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Devon, England

Slide images showing this location (1233)
Exeter Cathedral, from W.Exeter Cathedral, Choir, looking E.Exeter Cathedral, W. Doorway & ScreenExeter Cathedral, W. Doorway & ScreenExeter Cathedral, from Bishop's PalaceExeter Cathedral, Pulpit in NaveExeter Cathedral, Choir ScreenExeter Cathedral, Choir, looking W.Exeter Cathedral, Lady Chapel'With foaming spray the billows rear''With foaming spray the billows rear''With foaming spray the billows rear'Lynmouth, from the BridgeEast Lyn at WatersmeetThe Mouth of the LynThe Mouth of the LynIlfracombe from HillsboroughIlfracombe from Capstan HillBeach at IlfracombeBeach at IlfracombeWestward Ho! from the Pebble RidgeClovelly from the PierStreet in Clovelly, looking upStreet in Clovelly, looking upStreet in Clovelly, looking downStreet in Clovelly, looking downTorrington, from the Castle HillTorrington, from the Castle HillOkehampton -- General ViewChagford from the HillsOld Water Mill at ChagfordOld Water Mill at ChagfordOld Water Mill at ChagfordTavistock -- General ViewTavistock -- The Abbey BuildingsLydford WaterfallPlymouth -- View from the HoePlymouth -- View from the HoePlymouth Hoe from the PierPlymouth -- The GuildhallIvybridge -- View on the River ErmeIvybridge -- View on the River ErmeTotnes -- the High StreetBerry Pomeroy CastleBerry Pomeroy Castle -- interiorView up the Dart from DartmouthView up the Dart from DartmouthKingswear from DartmouthKingswear from DartmouthBrixham -- the Harbour, etc.Brixham TrawlersTorquay and the HarbourNatural Arch, TorquayNatural Arch, TorquayAnstis Cove, near TorquayDawlish from the West CliffExeter Cathedral -- The West FrontEddystone LighthouseEddystone LighthouseExeter. West frontExeter. Nave, looking eastPlymouth -- Citadel GateIvybridgeAnstey's CoveCockingtonPuffins -- North End, LundyBridled Guillemot -- LundyGuillemots on Devils Chimney, LundyGuillemots and Razorbills at LundyKittiwakes Gully, LundyRazorbills -- North End, LundyRazorbills, LundyFulmar Petrel, LundyHoopoe, LundyGreat Skua -- off LundyGreater Blackback Gull, Lundy[Eddystone Lighthouse -- night]Ilfracombe HotelIlfracombe from Beacon HillRiver at Watersmeet, East LynView at Watersmeet, East LynGroup of Fishermen at ClovellyClovellyLynmouthExeter -- 1587 A.D.Plan, Walled ExeterMap of Exeter CastleA plan of Rougemont CastleTower on the City Wall[Carving of royal coat of arms]Broad GateBroad GateNorth Gate, ExeterNorth GateEast Gate, Exeter, demolished in 1784 A.D.East GateWest GateSouth Gate, ExeterBygone Exeter -- Holy Trinity Church and Southgate, 1800South Gate, ExeterWater Gate, Exeter427 yards -- plan of Exeter Underground PassagesCross Sections of the Exeter Underground PassagesPlans Exeter underground chambers (East Gate)Exeter undergound -- St John's HospitalPlan of Cathedral Precincts circa 1599South Tower of Exeter CathedralFrozen River ExeN.W. View of Exeter CathedralExeter CathedralFifth November, ExeterExeter Cathedral from the Bishop's GardenExeter CathedralExeter CathedralExeter CathedralExeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, no organMural Painting, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral CloseView of the College looking eastSt Mary's Chapel, formerly in the Castle Yard, ExeterChapel and Hospital of St John, ExeterSaint John's Hospital ExeterBygone Exeter -- St Mary Major, 1864St David's Church, ExeterAll Hallows on the WallSt Sidwell's Church, ExeterBygone Exeter -- Dunsford GateBygone Exeter -- Red Cow Turnpike GateBygone Exeter -- Stoke Hill Turnpike GateBygone Exeter -- Mount Radford Turnpike GateBygone Exeter -- Okehampton Turnpike GateBlackboy Turnpike GateSt Peter, ExeterThe Subscription Rooms and New London Inn, ExeterOld Fountain, SouthernhayOld Goldsmith StreetCathedral Close, ExeterPost Office, 1791West View of the Great Conduit at Carfoix, taken down 1770Conduit, South StreetButcher Row, ExeterThe Baths, Southernhay, ExeterAncient Guildhall in Waterbear StreetThe Guildhall, ExeterGuildhall, Fore Street, ExeterAncient House, ExeterCentral SchoolWhite Hart YardFront of the King John Tavern, South Street ExeterOld Bridge, ExeterOld Houses, Exeter, over the LeatOld Exe Bridge, ExeterExe Bridge, ExeterNorthernhay, ExeterThe Barnfield, ExeterExeter, from Clifton HillExeter from Barnfield RoadView of Exeter, from the hill of PennsylvaniaExeter, from Cowick HillThe House of Correction for the County of Devon, ExeterExeter, from Exwick Hill[New London Hotel, Exeter]In the New London HotelBygone HustingsMile End Cottage, AlphingtonExeter misericordExeter misericord -- Stiff LeafExeter misericord -- Masko on the finialsMisericord. Exeter. E. English (in the Library)Misericord. Exeter. E. English. 