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Slide set: [Manchester Museum Collection: Loch Ness Monster] (lecture: privately made, 56 slides, in/after 1961)

Descriptive data for this set (listed below slide images)
Slide 1
Disbelief / Belief
Slide 2
[Three views of coelocanth or similar fish]
Slide 3
Cartoon of man swimming with Loch Ness Monster
Slide 4
View looking westwards down the loch from a point on the south shore near the 'wall'
Slide 5
The famous tumbled ruin of Urquhart Castle, overlooking the deepest part of the loch
Slide 6
[Map of Loch Ness]
Slide 7
Loch Ness; enchanted home of monsters
Slide 8
Objects seen in Loch Ness and reported to Commander Gould
Slide 9
Objects reported by watchers of Sir Edward Mountain's expedition in 1934
Slide 10
Eleven drawings of an object under observation for two hours by the Cambridge team at Dores, July, 1961
Slide 11
Drawings published by Gould, in his book The Loch Ness Monster, of objects with supposed head and neck
Slide 12
Four drawings made by two zoologists and two animal artists of the picture conjured for them by the sighting reported by Mr Campbell
Slide 13
Mrs Greta Finlay's sketch
Slide 14
Sketch made by Mr William M. MacDonald of a moving object seen in Loch Ness on 28 April, 1952
Slide 15
Alex Campbell's sketch
Slide 16
[Photograph of object in body of water]
Slide 17
Drawing based on the first photograph to be taken of the monster, by Mr Hugh Gray, at Foyers
Slide 18
Picture of a large unidentified object which surfaced in a patch of foam near Fort Augustus
Slide 19
'The Surgeon's Photograph'
Slide 20
Pattern of waves and ripples seen by the author and one of his team opposite Foyers in June 1960
Slide 21
Waves formed by an unknown animal swimming just under the surface / Concentric ripples formed by the animal at a later stage
Slide 22
One of the most puzzling photographs taken at Loch Ness, by Mr Lachlan Stuart
Slide 23
This very important photo was taken in 1955 (late summer) by Mr P.A. MacNab
Slide 24
This enlargement of Peter O'Connor's astonishing picture shows more detail
Slide 25
Two stages in the appearance of the monster, in drawings based on stills from a film taken by Mr Malcolm Irvine on 22 December, 1933
Slide 26
[Photograph of object in body of water]
Slide 27
Through x7 binoculars I saw an oval shape lying on the surface / Suddenly it started to move
Slide 28
The monster's hump shortly after starting to move
Slide 29
Monster swings to right, still travelling slowly / Zig zag wake develops
Slide 30
[Diagram describing filming of object in Loch Ness]
Slide 31
An impression of the animal seen crossing the road near Abriachan at 1.30 a.m., January 5th, 1934
Slide 32
The animal described by Mr and Mrs Spicer seen crossing road near Dores, July 22 1933
Slide 33
An impression of the monster based on average statistics showing the two humps most commonly reported
Slide 34
Aquatic reptile Elasmosaurus -- the ultimate development in long necked Plesiosaurs
Slide 35
'Cryptocleidus Oxoniensis.' The most complete skeleton known of a long necked Plesiosaur
Slide 36
Two pages of drawings by pupils of a school at Fort Augustus of an object seen in the loch for ten minutes
Slide 37
[Wake pattern on surface of body of water]
Slide 38
[Two photographs of objects in body of water]
Slide 39
Things that can deceive
Slide 40
An unidentified object that suddenly surfaces amid a patch of foam in Loch Ness / Enlarged view of the same object
Slide 41
[Map of Loch Ness with reported positions of monsters]
Slide 42
Series of tracings, running from left to right, of an object filmed by Mr G.E. Taylor
Slide 43
Photograph by Mr H.L. Cockrell, taken near Invermoriston
Slide 44
An old tree-root on the shore of Loch Ness, looking like the head of a prehistoric monster
Slide 45
The monster's hump shortly after starting to move
Slide 46
A dinghy on Loch Ness, with an outboard motor, leaving the characteristic trail
Slide 47
[Diagram describing filming of object in Loch Ness]
Slide 48
Through x7 binoculars I saw an oval shape lying on the surface / Suddenly it started to move
Slide 49
Motor boat off Foyers / Drawing of an object which bears resemblance to the photograph of the motor boat
Slide 50
Representation of an object seen by Mrs Finlay and her son on 18 August
Slide 51
Four drawings made by two zoologists and two animal artists of the picture conjured for them by the sighting reported by Mr Campbell
Slide 52
[Otter swimming in water]
Slide 53
Diagrammatic representation of the head and neck of a long-necked animal with dark skin or fur and white throat
Slide 54
Three drawings of the animal reported on land by Mr Arthur Grant, in 1934
Slide 55
[Detail of the 'Surgeon's Photograph']
Slide 56
[Evening view of Loch Ness]

The mounting and binding style of most of these slides is similar to that in the Mythical beasts set (Lucerna 3010598), and this set may have formed a companion lecture to that one. Several slides from this set were found in the same box as the other lecture.

This lecture appears to have been given in the 1960s, and (to judge from the images) was a survey or discussion of the various claimed sightings of the ‘monster’, along with possible explanations based on animals and natural phenomena.


56 slides in Manchester Museum Collection

56 slides known to exist in private collection

Lucerna ID  3010578

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 13 October 2019

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3010578. Accessed 22 October 2024.

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