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London, England

People linked to this city
Date of birth
ABDY, Mrs Maria  (c.1797-1867)
poet and author whose work refers to the magic lantern
ADCOCK, A. St John  (1864-1930)
author of services of song used with slide sets
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
1 July 1861
ALFORD, Reverend Henry  (1810-1871)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
7 October 1810
ALICE, Princess   (1843-1878)
daughter of Queen Victoria; subject of lantern slides
25 April 1843
ARMITAGE, Edward  (1817-1896)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
20 May 1817
ARNE, Thomas  (1710-1778)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
12 March 1710
ARNOLD, Samuel  (1774-1852)
dramatist and lyricist of songs used with slide sets
5 December 1774
compiler of hymn collection
27 May 1821
British explorer and colonial administrator; subject of lantern slides
8 June 1821
BARDWELL, Jex  (1824-1902)
contributor to OMLJ, 1893-96
24 October 1824
BARKER, George  (1812-1876)
composer of songs used with slide sets
15 April 1812
BARNARD, Fred  (1846-1896)
artist whose work was used for lantern slide sets
16 May 1846
BARNES, John  (1920-2008)
historian and collector of lantern and other optical material
28 June 1920
BARNES, Bill  (1920-2019)
historian and collector of lantern and other optical material
28 June 1920
BARTLETT, Edwin D.  (1872-1954)
contributor to OMLJ, 1894-1900
clergyman; inventor, lanternist and lecturer
7 August 1806
BEERBOHM, Max  (1872-1956)
writer and cartoonist whose work was used for lantern slides
24 August 1872
BEGG, Samuel  (1854-1936)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
19 March 1854
BENETFINK, Samuel  (c.1815-1869)
proprietor of ironmongery and lantern supply business
barrister; officer of The Lantern Society, 1890
4 October 1831
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
25 January 1825
BISHOP, Sir Henry  (1786-1855)
composer of songs used with slide sets
18 November 1786
author of lectures used for slide sets
BONNER, Reverend Carey  (1859-1938)
arranger of services of song used with slide sets
1 May 1859
BRAHAM, John  (1774-1856)
opera singer; composer of songs used with slide sets
BRASSEY, Lady Annie  (1839-1887)
author of book adapted for use with slide sets
7 October 1839
BRODER, Reverend N.V.  (c.1847-1912)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
BROUGH, Robert B.  (1828-1860)
author of texts used with slide sets
10 April 1828
BROWNING, Robert  (1812-1889)
author of poems used with slide sets
7 May 1812
inventor; producer of effect lantern slides
20 August 1855
BRUSHFIELD, T.N., M.D.  (1828-1910)
physician and antiquarian; occasional lantern lecturer
10 December 1828
BRYANT, Annie  (c.1872- after 1901)
painter of lantern slides
BYRON, Lord   (1788-1824)
poet and author; subject of lantern slides
22 January 1788
CAMPION, Thomas  (1567-1620)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
12 February 1567
Founder and leader of the Church Army
14 January 1847
CARRUTHERS, Douglas  (1882-1962)
4 October 1882
CASTLING, Harry  (1865-1933)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
CHATELAIN, Clara de  (1807-1876)
author of stories used with slide sets
31 July 1807
CHILDE, Miss Maria  (c.1827- ? )
painter of lantern slides
CHILDERS, Hugh  (1827-1896)
British and Australian politician, subject of lantern slides
25 June 1827
CHINNERY, George  (1774-1852)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
5 January 1774
British politician, subject of lantern slides
13 February 1849
military officer and subject of lantern slides
1 May 1850
COOK, Miss Eliza  (1818-1889)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