1220-1230Misericord. Exeter. E. English. 1220-1230Exeter MisericordMisericord. Exeter. E. English. 1220-1230Exeter Misericord -- Man throwing weightMisericord. A Goblin. ExeterExeter Misericord -- Savage ManExeter Misericord -- Knight versus MonkeyMisericord: half woman half bird monster. ExeterMisericord. Exeter. E. English. 1240-1250Exeter Misericord -- Knight versus DragonMisericord. Bird Sirens. Early English. ExeterExeter Misericord -- Female CentaurExeter Misericord -- Swan and Boat (Lohengrin)Misericord: E. English throughout. ExeterExeter Misericord -- Gloved handsMisericord: Decoration -- Exeter CathedralMisericord: Two Fishes. ExeterExeter Misericord -- The ElephantMisericord -- Mermaid and fish -- ExeterExeter Misericord -- AristotleMisericord. Exeter. E. English. 1250-1260Exeter MisericordMisericord. Exeter. E.E. and Italian. 1240-1250Misericord: Decoration from mask. ExeterMisericord: Branch from dragon's mouth. ExeterMisericord: Descent of soul into Hell -- ExeterMisericord: Bird Sirens and Fleur-de-lis (classical). Exeter CathedralMiscericord: Masks and stems Italian -- rest E.E. ExeterExeter MisericordMisericord. Exeter. E.E. and Italian. 1250-1260Misericord: Italian and Early English. ExeterMisericord: 15th Century. ExeterMisericord. Exeter. E.E. and Italian. 1260-1270Exeter MisericordExeter Misericord -- Man playing Pipe and TaborMisericord: Centaur (Male). ExeterMisericord. Exeter. E.E. and Decorated. 1250Misericord. A Lion -- Exeter CathedralMisericord. Exeter. E.E. and Decorated. 1250-1260Misericord: Maple leaves -- ExeterMisericord -- Exeter -- E.E. and DecoratedExeter Misericord -- Cockatrice and AspMisericord -- Two Doves -- Exeter CathedralMisericord. Mermaid Merman and Moon. ExeterExeter MisericordStall shewing Misericord -- ExeterCleavage in Culm; near Lustleigh, DartmoorContorted limestone band; IlfracombeRaised Beach; Hope's Nose, TorquayIn Lydford Gorge (a chasm)Ilfracombe Harbour. EveningIn Lydford GorgeLydford GorgeThe last of the Gorge -- LydfordIn Lydford GorgeLydford GorgeSunset. ExmouthSunset. ExmouthSunset at ExmouthSunset. ExmouthSunset. ExmouthSunset at ExmouthSunset. ExmouthSunset. ExmouthEvening at ShaldonOn the way to Dartmoor from LydfordThe audience, TeignmouthSeaside fun, ExmouthCrossing the river, LydfordOn Teignmouth SandsUp the Lyn, LynmouthDawlish -- Spring TideLynton train at BarnstapleOn the way to LyntonSunset at ExmouthSunset, ExmouthSeaside fun, ExmouthSheep Shearing Contest, 1st Prize Winner -- Mr Ayers' Farm, Black DogMr Ayer Shearing (Ernest Rouse helping)Sunset, ExmouthIn Lydford GorgeThe Waterfall, Lydford GorgeIn Glen Lyn, LynmouthIn Lydford GorgeCrossing the river Lyd, Lydford GorgeIn Glen Lyn, LynmouthUp the Lyn, LynmouthIn Glen Lyn, LynmouthThe Cascade at WatersmeetWatersmeet, LynmouthWatersmeet, LynmouthIn Glen Lyn, LynmouthThe Cascade, WatersmeetOn the way to Watersmeet, LynmouthMyrtleberry, LynmouthLynmouthThe Cliff Railway, LynmouthLynmouth -- The main streetDrake's Statue, PlymouthHomeward bound, TorquayDartmouth Castle and ChurchOld Dartmouth housesDartmouth Castle, DevonFingle Bridge, DevonA Rock Pool, TorquayA close finish, TeignmouthModel Yacht Pool, TorquayDawlish -- Tide coming inCorbel, Polsloe PrioryCorbel, St Katherine's Priory, ExeterCorbel, St Katherine's Priory, ExeterPolsloe Priory, Exeter -- Back of West RangePolsloe Priory, Exeter -- Entrance ArchPolsloe Priory, Exeter -- Part of 13th C. Oak Screen13th Century Oak Screen -- Polsloe Priory, Exeter13th C. Oak Column with curved cantilevers -- Polsloe PrioryFireplace in Polsloe Priory, ExeterLancet Window in Polsloe Priory, Exeter -- 13th CenturyLancet Window in Polsloe Priory, Exeter -- 13th CenturyFoundations of the 12th C. Church of S. Katherine -- Polsloe Priory, ExeterGlass Bottle Seals from Polsloe PrioryLundy, Gannet Rock (high water)Lundy, Rat Island etc.Lundy, West CoastLundy, St James' Stone, West CoastLundy, North-West Coast -- Black-backed Gull, RazorbillsLundy, Kittiwakes on cliffLundy, KittiwakesLundy, KittiwakesLundy -- Constable RockOld Man's Cave, LundyOld Man's Cave or Devil's Kitchen, LundyGroup at LundyLydford WaterfallIn Lydford Gorge, 1926Female Swan, CowleySwan's Nest, CowleySwans and Nest, CowleyFemale Swan on Nest, SlaptonSwan's Nest, Slapton LeySwans at SlaptonKeeper's Cottage, Stoke WoodsRooks' Nests, NorthernhayRooks' Nests, NorthernhayCowley Bridge, River CreedySwans and cygnets -- CowleySidmouth from Salcombe HillYoung Barn Owl, Ottery St MaryYoung Barn Owls, OtteryLundy -- Birds on West CoastLundy, Devil's ChimneyLundy, North-West CoastLundy -- Kittiwakes and RazorbillsNest of Herring Gull, LundyThe Bishop (opposite the Monk), Lady Chapel, Exeter CathedralBosses over the High Altar, Exeter CathedralLion and Dragon Boss, St John Baptist Chapel, ExeterThe grimacing Monk, Lady Chapel, Exeter CathedralBosses in Chapel of St Paul, Exeter CathedralCrucifixion of St Andrew, Exeter CathedralPhoenix Boss, Exeter CathedralCrucifixion Scene, Nave, ExeterConventional Tudor Rose, ExeterDragon Boss, Cloister, ExeterBull Cow and Calf Boss, Exeter CathedralVicious Circle Boss, Exeter CathedralFour Mask Boss, Lady Chapel, ExeterSt Mark, Lady Chapel, ExeterSt Matthew, Lady Chapel, ExeterChrist in Majesty, Lady Chapel, ExeterRaven and carcase Boss, Exeter Cathedral'Agnus Dei' Boss, Exeter CathedralDragons, Exeter CathedralCombat -- Eagle and Pig Boss, Exeter CathedralChrist in Majesty, Nave Vault, ExeterSt Paul Boss, ExeterMaple Leaf Boss, Exeter CathedralBoss -- St John the Baptist, ExeterGroup of Bosses, Choir, Exeter CathedralRoof in Chapel in the CloseDragon Boss, Exeter CathedralHalf Boss, Exeter CathedralMinstrel and Tumbler Corbel, Nave Vault, ExeterDragon and Vine Boss, Lady Chapel, ExeterMan in Agony Boss, ExeterFox and Maple Leaf, ExeterAngel with Harp Boss, Exeter CathedralFour Mask Boss, Choir Vault, ExeterGroup of Bosses in the Nave -- Christ in Majesty (centre)Mitred Bishop Boss, Exeter CathedralSt Dunstan with Harp Boss, Exeter CathedralGrotesque Boss, Choir Vault, ExeterQueen Boss, Exeter CathedralCrucifixion Boss, Choir, Exeter CathedralSamson Group in the Nave, ExeterSamson Boss in Nave, Exeter CathedralLion Boss, Exeter CathedralVigilant Lion, Exeter CathedralLion Boss, Exeter CathedralLion Boss, Exeter CathedralBishop Bitton, Nave Vault, ExeterSt Matthew Boss, Choir Vault, ExeterEagle of St John Boss, Exeter CathedralOx of St Luke Boss, Exeter CathedralLion of St Mark Boss, Exeter CathedralSow and Farrow Boss, N. Choir Aisle, ExeterTwo pages of the Exeter BookMan putting Weight Boss, Exeter CathedralThe Wrestlers Boss, Exeter CathedralThe Thomas à Becket Boss, Exeter CathedralMediterranean Oak Boss, ExeterCharter in Exeter Cathedral Library, dated 670Charter installing the 1st Bishop of Exeter, date 1050Arms of the See of ExeterArms of Bishop Quivil -- Exeter CathedralThe Choir Vault, ExeterCarved Pillar, Exeter CathedralSouth Choir Aisle, Exeter Cathedral (looking West)Choir Stalls, Exeter CathedralThe Processional Cross, Exeter CathedralChapel of St James, ExeterVine Leaf Boss, Exeter CathedralThomas à Becket Boss, ExeterCorbel in Chapel of St James, ExeterBoss in Chapel of St James, ExeterDecorated Piscina, St James Chapel, Exeter CathedralCrucifixion Boss, Choir Vault, ExeterDavid and Goliath Boss, Exeter CathedralFour Dragon Boss, ExeterMonument in St James Chapel, Exeter CathedralNorth Choir Aisle, Exeter CathedralThe Exeter Book (Cathedral Library)Vine Corbel (Choir), Exeter CathedralDragon Boss in the Cloister, ExeterCloister Boss, ExeterSt Peter as Pope Boss, ExeterNave of Exeter Cathedral -- westernmost group of bossesThomas à Becket Boss (centre), ExeterDouble Piscina, St James Chapel, Exeter CathedralThe Samson Boss Group, Exeter CathedralIncoronata and Minstrel Corbel, ExeterCoronation of the Virgin Boss, Exeter CathedralSamson Boss, ExeterAlms Dish -- Exeter CathedralCandlestick -- Exeter Cathedral32 feet, Pedal pipes -- Exeter CathedralBishop Leofric, ExeterThe Tenor Bell 'William', Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral OrganRebus in Oldham Chantry, Exeter CathedralDetail -- St Anne and Virgin Mary, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, Astronomical ClockAncient Clock, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, The SediliaExeter Cathedral, End of Choir Screen detailThe Octofoil Pillar, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, Carving in St Gabriel's ChapelExeter Cathedral, Arms on Speke ChantryDetail from St George's Chapel, Exeter CathedralRoof of Oldham Chantry, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, Reredos in Oldham ChantryExeter Cathedral, Carving on Bishop's ThroneBack of Bishop's Throne, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, Choir Screen detailExeter Cathedral, Choir Screen detailDetail, St Saviour's Chapel -- Margaret of Antioch, Exeter CathedralSt Ursula and the Virgins -- detail St Saviour's Chapel, Exeter CathedralSt Paul Panel on Bishop Marshal's Tomb, Exeter CathedralBishop Stafford's Tomb, Exeter CathedralSt Boniface, panel of Nave Pulpit, Exeter CathedralBishop Marshall's