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Slide set: Wee Davie (service of song: Bamforth & Co., 42 slides, 1899)

Descriptive data for this set (listed below slide images)
Slide 1**
Intro. with Title
Slide 2**
Could venture from one chair to another. Wee Davie could now walk
Slide 3
He wielded the hammer and made it ring the music of hard work
Slide 4
Meeting a few companions, 'just in a friendly way' at the public-house
Slide 5**
His father lifting him up made him stand on his knee
Slide 6**
'It's done!' he said, as he put his child down
Slide 7**
Looking up, he said, 'Thank God I am a free man'
Slide 8**
'I havena been what ye ma ca' a drunkard' he said, 'but'
Slide 9**
'Wee Davie' was also a promoter of social intercourse
Slide 10**
The old man took him on his knee
Slide 11**
Opposite to William Thorburn's door, lived an old soldier, a pensioner
Slide 12**
Wee Davie won over the old soldier also who took him on his knee
Slide 13**
At the smith's fireside he told such stories of his battles as fired the smith's enthusiasm
Slide 14**
She went upstairs to visit Mrs Ferguson
Slide 15**
Absorbed in the rays of the bright light, 'Wee Davie'
Slide 16**
His mother nursed him on her knee, and they were very anxious about him
Slide 17**
What lessons of self-sacrificing love was she taught by her little sufferer?
Slide 18**
The physician pronounced it 'a bad case, very serious case'
Slide 19
He put on his coat and stalked out of the smithy
Slide 20**
The minister was standing beside the cot of Wee Davie
Slide 21**
He heard with patience and attention all that Jeanie said
Slide 22**
William and Jeanie listened attentively to the minister
Slide 23**
As I see Him taking up little children into His loving arms
Slide 24**
The love He expressed in the giving up His life for sinners
Slide 25**
No man ever loved as Jesus Christ did
Slide 26**
Pointing to the child, he said, 'God never leaves himself without a witness'
Slide 27**
He poured forth a simple, loving, and sympathising prayer
Slide 28**
'I am glad that man came to our house, Janie,' he said
Slide 29**
'Do you know how they are?' asked the old soldier in a low voice
Slide 30**
They found Jeanie busy about her home, and William sitting on a chair
Slide 31**
He took the cloth off the boy's face in silence
Slide 32**
The old man opened the Bible and began to read
Slide 33**
His very silence was eloquent affection
Slide 34**
'Depend upon it, every true prayer is heard and answered by Him,' he replied
Slide 35**
They sat together in deep silence
Slide 36**
The smith did what he never did before. He opened the Bible and read aloud
Slide 37**
She arranged with care the white garments in which her boy was dressed
Slide 38**
As they gazed in silence, side by side, the smith felt his hand gently seized
Slide 39**
For the first time in his life he asked his wife to kneel down and join with him in prayer
Slide 40**
All assembled knelt while the minister offered prayer
Slide 41**
A flood of light steeped in glory a neighbouring range of hills
Slide 42**
William gently seized the spade, and went carefully over the green turf again
** there are alternative versions or views of this slide
Other related organisations

in stock of Gardner & Co. [1891-1920], dates unknown

in stock of P.T. M'Rostie, dates unknown

in stock of Riley Brothers, 1900-1914 (item ref. 1214)

in stock of J. Lizars, 1909 (item ref. 889)

in stock of Walter Tyler, 1909 (item ref. 1277)

in stock of J.W. Butcher, 1913

Main type of image
life model
Main usage of set
service of song
Date of first manufacture
Reading or song

James Tipton (arr. James Tipton), Wee Davie: a musically illustrated service (London and Glasgow: Bayley & Ferguson, n.d.)

Related slide set

see generic title Wee Davie (generic set title – 2 different versions are known)

People appearing in slides

BAMFORTH, James  (1842-1911) – slides 20-22, 26-27, 33-35, 40

CHRIST, Jesus  (fl. C1st) – slides 23-25


42 slides known to exist in private collection

39 slides known to exist in private collection

Lucerna ID  3001480

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 4 January 2022

How to cite this record: all the information in Lucerna is freely available for use for any legal non-commercial purpose. If you use any of the information or any images from this page, please credit Lucerna in the following (or an equivalent) style:

  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3001480. Accessed 16 February 2025.

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