24 December 1818
CORBOULD, E.H.  (1815-1905)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
5 December 1815
CROFT, Miss Amy  (1859-1937)
author of lectures used with slide sets
11 February 1859
CROFT, Miss Mabel  (1860-1927)
author of readings used with slide sets
20 October 1860
composer of songs used with slide sets
30 July 1808
CRUIKSHANK, George  (1792-1878)
artist whose work was used for slide sets
27 September 1792
DALLMEYER, T.R.  (1859-1906)
proprietor of photographic equipment manufacturing business
DANDO, W.P., F.Z.S.  (1852-1944)
photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
1 April 1852
DARKER, William H.  (c.1812-1864)
optical instrument maker
DAY, Thomas  (1748-1789)
author of stories used with slide sets
22 June 1748
DEE, Dr John  (1527-c.1608)
scientist and philosopher, subject of lantern slides
13 July 1527
DEFOE, Daniel  (c.1660-1731)
author of stories used with slide sets
DEL RIEGO, Teresa  (1876-1968)
composer of songs used with slide sets
7 April 1876
DICK, Cotsford  (1846-1911)
composer of songs used with slide sets
1 September 1846
DISRAELI, Benjamin  (1804-1881)
British politician; subject of lantern slides
21 December 1804
DOYLE, Richard  (1824-1883)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
18 September 1824
Salvation Army officer and editor of books used with slide sets
26 January 1860
EDWARD VII, King   (1841-1910)
King of United Kingdom; subject of lantern slides
9 November 1841
ELLIOTT, Charlotte  (1789-1871)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
18 March 1789
ENGLAND, Louis  (1851-1919)
partner in photographic materials supply business
30 September 1851
ESCOMBE, F.J.  (1877-1938)
British rowing coach; subject of lantern slides
8 October 1877
EVANS, G. Essex  (1863-1909)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
18 June 1863
EVERETT-GREEN, Evelyn  (1856-1932)
author of texts used with slide sets
17 November 1856
architect and historian, arranger/compiler of slide sets
15 February 1866
architect and historian, arranger/compiler of slide sets
27 February 1872
actor and subject of lantern slides
16 January 1853
GEORGE III, King   (1738-1820)
king of England and subject of lantern slides
4 June 1738
GEORGE V, King   (1865-1936)
King of United Kingdom; subject of lantern slides
3 June 1865
GODDARD, Richard  (c.1823-c.1904)
wool merchant; contributor to OMLJ, 1890
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
17 March 1822
GOSCHEN, George  (1831-1907)
British politician; subject of lantern slides
10 August 1831
GOW, M.L.  (1851-1929)
artist and illustrator whose work was used for slide sets
25 December 1851
GREGORY, William  (c.1837-1900)
proprietor of photography business
GREGORY, William K.  (1865-1912)
manager of optical supply business
18 January 1865
HALSE, George  (1826-1895)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
1 May 1826
composer of songs used with slide sets
HARVEY, Charles  (c.1857- after 1901)
temperance campaigner; author of lectures used with slide sets
HAYTER, Sir George  (1792-1871)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
17 December 1792
HERBERT, Stephen  (1951-2023)
writer and researcher on screen history
20 December 1951
HOGARTH, William  (1697-1764)
artist of illustrations used for slide sets
10 November 1697
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
21 November 1819
author of lectures used with slide sets
HUGHES, Henry  (1816-1879)
proprietor of scientific instrument making business
8 August 1816
HUGHES, Alexander  (1850-1924)
proprietor of optical supply business
HULLAH, Miss Mary  (1848-1923)
author of services of song used with slide sets
JEFFERYS, Mrs Theresa  (c.1808- after 1871)
partner in music publishing business
