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ColosseumPaestum, interior Temple of NeptuneVenice, St Mark's and Clock TowerThe Sistine Chapel, VaticanThe Colosseum, ExteriorThe Colosseum, ExteriorInterior of the ColosseumInterior of the ColosseumBaths of CaracallaCatacombs of S. Sebastino (Galleries)Catacombs of S. Sebastino (Galleries)Chapel of Marliri Maximo, S. SebastinoChapel of Pope Marcellinus, Catacombs of St CalixtusCatacombs of St AgnesePyramid of Caius CestiusThe Cloisters of St PauloBuildings of Caligula, Palantine HillThe Capitol and Forum, from PalantineArch of Septimus SeveriusThe Mammertine PrisonThe Mammertine PrisonVesuvius, etc., from CastellammareGeneral view of Pompeii -- RestoredThe Basilica, or Hall of JusticeNorth end of the Forum -- RestoredSouth end of the Forum -- RestoredA Street Fountain -- RestoredView of the large TheatreThe Small Theatre, from the stageTemple of IsisTemple of AesculapiusCourt of the GladiatorsExcavators clearing the ruinsExcavators clearing the ruinsThe Amphitheatre, general viewThe Stabian Street, and Stepping StonesHouse of Marcus LucretiusThe Street of NolaA Wine Shop in the Street of NolaA Wine and Provision Shop -- RestoredA Wine and Provision Shop -- RestoredHouse with Columns -- RestoredTemple of Fortune -- RestoredTemple of Fortune -- RestoredThe House of PansaInterior of the House of Pansa -- RestoredHouse of SallustBronze Ornaments and Money ChestsGate of HerculaneumGate of HerculaneumGate of Herculaneum -- RestoredGate of Herculaneum -- RestoredSeat of Mamia, outside the gateThe Street of TombsThe Street of TombsVilla of DiomedeA Portico and Inner Garden -- RestoredCastellammare, from the ShorePallanza, Piazza GaribaldiBaveno from the HillsIsola Bella, the Grotto in GardensMilan Cathedral from the PiazzaMilan Cathedral from the PiazzaView on the roof of Milan CathedralSt Mark's Tower (The Campanile)Savona, Corso Princèpe AmadeoSavona, Corso Princèpe AmadeoGenoa -- the Via BalbiStatue of Columbus, etc., from the stationEruption of Vesuvius, 1872Genoa from above the Railway StationGenoa. Christopher ColumbusVenice -- Grand CanalVeniceRome -- PanoramaRome -- St Peter'sNaples -- the BayLava Plain -- VesuviusGenoaGenoaThe Bay of Naples by dayThe Bay of Naples by nightA Street in GenoaGenoa, Campo SantoVenice. Grand CanalFlorence. Church of Santa CrocePisa. Leaning TowerGenoa. Above the Railway StationGenoa. Palazzo DucaleGenoa. Christopher ColumbusView from the French AcademySt Peter's from the Vatican GallerySt Peter'sSt Peter's Facade and DomeSt Peter's Facade and DomeSt Peter's -- the InteriorThe VaticanThe VaticanChiaramonti Corridor -- the VaticanThe Vatican AriadneRuins on the Palatine HillRuins on the Palatine HillSan Lorenzo -- Outside the WallsSan Lorenzo -- Outside the WallsArch of ConstantineArch of Titus -- Bas-relief (7 Candlesticks)Arch of Titus -- Bas-relief (7 Candlesticks)Arch of Titus -- Bas-relief (the Chariots)Porta San LorenzoPorta San GiovanniBasilica of Constantine (near)Island in the TiberThe Coliseum -- the InteriorForum RomanumSanta Maria MaggioreFlorence Cathedral -- the frontTomb of Cecilia MetellaPompeii -- Temple of ApolloPompeii -- Street of AbundancePompeii -- The Small TheatrePompeii -- House of Cornelius RufoPompeii -- A Baker's ShopPompeii -- Frescoes in New