 56

no image available
Slide 58

no image available
Slide 59

no image available
Slide 61
Spectra van Sirius, Procyon, Rigel en Arcturus
Slide 62

no image available
Slide 64

no image available
Slide 65

no image available
Slide 69

no image available
Slide 70

no image available
Slide 71

no image available
Slide 72
Spectrum van beta Lyrae voor elke dag der lichtwisseling

contains [Astronomical slides by Duboscq] (lecture: Duboscq, at least 67 slides, 1876-1886)

continued by [Astronomy Sonnenborgh - box 02] (lecture: manufacturer unknown, 51 slides, c.1912)


Slides of astronomical phenomena, among then many light- and colour spectra as well as solar ecplipses from 1900 and 1905. Box contains a number of commercially produced slides by York & Son and Duboscq.

Subject keyword
Lucerna ID  3009010

Record created by Sarah Dellmann. Last updated 21 March 2017

How to cite this record: all the information in Lucerna is freely available for use for any legal non-commercial purpose. If you use any of the information or any images from this page, please credit Lucerna in the following (or an equivalent) style:

  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3009010. Accessed 9 February 2025.

All Lucerna data is published in good faith as the latest known version of the information, but without any guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness. If you can correct or add to our information, or supply any images, please Contact us.

Using images from Lucerna: all the digital images on the Lucerna site are available to use for any legal non-commercial purpose, free of charge, if you acknowledge their source and include any copyright statement as it appears under the image. The images are relatively low-resolution, and not intended for print reproduction or projection. If you need a higher-resolution version of the image(s) on this page, please Contact us to ask about availability.