JEFFERYS, Charles  (c.1833- ? )
partner in music publishing business
JEFFERYS, Frank  (c.1837- ? )
partner in music publishing business
JEFFERYS, George F.  (c.1842- ? )
partner in music publishing business
scientist and photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
19 July 1856
KING, Arthur  (c.1875- after 1909)
British mine worker; subject of lantern slides
LAIDLAW, F. Allan  (c.1855- ? )
author of stories used with slide sets
LANDSEER, Sir Edwin  (1802-1873)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
7 March 1802
LAWLEY, Hon. Arthur  (1860-1932)
British colonial administrator; subject of lantern slides
12 November 1860
LE JEUNE, Henry  (1819-1904)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
12 December 1819
LEECH, John  (1817-1864)
artist whose work was used for slide sets
29 August 1817
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
21 September 1852
LEMON, Mark  (1809-1870)
30 November 1809
LESLIE, C.R.  (1794-1859)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
19 October 1794
LEWIS, M.G. ('Monk')  (1775-1818)
author; lyricist of songs used with slide sets
9 July 1775
LEWIS, Henry  (c.1845-1918)
proprietor of photography and slide supply business
LOAT, W. Leonard S.  (1871-1932)
archaeologist and occasional lantern lecturer
15 October 1871
LOCKYER, Dr James  (1868-1936)
aeronautical pioneer and photographer of lantern slides
3 January 1868
scientist, campaigner and politician; subject of lantern slides
30 April 1834
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
21 December 1849
MACFARREN, Sir G.A.  (1813-1887)
composer of songs used with slide sets
2 March 1813
MACRAE, Henry  (c.1799-1889)
proprietor of optical instrument making business
MACRAE, Henry J.  (1837-1903)
partner in optical instrument making business
22 June 1837
MADAN, Martin  (1725-1790)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
5 October 1725
MANTON, G. Grenville  (1855-1932)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
MARKS, H. Stacy, R.A.  (1829-1898)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
13 September 1829
MARY, Queen   (1867-1953)
Queen of United Kingdom; subject of lantern slides
26 May 1867
MARZIALS, Theo  (1850-1920)
composer of songs used with slide sets
20 December 1850
MAYHEW, Henry  (1812-1887)
author and social reformer who referred to lantern practice
25 November 1812
MEYER, Henry  (1780-1847)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
12 June 1780
MIDDLETON, Thomas  (1817-1889)
proprietor of slide and lantern business
24 April 1817
MILLIKIN, John  (1851- ? )
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
22 December 1851
MILMAN, Henry  (1791-1868)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
10 February 1791
MILTON, John  (1608-1674)
author of poems used with slide sets
9 December 1608
MIMMACK, A.H.  (c.1860- after 1911)
occasional lantern lecturer
MONK, William H.  (1823-1889)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
16 March 1823
philanthropist and campaigner, subject of lantern slides
6 August 1851
MURPHY, C.W.  (1875-1913)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
translator and lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
24 January 1818
NETTLESHIP, Henry W.  (1863-1914)
lantern lecturer
NEW, Charles  (1842-1919)
lantern lecturer and showman under pseudonym 'Professor Koenig'
15 August 1842
NEWMAN, Cardinal John  (1801-1890)
Roman Catholic Cardinal; lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
21 February 1801
NEWTON, Reverend John  (1725-1807)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
24 July 1725
NEWTON, William Edward  (1818-1879)
partner in optical equipment supply business
31 March 1818