HousePompeii -- House of the FawnNorth Porch and Sculptures, Cathedral, FlorenceArch of Constantine, RomeFlorence, general viewGiottio Tower and Front of Cathedral, FlorenceGrand Canal, VeniceSt Peter's and the VaticanInterior of St Peter'sTemple of Vesta and FountainCloister of St PaulThe Approach to VeniceThe Roman Forum from the West'Cave Canem'St Mark's Facade, General ViewPiazzettaOld Town, Harbour, and Sanctuary Hill, San RemoRuined Houses from late Earthquake, San RemoDucal Palace, GenoaRome from Trinita del MontiRuins on the Palatine (Domus Flavius)Council of TrentThe City of TrentRome, Forum in Ruins[Grand Canal, Venice -- day][Grand Canal, Venice -- night, not illuminated]Naples with view of Vesuvius in the distanceNaples with view of Vesuvius in the distanceVaticanThe ColoseumVenice: Ducal PalaceFirenzeFirenzeFirenzeFirenzeLuccaGenoaA Little GenoeseGenoaGenoa -- CourtyardGenoa -- HarbourPisa -- DuomoPisaPisa -- Apse of DuomoPisa -- Leaning TowerPisaPisaPisa from Top of TowerPisa -- CitadellaPisa -- FisherPisa -- Santa Maria della Spina, 1230Leghorn -- CathedralLeghorn -- SeaSienaSienaSienaSiena -- old wellSiena -- Arco S. Giuseppe and Palazzo PublicoSiena -- Race of the Palio, Aug. 15Siena -- Fonte NuovaTurin -- PoTurinTurinFiesole -- Fra ClementinoFiesole -- Etruscan WallsFiesole -- AmphitheatreFiesole -- MonasteryFiesole -- AmphitheatreBologna -- MarketSienaBridge and Castle of St Angelo, RomePope Blessing, St Peter's, RomeInterior of St John Lateran ChurchInterior of St Peter's, RomeTemple of ForumRome from the CapitolView -- the Arch of Severus, RomeAppian Way, RomeColumbariaGenii of Death, RomeRomeGenoa, a StreetRailway traversed by large Lava Stream which has buried signal-house one storey deep and caused rails to buckle by expansion (27th April, 1906)Great Cone of Vesuvius, seen from the Atrio, beneath N.W. limb of Somma escarpment, showing the new truncation and the baranco scoring of the sides as the result of the dry slip of the fragmentary ejeGreat Cone of Vesuvius showing its truncation as seen from Punta del Nasone, Somma (4th May, 1906)East End of Escarpment of Somma. Screes increased and added to by the new ejecta. Curious lines due to the subsequent rainLooking up the Atrio del Cavallo, showing the Great Cone, the Colle Umberto, and the slopes of Somma buried in lapilli and dust (ash) (4th May, 1906)Collapse and Slipping S.S.W. side of Great Cone of Vesuvius over point of issue of the first lava stream. Taken from the PedimentinaGreat Cone, as seen from Punta del Nasone on 4th May, 1906, at the time of a dust explosionN.N.E. Side of the Great Cone of Vesuvius, showing rift (30th April, 1906)Bridge near Boscotrecase being pushed bodily on by lava that was too viscous to drain entirely through it (28th April, 1906)First Photo Panorama of Crater after the Eruption. Taken from the N.N.E. lip (4th May, 1906)Vesuvius, at the beginning of the Christian eraA corner in VeniceThe Church of the Frari and School of San Rocco, VeniceLago Maggiore. Isola Bella.Mailand. Friedens-Tor.Mailand. Domplatz.Genua. Piazza Principe.Genua. Doria Palast.Genua. Corso Aurelia Saffi.Genua, vom Hafen gesehen.San Remo. Panorama.Pisa. Der schiefe Turm.Pisa. Babtisterium, Dom und schiefer Turm.Florenz. Signora Platz.Florenz. An der Vecchio