Tomb, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral Seal, from an old Deed dated July 3, 1133Ancient Stalls, Exeter Cathedral, removed to St Lawrence ChurchGrotesque, Grandisson Chapel, Exeter CathedralGlorified Christ Corbel (Nave)St Catherine Corbel, Exeter CathedralThe Master Mason's Dog, Lady Chapel, Exeter CathedralThe Master Mason, Lady Chapel, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, Incoronata Corbel (Nave)Exeter Cathedral, Moses Corbel (Nave)Incoronata and Minstrel Corbel, Choir Vault, ExeterExeter Cathedral, St George Chapel (Speke Chantry)Bishop Boniface panel, Nave Pulpit, Exeter CathedralThe South Door, Exeter CathedralThe North Door, Exeter CathedralThe Quivil Pillar, Exeter CathedralChapter House Door, ExeterOak Leaf Boss, Exeter CathedralBoss in St Radegund Chapel, ExeterGrotesque, Grandisson Chapel, ExeterBurial of Bishop Pattison, Nave Pulpit, Exeter CathedralNave Pulpit, Exeter CathedralCloister Vault, Exeter CathedralJohn Hooker Statue, ExeterMartyrdom of St Alban, panel of Nave Pulpit, Exeter CathedralSt Gabriel's Chapel, Exeter CathedralDoor with part of interior consecration cross, Exeter CathedralCorbel, Exeter CathedralMermaid Boss, Exeter CathedralCrowned Virgin and Child Corbel, ExeterBishop Bronscombe's Tomb, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, Ivy Corbel (Choir)Detail, Speke Chantry, Exeter CathedralRoof of Speke Chantry, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, Roof of Oldham ChantryTimbrel and Cymbals, Exeter CathedralCittern and Shawm, Exeter CathedralTrumpet and Organ, Minstrel Gallery, Exeter CathedralHarp and Jew's Harp, Exeter CathedralWhistle Flute and Viola, Minstrel Gallery, Exeter CathedralCitole and Bag Pipes, Exeter CathedralSouth Nave Aisle, Exeter CathedralMinstrel Gallery, Exeter CathedralThe Minstrel Gallery, Exeter CathedralBishop Stapledon's Tomb, Exeter CathedralSir Richard de Stapledon's Tomb, Exeter CathedralCrusader Sir H. de Bohun's tomb, Exeter CathedralThe Nave in sunlight, Exeter CathedralNave in sunlight, Exeter CathedralThe Nave in sunlight, Exeter CathedralExeter CathedralThe Ambulatory -- Exeter CathedralConsecration Cross, Exeter CathedralReredos, Exeter CathedralPiscina in St Andrew's Chapel, Exeter CathedralMinstrel Gallery, Exeter CathedralMinstrel Gallery, Exeter CathedralChapel of St Paul and Silke Chantry, Exeter CathedralIn the Retrochoir, Exeter CathedralSt Saviour's Chapel, Exeter CathedralNorth Choir Aisle, Exeter Cathedral (looking East)North Choir Aisle, Exeter Cathedral (looking West)The Lady Chapel, Exeter CathedralThe Crossing, Exeter CathedralChoir and Bishop's Throne, Exeter CathedralVaulting of Roof, Exeter CathedralGilbert Scott's Reredos, Exeter Cathedral -- removed in 1839 to Heavitree ChurchChoir Screen, Exeter CathedralTomb of Lady Doddridge, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral -- Detail on Tomb of Lady DoddridgeThe Screen of the Lady Chapel -- Exeter CathedralGrandisson Chapel, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, Door of St Radegund ChapelWindow in Grandisson Chapel, Exeter CathedralSt John Baptist Chapel, Exeter CathedralBishop Valentine Carey, 1621-1626 -- Cenotaph in North Choir Aisle, Exeter CathedralTomb of Bishop Oldham, Exeter CathedralThe Lady Chapel (westward), Exeter CathedralThe Choir (east), Exeter CathedralThe Choir -- looking west, Exeter CathedralThe Choir (East), Exeter CathedralChoir Screen, Exeter CathedralThe Font, Exeter CathedralSt Saviour's Chapel, Exeter CathedralThe Clerestory, Exeter CathedralSt Bartholomew, West Front, Exeter CathedralWest Front, Exeter CathedralWest Front, Figure Sculpture, Exeter CathedralNave Pillars, Exeter CathedralThe Nave, Exeter CathedralNorth Porch, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral from the closeThe North Tower, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral from the CanalThe Nave, Exeter Cathedral, prior to 1872An old passage -- Exeter CathedralFlying Buttresses, Exeter CathedralThe Cloisters, Exeter CathedralConsecration Crosses, Exeter CathedralThe Nave (Westwards), Exeter CathedralThe Nave -- Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral -- From the Palace gardenKing David -- Exeter Cathedral West Front lower TierKings of Judah, Exeter Cathedral West Front (lower)St John holding a Chalice, West Front of Exeter CathedralJewish Prophet, Exeter Cathedral West Front, Upper TierJewish Prophets or Law Givers, Exeter Cathedral West Front, Upper Tier -- side divisionChrist in Majesty, Exeter Cathedral West Front (upper tier)Exeter CathedralExeter CathedralDetail of West Door, Exeter CathedralExeter Cathedral, West