NEWTON, Miss Florence  (1868-1953)
employee of lantern and slide supply business
8 August 1868
NORTON, Caroline  (1808-1877)
author of poems used with slide sets
22 March 1808
NYE, G.H.F.  (c.1850-1936)
author of lectures used with slide sets
OTTWAY, John  (1821-1904)
optician and magic lantern maker
OXENFORD, John  (1812-1877)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
12 August 1812
PAGET, Sidney  (1860-1908)
artist and illustrator whose work was used for lantern slides
4 October 1860
PARRY, John  (1810-1879)
composer of songs used with slide sets
3 January 1810
clergyman; contributor to OMLJ, 1895
PEPPER, Professor J.H.  (1821-1900)
scientist and lantern lecturer, officer of Royal Polytechnic Institution
17 June 1821
PETHER, Henry E.  (c.1868-1932)
composer of songs used with slide sets
opthalmologist and occasional lantern lecturer
18 May 1867
PINERO, Arthur Wing  (1855-1934)
playwright and actor, subject of lantern slides
24 May 1855
PLUMSTEAD, Miss Joyce  (1907-1986)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
20 May 1907
PRICE, Reverend Benjamin  (c.1823-1891)
clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer
PROCTER, Miss Adelaide  (1825-1864)
poet; lyricist of songs used with slide sets
30 October 1825
RAINEY, William  (1852-1936)
artist and illustrator whose work was used for slide sets
missionary and author of texts used with slide sets
9 January 1810
RAYMENT, Arthur  (1847-1922)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
12 July 1847
REYNOLDS, Ellis  (1866-1952)
author and adapter of lectures and stories used with slide sets
24 June 1866
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
9 October 1853
RIVIÈRE, Briton, R.A.  (1840-1920)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
14 August 1840
ROSEBERY, Earl of   (1847-1929)
politician; subject of lantern slides
7 May 1847
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
12 May 1828
ROWLANDSON, Thomas  (1756-1827)
artist and illustrator
14 July 1756
RUSKIN, John  (1819-1900)
author of texts used with slide sets
8 February 1819
RYAN, Richard  (1797-1849)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
18 April 1797
SALA, George Augustus  (1828-1895)
journalist and writer, subject of lantern slides
24 November 1828
SCOTT, Clement  (1841-1904)
drama critic; author of poems used with slide sets
6 October 1841
SCOTT, Bennett  (1875-1930)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
SIMPSON, W.J. Sparrow  (1859-1952)
librettist of oratorios used with slide sets
20 June 1859
SMART, Henry  (1813-1879)
composer of songs used with slide sets
26 October 1813
SMITH, Isaac  (c.1734-1805)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
English businessman and politician; subject of lantern slides
24 June 1825
photographer and cinematographer; contributor to OMLJ, 1897
4 January 1864
SPENCER, Earl   (1825-1910)
politician; subject of lantern slides
27 October 1825
STONE, Marcus  (1840-1921)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
4 July 1840
STOREY, G.A.  (1834-1919)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
STOTHARD, Thomas  (1755-1834)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
17 August 1755
author of texts used with slide sets
8 October 1848
SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur  (1842-1900)
composer of songs used with slide sets
13 May 1842
TENNANT, Dorothy  (1855-1926)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
22 March 1855
TENNIEL, Sir John  (1820-1914)
artist and illustrator whose work was used for lantern slides
28 February 1820
THEOBALD, William  (1829-1908)
member of National Society of Lanternists
17 April 1829
partner in optical manufacturing and supply business