Brücke.Florenz. Dom, Vorderfront.Bologna. Nottimo Platz.Verona. Kirche St. Anastasia und Denkm. Paolo Veronese.Venedig. St. Markuskirche.Venedig. Königliches Schloss.Venedig. Dogenpalast.Venedig. Schiavoni Ufer.Venedig. Denkmal Collenoni.Venedig. Brücke bei der Strasse '22. Marzo'.Venedig. Kirche St. Salute.Venedig. Der grosse Canal.Venedig. Rialto Brücke.Rom. St.Peterskirche.Rom. Engelsbrücke und -Burg.Rom. Das Pantheon.Rom. Popolo Platz.Rom. Das Capitol.Rom. Forum Romanum.Rom. Titus Bogen.Rom. Konstantinsbogen.Rom. Colosseum.Rom. Forum Trajanum.Neapel. Victoria Platz.Neapel. Strada Santa Lucia.Posilipo bei Neapel.Pompeji. Forum Civile.Pomeji. Forum Strasse.Messina. Victor Emanuel Strasse.Messina. Rathausplatz.Taormina. Griechisches Theater.Catania. Der Dom.Palermo. Königliches Schloss.Palermo. Der Dom.Monreale. Der Dom.BrixenTriest. Panorama.Triest. Panorama.[Cloisters of Brixen/Bressanone Cathedral][Cloisters of Brixen/Bressanone Cathedral][Frescoes in cloisters of Brixen/Bressanone Cathedral][Frescoes in cloisters of Brixen/Bressanone Cathedral][Statue of saint in street in Brixen/Bressanone][View of Brixen, South Tyrol, Italy]S. Glacier de MiageS. Glacier de MiageAig. de Bionassay from arrête to Mt. Blanc Mt. Blanc from top of Bionassay arrête From GrivolaTula Cliffs, E. of the Cala di TrentareniAscent of Mt. EmiliusMt. Blanc de Courmayeur from top of Mt. BlancSterzingChioggiaNaplesPlan of PompeiiStreet of Tombs, Pompeii[Unidentified street in Pompeii]General View, PompeiiA Street in PompeiiThe Basilica, Pompeii[Diagram of column construction in Pompeii]Street of Mercury, PompeiiPanorama of the Forum, PompeiiCasa di Diomede, PompeiiAmphitheatre, PompeiiPorte de HerculaneumThe Forum, PompeiiMaison du Meleagre, PompeiiPanoramic View, Temple of VenusTemple of Jupiter and a Street in PompeiiVue du Forum, PompeiiTemple of Mercury, PompeiiLava Flow, Val d'Enfer, PompeiiColonnade, Temple of Venus, PompeiiArch, Temple of Jupiter, PompeiiAmphitheatre and Vesuvius, PompeiiRuines de l'Hotellerie, PompeiiPompeii, General ViewHouse of the Poet, PompeiiHouse of Lucrezia, PompeiiHouse of Marco Oleonio, PompeiiStreet of Stabia, PompeiiThe Basilica, PompeiiHouse of Cornelius Ruffo, PompeiiTemple of Jupiter, PompeiiThe Bakery, PompeiiHouse of the Shell Fountain, PompeiiHouse of the Faun, PompeiiTemple of Isis, PompeiiMaison du Quaestor, PompeiiHerculaneum -- From an Original Sketch[Mausoleum of Alessandro Volta, Como][Mausoleum of Alessandro Volta, Como, interior]Pompeii -- Wine ShopPompeii -- AmphitheatrePompeii -- Great Theatre StagePompeii -- Oil VatsView of a Cook's Shop restoredMaison de Pansa, PompeiiPompeii -- House of the FaunPompeiiPompeii from the AirExcavated ruins in PompeiiReconstruction of Pompeiian House, e.g. House of MenanderPompeii -- House of the FaunLa Casa del Fauno, PompeiPompeii -- Villa of DiomedesPompeii -- Casa de Marco OlcanioPompeii -- House of MeleagerStreet in PompeiiPompeii -- Strada di MercurioPompeii -- Strada di NolaPompeii -- Via di StabiaPompeii -- Via dell' AbbondanzaPompeii -- Temple of ApolloPompeii Ruins and VesuviusPompeiiPompeii -- Triangular ForumPompeii -- Forum with Temple of JovePompeii -- Forum StatuaryPompeii -- ForumPompeii -- ForumPompeii -- Forum -- GeneralPompeii -- Forum -- GeneralPompeii -- Forum -- General ViewPompeii -- Top of the