DoorFigure of St Peter in the top niche of the West Front of Exeter CathedralSt Peter, West Gable, Exeter CathedralPlymouthChagford Ash HouseMarine and Freshwater Fishes of Devonshire displaySexual differences -- museum displayShells of the Common Periwinkle -- museum displayShells -- museum displayAnimal groups -- museum displaySimilar parts in different animals -- museum displayCollection of stone implements from North Devon[Gallery with display of large mammals][Entrance hall and main staircase][Ethnographic gallery][Ethnographic gallery][Ethnographic gallery][Wildlife display: lions attacking zebra]Green-veined meadow orchidPollination of flowers[Pitcher plant][Display showing family of foxes][Display showing family of deer][Display showing pair of tigers attacking another animal][Wildlife display: family of wild red deer of Exmoor][Display showing orangutan][Display showing pair of antelopes][Display showing leopard attacking antelope][Display of antelope heads on main staircase][Display showing pair of leopards in tree][Display showing pair of deer fighting][Display showing pair of antelopes][Display showing group of Arctic animals][Display showing Australian birds and mammals][Display showing tiger in undergrowth][Display on evolution of horse etc.]African Honey Guide, female[Wildlife display: polar bears and other Arctic wildlife]Caribou, Peel Collection[Display unit showing Honiton lace][Display of Honiton lace][Display of paintings in gallery][Gallery with paintings and display cases for small art objects][Gallery with paintings and display cases for small art objects][Gallery with display of lantern slides][Apostle spoon]Muddiford, North DevonDown Bude Street, AppledoreHarbour, AppledoreAppledore frontPainting, Appledore HarbourBidefordEntrance, Hobby Drive ClovellyClovellyClovellyUpalong, ClovellyClovelly. Crazy Kate's CottageBridestowe, DartmoorOkehampton, DevonshireExeter Cathedral West FrontGargoyles, Exeter CathedralBishop Hooker's Monument, ExeterExeter Cathedral, Nave looking E.Guildhall, ExeterMol's Coffee House, ExeterOld Doorway, Cathedral Close ExeterSir S. Northcote, ExeterCadeleigh, DevonshireTiverton Church, DevonExeter Cathedral, Bishop's Palace and TowerGolden Wedding Buffet 1947Contorted Grit -- IlfracombeQuartz veins -- IlfracombeThunder Hole -- TorquayMarine Erosion -- Lionmead, TorquayWeathering of Granite; LustleighHoneycomb weathering: Dawlish, DevonWidecombe Old WellBowermans NosePrincetown. The Prison GateTorquayLooking up street, ClovellyOld Ship, BidefordLych-gate and yew, WidecombeHigh Street, ClovellyButter Market, DartmouthLynmouth, Near PierTrippers at ClovellyExeter. Interior, Choir and ReredosSwan and young, DawlishThe Grandisson Lectern, Ottery St MaryBishop Grandisson's Clock, Ottery St MaryOttery St Mary, DevonOttery St Mary Church, Devon, The ChancelBarrel on an Arch of St Sidwells ChurchSaint Sidwell, ExeterSaint Sidwell, Exeter, 1933Dartmoor Prison GateExeter CathedralGuild Hall, ExeterExmoor -- Simons BathLuscombe Castle LodgeClovellyExeter -- Old Mol's Coffee HouseLynmouth. Stone Bridge, West LynLynmouth -- River LynTiverton -- Church TowerTorquay -- Anstey's CoveLundy Island -- Church and Old LighthouseExeter -- Cathedral GreenLynmouth -- From the HarbourLynton -- Valley of RocksLynton and LynmouthTorquay -- Saddle RockTotnesEast Gate, TotnesExeter -- Exe BridgeTorquay -- HarbourPlymouth -- The HoeNewton AbbottTorquay -- BabbacombePlymouth -- Mount Edgcumbe HouseDawlish -- Luscombe CastlePlymptonTeignmouth -- The NessDawlish, DevonshireLynmouthIlfracombe from Capstan HillTotnes ChurchTorquay HarbourDartmouth -- St Saviour's ChurchIlfracombeDartmouthExeter CathedralLundy Island -- South Light[Statue of Sir Francis Drake, Plymouth Hoe, Devon, England]Old Exeter -- West StreetMol's Coffee House, ExeterSt Sidwell's Wesleyan ChurchSt Sidwell's Church, Exeter (1933)Whipton Coronation Procession 1937Whipton, Coronation Day 1937Whipton, Coronation Day 1937Whipton, Coronation Day 1937[Band of Hope group outside Exeter Cathedral]Marble Tablet in St Petrock's Church, ExeterOld Arches, Pring's Brewery, Exe Bridge, ExeterThe Fireplace and Panelling at 171 Fore Street, ExeterA Panel of the Fireplace at 171 Fore Street, ExeterHall of the Vicars Choral, ExeterRoman Well, Fore Street, ExeterDoor in Cathedral Close, ExeterIn the Cathedral Close, ExeterIn The Cathedral Close, ExeterOld Arches, near Exe Bridge, ExeterTudor House, ExeterExeter Cathedral, Electric Floodlighting 1933Exeter Cathedral, Gas Floodlighting 1933Exeter Cathedral, Electric Floodlighting 1933Exeter Cathedral, Gas Floodlighting 1933Princess