10 January 1819
TRESIDDER, J.E.  (1825-1895)
occasional lantern lecturer
17 September 1825
UNDERHILL, Alfred  (1862-1939)
proprietor of slide manufacturing business
26 January 1862
VICTORIA, Queen   (1819-1901)
Queen and Empress; subject of slide sets
24 May 1819
WAIN, Louis  (1860-1939)
illustrator of lantern slides
5 August 1860
WALFORD, Reverend O.S.  (1848-1930)
occasional lantern lecturer
15 May 1848
WALLIS, Henry  (1830-1916)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
21 February 1830
WATTS, G.F., R.A.  (1817-1904)
artist and sculptor, subject of slide sets
23 February 1817
author of books used with slide sets
28 May 1868
arranger of services of song used with slide sets
20 August 1860
novelist; lyricist of songs used with slide sets
19 June 1821
author of stories used for slide sets
7 September 1805
author of lectures used with slide sets
21 July 1827
WOOD, Elsie Anna  (1887-1978)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
WOODVILLE, R. Caton  (1856-1927)
artist and illustrator whose work was used for lantern slides
7 January 1856
WOODWARD, Charles, F.R.S.  (c.1789-1877)
scientist and lantern lecturer
WRENCH, Edward  (1797-1866)
optician and proprietor of optical business
16 January 1797
WYBROO, G.S.  (c.1833-1918)
occasional lantern lecturer
WYLLIE, Charles W.  (1853-1923)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
18 February 1853
Address or location
Known date(s)
ABRAHAM, Abraham  (c.1798-1863)
optical instrument maker and lantern manufacturer
9 Parkfield Street, Hampstead
161 Adelaide Road, St John's Wood
ACRES, Charles  (1828-1906)
partner in slide manufacturing business
10 Malvern Road, Hornsey
ACRES, Birt  (1854-1918)
inventor and cinematographer; contributor to OMLJ, 1895
131 Richmond Road, Hackney
ACRES, Charles J.  (1862-1938)
partner in slide painting business
10 Malvern Road, Hornsey
80 Mayes Road, Wood Green
author of lectures used with slide sets
Sheldmont, Shootup Hill, Hampstead
Braeside, Shootup Hill, Hampstead
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
216 East India Dock Road
ADKINS, Frank  (1845-1928)
temperance lecturer
1 Henry Street, Lambeth
15 Rutley Gardens, Lambeth
15 Wynne Road, Brixton
AIRS, William  (1822-1879)
proprietor of lantern manufacturing business
32 Upper Rosoman Street, Clerkenwell
95 Rosoman Street
AIRS, William  (1862-1916)
proprietor of lantern manufacturing business
32 Upper Rosoman Street, Clerkenwell
95 Rosoman Street
Claremont House, Rodney Street, Clerkenwell
148 Hemingford Road, Barnsbury
ALFORD, R.S.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
3 Lancing Road, Ealing
ALFRED, Joseph  (fl. 1870s)
employee of lantern and slide supply business
74 Cheapside
ALLARDICE, Thomas  (1840-1898)
employee of lantern and slide supplier
19 Lennox Road, Islington
13 Davenant Road, Islington
523 Caledonian Road
ANDERSON, A.H.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
28 Glengarry Road, East Dulwich
ANTI-BOUNCE  [pseudonym]
contributor to OMLJ, 1894
ARMITAGE, G.H.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
1 Finsbury Circus
ASKEW, W.D.  (1862-1918)
tailor; occasional lantern operator; contributor to OMLJ, 1893
26 Solon New Road, Clapham
58 Argyle Road, Ealing
ASSENDER, William H.  (1852-1920)
contributor to OMLJ, 1899
52 St Laurence Road, Brixton
127 Brayards Road, Peckham
3 Vestris Road, Forest Hill
39 Colfe Road, Forest Hill
5 Sandhurst Road, Catford
BAILEY, Miss M.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
29 Dunmow Road, Stratford
BAKER, G.R.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1892
BAKER, Charles  (c.1819-1893)
proprietor of lantern slide manufacture and supply business
244 High Holborn
243-244 High Holborn