ForumPompeii - The Small Theatre (Odeum)Pompeii -- Via di StabiaPompeii -- Triangular Forum PropyleumPompeii -- Jugs, Lamps and VasesPompeii -- A HypocaustPompeii -- Plaster Cast of BodyPompeii -- Stabian BathsPompeii -- Reconstruction of TombsArch of Mercury, PompeiiPompeiiPompeii -- Stabian BathsPompeii -- Basilica InteriorPompeii -- Temple of IsisPompeii -- Temple of IsisPompeii -- Temple of VenusVesuvius -- Map of ConeVesuvius -- Crater from AirVesuvius -- Section -- GeneralVesuvius -- lava stream 1936Vesuvius from ResinaVesuvius -- FuniculaPompeii -- BakeryPompeii -- Bakery[Venice: view][Bauten etc. aus München 9-12][Berühmte Kirchenbauten 1-4][Berühmte Kirchenbauten 1-4][Berühmte Kirchenbauten 5-8][Berühmte Kirchenbauten 9-12]Église St-Paul hors les mursL'absideVue prise du choeurLes bas-côtésLe choeurLe bénitierLe maître autel, la confessionLa statue de St. PaulCierge pascal, 13e siècleColonnade du cloîtreSanta Maria de la Salute[Piazza di Spagna, Rome]Pisa. La Torre inclinadaPompeya. La casa del VechiNápoles. Castillo nuevoSicilia. TemplosVesubio. Erupción de 1906A Monk guide to the CatacombsA domed chamber in the Catacombs of S. CallixtusEarly Christian Painting of 'Summer' on the CeilingPompeii -- The ForumVenedig, PanoramaSizilien: Catania Hafen mit Blick auf den ÄtnaComersee: OlivenbäumeCastel Sant'AngeloBrolladors de la Plassa de St. Pere[Grand Canal, Venice][Female figure with gondola and Venice in background]Volcanoes -- Destruction of PompeiiBay of NaplesPompeiiAnother view of the Bay of Naples[San Marco, Venezia]Ravenna[Unidentified palazzo in Venice]San Miniato, Florence[Slide title unknown]Bordighera, Italy, Centre of Old TownBordigheraBordighera, The Genoese GateBordighera Cemetery, All Souls DayBordighera, an Olive GroveApricale, Bordighera, ItalyApricale, near Bordighera, ItalyApricale, near Bordighera, Italy, Piazza and ChurchSan RemoSan Remo, Italy, One of the Old Town GatesBordighera, Villa Almora, the home of Colonel SmythBordighera, All Saints English ChurchVentimiglia, Romanesque Church of San MicheleVentimigliaAirole, 10 miles from BordigheraBridge, Airole, Ten Miles from BordigheraRoad Tunnel, Airole, Bordighera, ItalyAirole, Ventimiglia, Road TunnelBordighera, Large Scale Map of DistrictApricale, Distant ViewAll Saints Church, BordigheraBordighera, Old Town, Remains of Ancient Town WallsBordighera, Mostaccini TowerBordighera, on the Acqueduct WalkBordighera, Bridge at Far End of the Acqueduct WalkBordighera, waterfall at far end of the aqueduct walkBordighera, Olive Trees, 'Peter and Paul'Bordighera, Old Olive Trees, 'Peter and Paul'Bordighera, curious natural 'Rock Wall' on path from Sasso to SeborgaVentimiglia, General View of Town from NorthVentimiglia, Italy, the CathedralVentimigliaBorghetto Valley, Bordighera, Log BridgePorta Canarda, VentimigliaFlorence, River and BridgesFlorence, Panorama on the RiverNaples, General View from San MartinoNaples, Villa NazionaleNaples, Near NisidaNaples, Near NisidaFlorence, River and BridgesFlorence, General View, River etc.Florence, River, Bridges and DuomoFlorence, Façade of CathedralFlorence, Campanile of DuomoFlorence, Loggia Dei LanziFlorence, Statue of DantePompeii, The AmphitheatrePompeii, The BasilicaPompeii, Fountain in Mosaic, Casa dell' OrsoPompeii, Forum, Left AislePompeii, Left