Henrietta by Lely, in Exeter GuildhallJohn Hoker, Chamberlain of Exeter 1601John Hoker, died 1601, aet 76Exeter Guildhall looking SouthExeter Guildhall looking NorthThe Guildhall, ExeterThe Guildhall, ExeterPanelling in Exeter GuildhallThe Guildhall Door, ExeterExeter Guildhall, Roof BossExeter Guildhall PorticoExeter Guildhall, Tudor PanellingExeter Guildhall, Roof detailExeter Guildhall, Roof CorbelExeter Guildhall, The Mayoral ChairExeter Constables' Truncheons and Mayors' HammersExeter Regalia and Civic PlateExeter City Regalia[Photograph of parlour of Weaver Baker's house]Map -- Part of City of ExeterPlan of the City of ExcesterProspect of Exeter 19 Aug. 1723 -- Isca DumnoniorumT. Rudd, c.1890[Unidentified man standing by rocks]Symons Balloon being filled -- Messrs R. Huxtable & Son, IlfracombeIlfracombe fire 1896 -- Arcade -- Coles Corner Shop[Crowd watching parade of militia regiment, Ilfracombe][Crowd watching parade of militia regiment, Ilfracombe][Crowd watching parade of militia regiment, Ilfracombe][Crowd watching parade of militia regiment, Ilfracombe][Crowd watching parade of militia regiment, Ilfracombe][Crowd watching parade of militia regiment, Ilfracombe][Militia regiment marching through High Street, Ilfracombe]Royal Wedding Celebrations, 6 July 1893Ilfracombe Volunteers [...] on the Pier. Hillsborough in background[Celebratory arch in Ilfracombe street][Waves breaking on rocks at Ilfracombe]Hillsborough from Quayfields[Crowd of people gathered at Ilfracombe]Ilfracombe Fire 1896 -- Portland Street -- High StreetStorm Damage, Baths, 1899High Street, c.1900Volunteer Band c.1900S.W. Nats Union Conference at Plymouth, 30 May 1952Hillsborough from Highfield RoadMasonic Group, 1899Church Lads' BrigadeStarting of Last G.W.R. Co's 4-Horse Coach for BarnstapleSampson's Cave, Ilfracombe, c.1874Postal StaffBalloon Ascent 1884Ilfracombe Harbour, copy of old photoHarbour before 1870Harbour and Town, c.1860Golden Lion Hotel and Pilots' StepsPier and Harbour, photo about 1880Harbour and Rapparee Beach ,1880sRaparee -- from photo by Archibald Coke about 1868Pier and Paddle SteamersHarbour about 1906Inner Harbour, c.1890Pier and Steamers about 1894Ilfracombe Harbour from Hillsborough, before Pier was builtTop of Harbour and Capstone[Ilfracombe Harbour from Hillsborough]Harbour, c.1885Quay, c.1890Ilfracombe Harbour before 1868Ship-Building at Ilfracombe in 1851Pier and Harbour, c.1908Ilfracombe -- Lantern HillIlfracombe HarbourWind bound vessels, Ilfracombe Harbour, Lantern Hill with cone hoisted as sign of galeHarbour, 1934[Ilfracombe Harbour]Ilfracombe from Hillsborough Hill[Wave breaking over rocks at Ilfracombe]Harbour from the CoveSouth Side Harbour, 1900Harbour c.1900Ilfracombe from Hillsborough, c.1891Outer Harbour c.1890[Paddle steamer in Ilfracombe Harbour][Group of paddle steamers moored at Ilfracombe]Ilfracombe HarbourPier from Larkstone Beach, c.1900First stage of Pier to Warp House Point, c.1872Ilfracombe Pier, Lantern Hill, Capstone Hill and Torrs, Moonlight[Waves breaking on rocks at Ilfracombe][Waves breaking on rocks at Ilfracombe][Rocks and headlands at Ilfracombe][Rocks and headlands at Ilfracombe][Rocks and Lantern Hill, Ilfracombe]Hillsborough, IlfracombeLantern HillLantern Hill and Hillsborough Hill from Parade[Lantern Hill, Ilfracombe]Lantern Hill, IlfracombeChapel, near BrauntonUpcott Farm, BittadonBittadon BartonMilltown, near BittadonPlaistow Quarry, on Bittadon roadCroyde, 'Kiddiwell'Croyde and Morte BayLong Pond, Horsey, Braunton MarshesCider Press at Buckland Barton, BrauntonHorsey Island, Braunton Marshes, N. DevonFairlinch Manor, BrauntonA mole's run, Braunton BurrowsParracombe, 1900Firs at Spreacombe 'Castle'Barnstaple and Pilton, from Tutshill FarmStepping Stile, ChurchillChurchillMorte Bay Lifeboat at Woollacombe[New Inn, Clovelly][New Inn, Clovelly][Bay and cliffs, Berrynarbor][Berrynarbor][Berrynarbor][Berrynarbor]Spreacombe ValleyKnowle Castle RuinsKnowle, near BrauntonPeaceful Countryside, Knowle, North DevonHallowell Lane, Between Braunton and KnowleBraunton Village, North DevonSt Michael's BrauntonHorsey Marsh, BrauntonBraunton BurrowsMagpie and Rabbits at Braunton BurrowsSpreacombe 'Castle' (Hill-Fort) -- Found 10 April 1938 by Field Club[Chichester Hotel, Mortehoe]MortehoeBull Point LighthouseWoolacombe and Morte PointBull Point Light House, Morthoe, N.D.First House, Woolacombe -- 'Bella Vista''The Fish' Washed ashore at Woollacombe Oct. 28 93Whale Thrasher, LeeLee Bay -- Old Mill c.1880Lee ChurchOld Post Office, Lee[Old Post Office, Lee]Lee Bay, DevonLynton 1900Lynton 1900Lynton 1900[Group of people in Valley