BAKER, F.W. Watson  (1866-1952)
partner in optical equipment supply business
87 Shardeloes Road, Deptford
6 Glensdale Road, Brockley
BAKER, W. Weaver  (1866-1954)
chemist; photographer of slide sets
215 & 217 Lewisham High Road, Deptford
BAKER, Henry  (1867-1940)
partner in optical equipment supply business
87 Shardeloes Road, Deptford
BAKER, Frank  (c.1871-1955)
partner in optical equipment supply business
87 Shardeloes Road, Deptford
BALDOCK, J.H., F.C.S.  (c.1839-c.1915)
contributor to OMLJ, 1898
High Street, South Norwood
3 High Street, South Norwood
BALL, W.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
10 Arnott Road, Dulwich
author of lectures used with slide sets
St James' Vicarage, 123 Jamaica Road, Bermondsey
BANKS, Horace  (1858-c.1946)
proprietor of lantern supply business; contributor to OMLJ
13 Keston Road, Camberwell
366 Clapham Road
Highlands, Heather Road, Lee
2 Ravensbourne Park, Catford
9 Ravensbourne Park, Catford
BARKER, Henry J., M.A.  (1852-1934)
author of poems used with slide sets
12 Amity Grove, Wimbledon
BARNARD, Jabez  (1800-1894)
proprietor of art supplies and slide making business
339 Oxford Street
Chase Side Villa, Winchmore Hill Road, Winchmore Hill
183 Great Portland Street
BARNARD, William  (1832- ? )
proprietor of slide making business
59 Connaught Terrace, Edgware Road
Great Bush Farm, Kingsbury
BARNARD, Fred  (1846-1896)
artist whose work was used for lantern slide sets
2 Devonshire Place, Hampstead
Warrington House, Steeles Road, Hampstead
Aber-Maw, Merton Hall Road, Wimbledon
BARNETT, Berita  (c.1845- after 1911)
author of lectures used with slide sets
25 Lancaster Road, Bayswater
17 Elgin Crescent, Kensington
76 Margaret Street, Cavendish Square
BARNFIELD, W.S.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1891
BARTLETT, F.  (fl. 1870s-90s)
maker of lantern accessories; contributor to OMLJ, 1893
3 Millfield Road, Edmonton
BARTLETT, Edwin D.  (1872-1954)
contributor to OMLJ, 1894-1900
46 Palatine Road, Hackney
BASHALL, Reverend W.  (1829-1902)
officer of The Lantern Society, 1895
21 Holland Villas Road
BEALE, Lionel  (1828-1906)
physician, inventor and scientist
6 Bentinck Street
BEARD, R.R.  (c.1856-1932)
proprietor of lantern accessory manufacturing business
62 Alscot Road, Bermondsey
10 Trafalgar Road
BENETFINK, Samuel  (c.1815-1869)
proprietor of ironmongery and lantern supply business
21 Mitre Terrace, Hackney
3 Elizabeth Villas, Hackney
44 Graham Road, Dalston
occasional lantern lecturer
7 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn
barrister; officer of The Lantern Society, 1890
2 Hyde Park Gardens, Paddington
Chelsea Lodge, 42 Tite Street, Chelsea Embankment, Chelsea
BIDEN, L.M.  (c.1857-1926)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
11 Leadenhall Street
11 St Mary's Road, Peckham
40 Wyndcliff Road, Charlton
BING, Stephan  (1880-1940)
proprietor of toy manufacturing business
128 Watchfield, Sutton Court Road, Chiswick
BIRD, Frederick  (c.1838-1928)
photographer and lantern slide manufacturer
77 Lancaster Road, Bayswater
BISHOP, Charles D.  (1865-1942)
contributor to OMLJ, 1896
3 Nicholl Square, Haggerston
10 Reighton Road, Hackney
7 Windsor Road, Palmers Green
author of lectures used for slide sets
21 Cressingham Road, Lewisham
16 Gloucester Place, Greenwich
15 Crescent Mansions, Elgin Crescent, Holland Park
analytical chemist; contributor to OMLJ, 1896
60 Grove Park Terrace, Chiswick
BOND, T.R.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
15 Thistlewaite Road, Clapton
BONNER, Judson  (1856-1938)
temperance campaigner; contributor to OMLJ, 1900
14 Stopford Road, West Ham
188 Hermon Hill, South Woodford
BORLAND, Frederick J.  (c.1867-1940)
proprietor of electrical equipment manufacturing business