Side of ForumPompeii, Strada del' AbbondanzaStrada di Stabbia, PompeiiPompeii, Casa Cornelio RuffoPompeii, Temple of FamePompeii. Remains of BoyPompeii, The Forum 2Pompeii, General View of ForumPompeii, Pedestals, Casa Cornelio RuffoPompeii, Old man discovered 1873Pompeii, Strada del Mercurio, Triumphal ArchThe Ancient Emblem of the City of NaplesNaples, Largo PalazzoPompeii, Statue of NeroFlorence, Palazzo VecchioFlorence, Palazzo VecchioFlorence, Palazzo VecchioPompeii, House of FaunusVenice, Campanile Ruins No. 1, 1902Venice, Campanile Ruins No. 2, 1902Venice, On the Grand Canal near The Rialto BridgeVenice, Typical View of CanalVenice, Canal St MargheritaVenice, Entrance to Doges PalaceVenice, St Mark's InteriorVenice, Rialto Bridge, Near ViewVenice, Rialto BridgeVenice, Rialto Bridge, Near ViewSt Mark's Campanile and FaçadeVenice, Old Columns Near St MarksVenice, Canal St MargheritaVenice, Rialto Bridge, Distant ViewVenice,  On the Grand CanalVenice, Grand CanalVenice, The Grand Canal showing Church of Santa Maria di SaluteVenice, General View Across CanalVenice, Façade of St MarksVenice, The Doges Palace etc.Venice, The Doges Palace, Corner ViewVenice, Ca' D'OroVenice, Piazza S. MarcoVenice, Bridge of SighsVenice, Lion of St MarkVenice, Rialto BridgeVenice, The Scala MinellaVenice, Ruins after the fall of the great Campanile of St MarkVenice, Ruins of the Campanile of St Marks after its fall in 1902Rome, Panorama, TiberForum de Trajan, RomeRome, St Peter's, The FaçadeEgypt, Pyramid of CeetusRome, Interior St Peter'sRome, Statue of St PeterRome, Interior of Church of St PaulRome, The Coliseum, ExteriorRome, Colosseum, ExteriorRome, Colosseum, InteriorRome, Ruins of the ForumRome, The ForumRome, Basilica JuliaRome, Bridge and Castle of San AngeloRome, Arch of ConstantineThe Arch of TitusRome, The Appian WayRome, The PantheonPisa, General View of TownBrindisi, Virgil's HouseRome, Cloisters of Church of S. PaulPaestum, Temple of NeptuneGenoa, Cathedral FaçadeRome, Capuchin Convent, 1st RoomRome, Capuchin Convent, 2nd RoomRome, Capuchin Convent, 3rd RoomRome, Capuchin Convent, 4th RoomVerona, AmphitheatreRome, Temple of Vesta and House of RienzaItaly, Milan Cathedral from S.W.Rome, Colosseum InteriorRome, Interior of ColosseumMilan CathedralVenice, E.W.W and E.M.W in GondolaVenice, In Piazza S. MarcoMount Vesuvius -- DayMount Vesuvius -- NightMount Vesuvius -- in EruptionMap of Genoa, 1841Port of GenoaBank of St George, GenoaGenoa and its SuburbsRoutes of Commerce of ItalyBird's-eye view of part of GenoaMonument containing the Deposit of Historical Documents relating to Columbus, Municipal Palace, GenoaHouse of Columbus at GenoaHouse in which Columbus was born at GenoaGenoa -- Santa Maria della Vigne[Map of Genoa, 1841]Genoa DistrictMap of Genoa Port from 'Port of Genoa'Columbus Memorial, GenoaColumbus Memorial, Genoa -- 1Columbus Memorial, Genoa -- 2Columbus Memorial, Genoa -- 3Columbus Memorial, Genoa -- 4Cathedral Door, GenoaGenoa from Doria VillaDoria Villa GardenGateway, GenoaRoom in Municipal Palace -- Honour of 'Duchess di Galliara'Andrea D'Oria's Palace in the Piazza di S. MatteoDoorway -- S. Matteo Palace[Campo Santo, Genoa]Bank of St GeorgeGenoa -- Bank of St GeorgeHouse in which Columbus was bornTop of Vesuvius in EruptionBoscotrecase -- Lava across streetVesuvius Crater (1910) less steamVesuvius March 1910Boscotrecase -- End of Lava StreamBoscotrecase Lava -- VesuviusBoscotrecase -- Lava of 1906Boscotrecase. Lava Quarry in streetGeneral view of Naples -- Vesuvius[General view of Naples -- Vesuvius][Forum of Pompeii with Vesuvius in background][Three plaster casts of corpses from Pompeii]Catacombs of S. Domitilla, Church of SS. Nereus and AchelleusChurch of St Clementi, The ScreenChurch of St Clementi, The Apse, from the ScreenRome, Interior of the CatacombsRome. Catacombs of Capuchin Church, showing arrangement of bones[Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown]Saint Pierre de RomeDuomo, FlorenceLa Scala-SantaRome. ForumRome. Prison MomertineRomePompeï. Temple de VénusItalie. Saint Pierre, RomeRome. Fontaine TréviRome. Villa MédicisLe Panthéon (Rome)St Laurent hors les Murs, RomeColysée (Extérieur)[Panoramic view of ruined houses, Pompeii][Ruins of large theatre, Pompeii]Rome. Eglise de la Trinité des MontsIntérieur de Saint Paul hors les murs, RomeLa place ColonnéeRome. Saint Pierre, La chaireRome. Palais du Vatican, Salle ImmaculataRome. Saint Jean de LatranRome. Intérieur de Saint Jean de LatranRome. Tombeau de Jules IIRome. Le CapitoleRome. Eglise Sainte AgnèsRome. Le CorsoVenedig. SeufzerbrückeRome. Cours du Tibre ou le Fort St JeanPompeï. Maison du boulangerPompeï. La rue des balconsPompeï. Fontaine de l'abondanceMaison des noces d'argentPompeï. Maison du FauneVenise. Eglise San GeremioRome. Cloître St-Jean de LatranRome. Cloître St-Paul hors les MursRome. Le Colisée et Arc de TitusRome. Sainte Marie MajeureRome. Via AppienneLa Chartreuse d'Ema. Le CloîtreMaison de DiomèdeRome, arc de Constantin et ColyséePanini -- Intérieur de St-Pierre, RomeLe Mausolié d'Hadrien, RomeVue intérieure du ColiséeTemple de Cérès (Demeter), PaestumTemple de Neptune (Poseidon), PaestumGalerie extérieure d'un Temple, PaestumLa Basilique, PaestumTemple de la Fortune virile, RomeRome. Porte majeureLe Cratère du VesuveLes LavesRome. Thermes de CaracallaThermes de Caracalla, RomeRome. Le Forum romanumRome. Arc de TitusRome. Le [...]Temple d'Antoninus et de Faustine, RomeArc de Constantin, RomeRome. Le ColiséeVue intérieure du ColiséeRome. La Colonne TrajanePyramide de C. Cestius, RomeIntérieur du Panthéon, RomePanthéon d'Agrippa, RomeTombeau de Cécilia Métella, Env. de RomeLa Voie Appienne. Aqueduc dans la Campagne de RomeRome. Villa HadrianaBas-relief de l'Arc de TitusAschenkegel des VesuvAschenbedeckte Vesuvlandschaft[Interior of St Peter's, Rome]Interno Cappella SistinaPanorama di RomaInterno di S. PietroInterno di S. PietroRoma -- ColombariRoma -- S. Pietro e TevereInterno del PantheonRoma -- Giardino PapaleCathédrale Saint-Janvier (extérieur)Chartreuse de Saint-Martin. Le cloîtreChâteau Saint-ElmeBourg de Lacco-ForioMessine. Portail de la cathédralePalerme. CathédralePalerme. Portail occidentalPalerme. Palais de l'archevêquePalerme. Le môle et le mont PellegrinoPalerme. Le char de sainte RosaliePalerme. Les carretineMonreale. CloîtreLa salle ducalePorte Pia, RomeItalie. Costumes de Soldat de l'armée du PapeBibliothèque du Vatican, RomeBrindisi
Lucerna ID 1504970

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 23 April 2020

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