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London Zoological Gardens, London, England

Slide images showing this location (155)
The ElephantThe ElephantThe Orang-UtangThe Orang-UtangThe Rhesus MonkeyThe Rhesus MonkeyThe KinkajouThe KinkajouThe ChimpanzeeThe ChimpanzeeThe RavenThe RavenThe Brown BearThe Brown BearThe Laughing JackassThe Laughing JackassLionWalrusMandrillWanderooBrazza's MonkeyBisonBarbary SheepThe Spotted HyaenaThe JackalThe WolfThe CondorThe Eared VultureThe AdjutantThe Great Black-Backed GullThe CrocodileThe BeaverReynard the FoxThe VizcachaThe Prairie-MarmotThe BadgerThe Ard-varkThe Tufted UmbreThe Sea-LionThe SealThe OtterThe CoypuThe HippopotamusThe CormorantThe PenguinThe TurtleThe CheetahThe TigerThe Mountain-ZebraThe Axis DeerThe PacaThe Fallow DeerThe Angel FishThe ThylacineThe LionThe TigerThe LeopardThe PumaThe GiraffeThe Golden EagleThe Polar BearThe Indian RhinocerosThe ArmadilloThe PangolinThe HedgehogThe PorcupineThe GharialThe Moloch LizardThe ElephantThe ShrewThe ElandThe WapitiThe GorillaThe MarmosetThe OstrichThe KiwiThe Aye AyeThe CamelThe SlothThe KangarooThe Secretary BirdThe CobraBactrian, or two-humped CamelQuaggaRhea, or American OstrichEmeuWapiti DeerWolvesLlamaThe Markhoor, or Wild Mountain GoatIndian RhinocerosIndian RhinocerosSumatran RhinocerosSumatran RhinocerosThe ApteryxThe ApteryxCamel, Camel bactrianusDromedary, Camelus DromedariusIndian Elephant, Elephas IndicusAfrican Elephant. Elephas AfricanusAfrican Elephant. Elephas AfricanusIndian Elephant. Elephas IndicusHippopotami (male and female). Hippopotamus amphibiusBear on Pole. Ursus AmericanusSing Sing Antelope. Kobus Sing SingWolf. Canis lupusSmoking Monkey. Macacus AdamensisDromedary. Camelus DromedariusWhite Pelican. Pelecanus onocratalusPorcupine. Hystrix cristataRhinoceros. Rhinoceros unicornisSyrian Bear. Ursus SyriacusAnoa. Anoa depressicornisAfrican Elephant (female). Elephas AfricanusAfrican Elephant (male). Elephas AfricanusFemale Hippopotamus and Young Guy FawkesAt the Zoo, the Bear climbing the poleJava RhinocerosOstrichWhite StorksAt the Zoo. The GiraffeRhinocerosAfrican ElephantGiraffeZebra and ColtKangarooHippopotami and Young Guy FawkesSulfa Kully, Indian ElephantSulfa Kully, Indian ElephantYoung ElephantsZebra and coltThe Sea LionTiger, BengalHippopotamus, 'Guy Fawkes'Llama, side viewSemmering GazelleHartebeestChimpanzeeChimpanzee, 'Mickie,' West AfricaThe GiraffeThe Hippopotamus (awake)Hippopotamus (asleep)'A total Abstainer'Orang-Outan, London ZooPolar Bears, London ZooHippopotamusPlan of the Gardens of the Zoological Society of LondonLionMonkeys, catching fleasTwo Horned RhinocerosRed DeerSealRattlesnakeElephantine TortoiseThe common seal, Phoca vitulina, in a mermaid-like pose
Lucerna ID 1503941

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 16 October 2016

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 1503941. Accessed 1 May 2024.

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