10 St Martins Mansions, Ullswater Road, West Norwood
BOYD, Thomas Hunter  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
427 Wandsworth Road
BOYLAND, Miss M.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
37 Crowndale Road, Oakley Square
BRANDON, C.W.  (1868-1963)
printer; occasional lantern operator
283 Victoria Dock Road, West Ham
BRIDGE, F.A.  (1841-1917)
photographer; contributor to OMLJ, 1892
East Lodge, 55 Dalston Lane
128 Barry Road, East Dulwich

clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer

6 Mountfort Crescent, Islington
BRIERLEY, Wynford  (c.1856-1914)
author of poems used with slide sets
27 Mount Pleasant Road, New Malden
BRITTEN, James  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
18 West Square
BROADHURST, Robert  (1866-1924)
partner in lantern accessory manufacturing business
37 Sugden Road, Battersea
67 Sisters Avenue
11 Ravenslea Road, Wandsworth
BROWN, Reverend B.W.  (c.1842- after 1911)
Baptist minister and occasional lantern lecturer
15 Garfield Road, Wimbledon
BROWN, Reverend F.  (c.1850- after 1891)
clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer
Norman Cottage, Stanton Road, Barnes
27 Ashburton Grove, Islington
BROWN, Theodore  (1870-1938)
contributor to OMLJ, 1898
22 Gresham Road, Brixton
6 Bournevale Road, Streatham
BROWN, F.W.  (c.1874- ? )

occasional lantern operator

27 Ashburton Grove, Islington
inventor; producer of effect lantern slides
10 Observatory Avenue, Kensington
19 Campden House Road, Kensington
painter of lantern slides
10 Charles Street, Tower Hamlets
1 Old Ford Road, Tower Hamlets
7 Wick Lane, Hackney
3 Davey Road, Bow
170 Tredegar Road, Poplar
BRYANT, William  (c.1846- after 1911)
painter of lantern slides
17 Ford Street, Tower Hamlets
128 St Stephens Road, Tower Hamlets
46 Ford Street, Tower Hamlets
BRYANT, Annie  (c.1872- after 1901)
painter of lantern slides
128 St Stephens Road, Tower Hamlets
46 Ford Street, Tower Hamlets
BUCKLE, A.G.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
77 Falmouth Road
BULKELEY, Owen T.  (1851-1919)
author of lectures used with slide sets
9 Brandon Terrace, Ilford
BURNHAM, Miss Edith M.  (1876-1943)
author/arranger of services of song used with slide sets
11 Dundas Road, Camberwell
partner in optical equipment supply business
57 Hornsey Rise Gardens
9 Clifton Road, Crouch End
24 Highwood Grove, Hendon
BURSTAL, E.K.  (1851-1938)
compiler of slide sets
40 Hopton Road, Streatham
compiler of slide sets
229 Burrage Road, Plumstead
BUTCHER, William  (1840-1903)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
14 Spencer Place, Lewisham
Tranquil Vale, Lewisham
33 Tranquil Vale, Lewisham
Balholm, The Glebe, Blackheath
Methodist clergyman; operator of slide hire and distribution business
17 Woodland Gardens, Muswell Hill
BUTCHER, William F.  (1866-1936)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
14 Spencer Place, Lewisham
32a Lee Terrace, Blackheath
4 Eliot Vale, Blackheath
BUTCHER, Frank  (1873-1951)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
33 Tranquil Vale, Lewisham
12 Manor Park, Lee
7 St Austell Road, Lee Green
Pagoda Cottage, Blackheath
7 Porchester Gate
Tudor Cottage, 10 Downs Hill, Beckenham
2 Durham Road, Beckenham
CARPENTER, Philip  (1776-1833)
proprietor of slide manufacturing and supply business
24 Regent Street
CARPENTER, Miss Mary  (c.1788-1877)
proprietor of slide manufacturing and supply business
24 Regent Street
CARROLL, William  (1855-1922)
photographer of slides published by Poulton & Son
5 Taunton Road, Lee
313 High Road, Lee
26 Linham Road, Lee
CARROTT, Livesey  (1863-1900)
arranger of services of song used with slide sets
7 Hartham Road, Holloway
CATLIN, William J.  (1827-1891)
