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A Street in PatrasAthens, general viewWest front of the ParthenonWest front of the ParthenonThe Parthenon from North EastAncient AthensAthens, from Mar's HillE. Front of ParthenonTemple of VictoryPropylaeaTheatre of DionysiusOlympiumAthens, The Erectheum, The CaryatidesThe Acropolis at CorinthAthens -- ErechtheumCorinth -- Temple of NeptuneTheatre of Bacchus, State ChairThe Parthenon, AthensCorinthTheatre of Bacchus, AthensPatras. Hafen.Patras. Hafen.Piräus, der Hafen von Athen.Piräus, der Hafen von Athen.Athen, von der Sternwarte gesehen.Athen, von der Sternwarte gesehen.Athen. Gräberstrasse.Athen. Gräberstrasse.Athen. Theater des Dionysos.Athen. Akropolis, Südseite.Athen. Akropolis, Südseite.Athen, Parthenon, Westseite.Athen, Parthenon, Westseite.Athen, Parthenon, Ostflügel.Athen, Parthenon, Ostflügel.Athen. Propylaen.Athen. Propylaen.Athen. Erechtheion.Athen. Erechtheion.Athen. Olympeion.Athen. Olympeion.Athen. Hadrian's Tor.Athen. Hadrian's Tor.Map of TurkeyAthens. The Acropolis. The ParthenonAthens. Entrance to propylea of the AcropolisAthens. View of City from Acropolis showing hill of PenticlonAthens. Hill of the Areopagus (left foreground)Athens. Near view of the hill of the Areopagus (Mars hill)Athens. Temple of Jupiter in the CityAthens. Theatre of DionysusAthens. Propylea to Acropolis from Temple of MinaurAtenas. Templo de la VictoriaAcrocorinthe. GrèceRodesRodesBadia RodesRodes Castell CreuatsRodesAtenes Bachus CariàtidesAthens, Ancient Greek TheatreAthens, The AcropolisAthens, The AcropolisSmall Temple of Victory, AthensLa Pirée, AthènesTemple de Thesée, AthènesLe Parthénon, AthènesAthènes, Temple de ThéséeMonument choragique de Lysicrate, AthènesFaçade des Propylées, AthènesTribune des Cariatides, AthènesPortique d'Hadrien, AthènesThéâtre d'Herode, AthènesAthènes moderne, vue prise de l'AcropoleAthènes, Perspective de l'AcropoleLa Tour des Vents, AthènesTemple de Philopappos, AthènesTemple de Jupiter Olympien, AthènesAthènes, Type de l'order CorinthienTemple de la Victoire [...] Entrée de l'AcropoleType de l'ordre ionique, AthènesL'Erechtéion, AthènesPlan d'Athènes ancienne et Plan de l'AcropoleLe Plateau et l'Acropole, AthènesThéâtre de Dionysos, Athènes
Lucerna ID 1504869

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 20 February 2011

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 1504869. Accessed 27 July 2024.

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