of the Rocks, Lynton][Group of people in Valley of the Rocks, Lynton][Woman walking in Valley of the Rocks, Lynton][Group of people in Valley of the Rocks, Lynton][Group of people in Valley of the Rocks, Lynton][Challacombe][Challacombe][Challacombe][Challacombe][Challacombe][Challacombe][Challacombe]ChallacombeNapp's Cave, BerrynarborHenton Hill, BerrynarborBerrynarbor ChurchBerrynarbor Church[Combe Martin Church]Scene in BerrynarborSterrage, Berrynarbor -- Lot of sheep in foregroundCombmartin ChurchInterior of Combmartin ChurchCombe Martin[Combe Martin]Combe MartinCombe Martin BeachRiver Lyn -- about 1874Path Beside River Lyn, near Lynmouth, about 1874Lynton and Lynmouth, about 1874Lynton, 1900Lynmouth[Lynmouth][River Lyn at Watersmeet][Combe Martin Church][Man driving donkey cart in country lane]Clovelly, Main Street[Clovelly, High Street][Shingle beach at Westward Ho!]Parracombe 1900At Parracombe, 1900At Braunton BurrowsWatersmeet from aboveWatersmeetWatersmeet from Lower BridgeFalls Below Bridge, WatersmeetWatersmeet from belowWestward Ho! from top of hillSouth MoltonSouth Molton, PulpitSouth Molton, Stone Carving in ChurchClovelly, Top of High StreetClovelly, bottom of hillClovelly, High StreetClovelly, BreakwaterClovelly, BreakwaterClovelly, Temple BarClovelly, QuayClovelly from QuayClovelly from QuayClovelly, near bottom of hillClovelly, New Inn etc.Clovelly, Memorial for 1914-18 WarChallacombe near Ilfracombe -- Shoulsbury intakeChallacombe near Ilfracombe -- Old Close intakeChallacombe near Ilfracombe -- Waterfall at Old CloseChallacombe near Ilfracombe -- Water entering reservoirSteamers at Pier, c.1894Larkstone Terrace about 1874Hillsborough Terrace about 1874[Panoramic view over Ilfracombe]Torrs Pavilion, circa 1895St Brannocks, from The CairnTunnels, Beach and CrewkerneBicclescombe Mill, Ilfracombe[Panoramic view over Ilfracombe]Tunnels Bathing Machines -- T. Price and attendantsGreystone etc., Crofts Lea Park[View of Ilfracombe harbour][View of Ilfracombe from inland][Warphouse Point and Hillsborough, Ilfracombe]['Nil desperandum' building decorated for celebration][Capstone from Lantern Hill][View over Ilfracombe][View over Ilfracombe including Holy Trinity Church][View over Ilfracombe including Holy Trinity Church][People standing in street decorated for celebration][Street and church in Ilfracombe]Montebello Boarding House[View of Ilfracombe from the sea][View of Ilfracombe with church under construction]South Lodge, Ilfracombe, 1891[View over Ilfracombe in snow][View of Ilfracombe in snow][View of Ilfracombe in snow][View of Ilfracombe in snow][Group of sailing ships moored in Ilfracombe harbour][Group of steamships moored in Ilfracombe harbour][Waves breaking on headland, Ilfracombe][Group of steamships moored in Ilfracombe harbour][View of Ilfracombe town from headland]Old Fore StreetGardners Bridge House, MontebelloIlfracombe -- Old ShopCole's Corner House, c.1884Old Crown Inn, 1894To Compass Hill, IlfracombeOld Compass HillOld Crown Hotel and Compass Hill, c.1890Compass Hill, IlfracombeOld Compass Hill before 1893View from Compass HillFrom Compass HillAlbert Court c.1890Capstone Hill, Ilfracombe, from Arcade RoadAbout No. 64, High Street, c.1880In the High Street -- Russells Grocery Stores before 1889In the High StreetHigh Street about 1903 -- Now Post OfficeHigh Street, c.1891Removing Bank, High Street, 1898[Ceremonial arch constructed in Ilfracombe street]Coaches in High Street about 1874Old Market and Oxford Grove at High Street circa 1860Interior Victoria PavilionThe Parish Church, 12th CenturyIn the High Street, Nos. 10-11In the High StreetHouse on Cove, Demolished about 19343rd Wesleyan Chapel, Wilder Road, IlfracombeHierns Lane, c.1890Wildersmouth from Capston, 1897Ilfracombe. A SeaA good wave at Wildersmouth[Holidaymakers on beach at Ilfracombe]Ilfracombe and Wildersmouth from CapstonCapstone[Waves breaking in Ilfracombe Harbour]Capston Hill North, c.1880Capstone Parade about 1874Ropery Meadow[Capstone, Ilfracombe]Capstone from Lantern Hill c.1900Collingwood Hotel, IlfracombeOld Wesleyan Chapel 1860-1896[Ilfracombe from Ropery Meadow]WildersmouthVictoria Pavilion and Wesleyan Chapel c.1896[Wildersmouth from Capstone, Ilfracombe]Ilfracombe from The Parade before the Promenade, Crescent or Arcade was builtBowling and Putting Greens at FrontLamb Inn c.1880Church Street circa 1870Church Street'The New Hotel' (Ilfracombe Hotel) about 1874[Wildersmouth from Capstone, Ilfracombe]Ilfracombe Hotel[Ilfracombe Hotel]Ilfracombe from Capstone[Wildersmouth from Capstone, Ilfracombe][Wildersmouth from Capstone, Ilfracombe]The Granville (composite photo)[Unidentified house and garden][St Petroc Boarding House, Ilfracombe]The GranvilleSnow in 'CombeTown Flour Mill. Now Collingwood HotelSt Petroc HotelHigh Street Coaching Party 1890Parry's Shop in Old Arcade, before 1896[Unidentified building in Ilfracombe]Old Houses in High Street, Demolished 1933-4Southern Slope and MuseumFrom Lustleigh CleaveChagfordBowermans NoseLustleigh CleaveCottage, North BoveyNorth BoveyBecky Falls, ManatonNew Eddystone Lighthouse[Soliders parading on harbour quayside]Costa sur de Devon[Costa sur de Devon: night]Survivors, 'Richmond Castle' 14.8.42Survivors of Union Castle M/V Richmond Castle, 14.8.42Dartmouth Trawler c.1874Ilfracombe Harbour c.1898CigaleYachts, 1936. 'Caloo'Pilot Cutter Making HarbourIlfracombe c.1900Sailing Ships at Quay 1892Fishing Boats in HarbourRosabella ReturningP.S. Alexandra built 1863[Paddle steamer 'Velindra' at Ilfracombe]Ilfracombe[Paddle steamers moored at Ilfracombe quay]Wreck of Phyliss, HillsboroughLaunching RosabellaLifeboat, IlfracombeBroadwater 1866[Lifeboat on trailer on beach][Morte Bay Lifeboat at Woollacombe]'A.C.L.' wrecked 1894Wreck 'Arabella' 1895Life Boat, IlfracombeCapsized 'Nikita' Ilfracombe Sept.6.94[Broadwater 1866]'Nikita' Wreck 1894'Lizzie R. Wilce' Damaged 1894Rosabella and crew[Lifeboat capsize testing in harbour]Fishing boat Ilfracombe HarbourSt James Place and Second Wesleyan ChapelField Club Ramble -- SpreacombeField Club Ramble to Braunton BurrowsField Club Ramble, Braunton BurrowsHunting for Equesteum at Braunton BurrowsBraunton BurrowsMargaret Burton at Braunton BurrowsIlfracombe Field Club Ramble to SpreacombeField Club at SpreacombeS.W. Nats Union Conference at Plymouth -- M.G.P. welcomes the Lord Mayor and Lady MayoressMiss Joan Watt-Smyrk at Braunton Burrows -- Our Ever Cheerful SecretaryS.W.N.U. Conference Ramble to Braunton Burrows'Tired Out'. S.W.N.U. Conference Excursion to Braunton BurrowsPlymouth Hoe from the RocksPlymouthEddystone Lighthouse[View of Ilfracombe harbour in storm][View of Ilfracombe harbour][View of Ilfracombe harbour][Distant view of Ilfracombe and sea][Raparee Cove and Harbour, West from Hillsborough][Sailing ships in stormy weather off Ilfracombe][The Town and Harbour of Ilfordcombe in the County of Devon][Ilfracombe Harbour][View of Ilfracombe from inland][Cliffs and sea front buildings][View over Ilfracombe harbour][West Porch, Ilfracombe Church]The Manor, Lundy[Interior of St Helen's Church, Lundy]A Pictorial Map of Lundy[Lundy. Air View from [...]]Lundy. Air View from southLundy. Road up from beach[North Lighthouse, Lundy Island]Lundy. The Beach RoadBird trap, showing catching box, LundyLundy. Church and HotelSt Helen Church, Lundy[Altar of St Helen's Church, Lundy]Marisco Castle, LundyMarisco Castle, LundyBenson's CaveBurial Ground and Stone of TigernusStone of TigernusOld Light, LundyLundy, Battery Point, from an old photoBarrow on Lundy[Cliffs and sea on Lundy Island]North Lighthouse, LundyBrasicella wrightii -- LundyLunch on LundyGoats on West Side, LundyWest Coast, LundyEarthquakes, LundyPonies on West SideSt Helens Church, LundyLundy from Morte PointLundyMarisco CastleNesting Guillemots, LundyPuffin Slope, LundyGannet RockSouth LightBellati, Sunset (The Watt-Smyrk clan)Kittiwakes at LundySt Mary Steps, Exeter[Nave of Exeter Cathedral]Exeter Cathedral[Exeter Cathedral, West Front]Kenton Pulpit, DevonNorth Bovey Cross, DartmoorCrediton Holy Water StoupsKenton Pulpit DetailSeymour Tomb, Berry PomeroyAn old doorway at Totnes, circa 1550Door, DartmouthPulpit, ExeterExeterMisericord, Exeter CathedralMiserere, Exeter CathedralSt Mary Church, DevonSt Mary Church, Devon[Font at St Marychurch, Devon]St Mary Church, DevonExeter, Street of St Mary StepsPlymstock, Church Interior From GalleryPlymstock, Oreston Mission ChapelOttery St Mary Church, Astronomical ClockExeter Cathedral, Exterior, South SideExeter Cathedral from South EastExeter Cathedral, West FrontExeter Cathedral, Nave Looking EastExeter Cathedral, Choir EastExeter Cathedral, The Choir Screen[Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown]Eddystone LighthouseEddystone Lighthouse -- NightEddystone Lighthouse -- StormTeignmouth, the DenTorquay HarbourEntrance to Park, CockingtonLynmouth -- Railway Car (Showing its unusual construction and powerful brakes. The motive power is water, acting by its weight only)Clovelly -- High Street (Very quaint)Clovelly -- High Street (From the Top)The Beach, Dawlish, Devon
Lucerna ID 1504414

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 20 February 2011

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