proprietor of lantern and slide making business
8 Drummond Street
18 Hemingford Road, Barnsbury
55 Amwell Street, Clerkenwell
17 Claremont Square, Pentonville
CHAMBERLIN, David J.  (1870-1944)
author of lectures used with slide sets
64 Barrington Road, Crouch End
CHANDLER, H.P.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1894-96
6F Peabody Buildings, Farringdon Road
CHELLEW, Thomas  (c.1863-1954)
tailor; occasional lantern operator; contributor to OMLJ, 1892
58 Harvist Road, Kensal Green
55 Doyle Gardens, Willesden
Naval officer; occasional lantern lecturer and author of lectures used with slide sets
1 Westgate Terrace, Brompton
CHILDE, Henry Langdon  (1781-1874)
lantern slide painter
3 Barrett Street, Lambeth
66 Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth
61 Mostyn Road, Brixton
CHILDE, Miss Maria  (c.1827- ? )
painter of lantern slides
66 Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth
Salvation Army officer and subject of slide sets
18 Penerley Road, Catford
CHOPPING, J.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
29 Rathbone Place
CIVIL ENGINEER  [pseudonym]
contributor to OMLJ, 1889
clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer
St Peter's Vicarage, 3 Gloucester Place, Greenwich
CLARK, Charles  (1854-1905)
School Board officer; contributor to OMLJ, 1900
122 Duke Road, Chiswick
39 Elliott Road, Chiswick
CLARKSON, Alexander  (1847-1918)
partner in lantern accessory manufacturing business
7 Sangora Road, New Wandsworth
Holmdale, 28 West Side, Wandsworth Common
CLAUDET, Antoine  (1797-1867)
photographer and artist
20 Park Terrace, Islington
21 Gloucester Road, Regent's Park
CLAY, R.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1895
Park Lodge, Muswell Hill
contributor to OMLJ, 1892-1900
27 Hanley Road, Islington
contributor to OMLJ, 1894
20 Elm Grove, Peckham
COLLINGS, Arthur Esmé  (1859- after 1911)
photographer and cinematograph pioneer
25 Hillcroft Crescent, Ealing
COLLINS, Charles W.  (c.1810-1861)
proprietor of optical supply business
26 Francis Street
52 The Strand
COOK, Reverend R.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
7 Bedford Terrace, Blackwall
COOPER, Henry  (c.1835- ? )
proprietor of slide hire or loan business
The Shrubbery (late Velona Cottage), Finchley High Road, Finchley
COOPER, John S.  (1877-1967)
proprietor of slide hire or loan business
The Shrubbery (late Velona Cottage), Finchley High Road, Finchley
271 Upper Street, Islington
32 Pollards Hill North, Norbury
author of lectures used with slide sets
Endbury House, Harrow on the Hill
COPPING, Harold  (1863-1932)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
30 Montague Road, Hornsey
CORNISH, T.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
2 Lawn Road, Hampstead
author of lectures used with slide sets
St Paul's Lodge, King's Avenue, Winchmore Hill
COX, Frederick  (c.1810-1900)
proprietor of optical supply business
4 Emmetts Cottages, Islington
59 Navarino Road, Hackney
218 Dalston Lane, Hackney
COX, Frederick J.  (1834-1907)
proprietor of optical supply business
4 Emmetts Cottages, Islington
22 Skinner Street
26 Ludgate Hill
The Laurels, Dulwich
COYNE, J. Stirling  (1803-1868)
author of article on magic lantern
2 Wilmington Square, Clerkenwell
CRACKS  [pseudonym]
contributor to OMLJ, 1898
East Greenwich
CRAVEN, Robert, C.M.  (1833-1897)
author of poems used with slide sets
86 Agamemnon Road, Hampstead
CROFT, Dr Robert  (1826-1882)
author of lectures used with slide sets
204 Camden Road, Islington
CROFT, Miss Amy  (1859-1937)
author of lectures used with slide sets
204 Camden Road, Islington
17 Elsworthy Road, Hampstead
CROFT, Miss Mabel  (1860-1927)
author of readings used with slide sets
13 Elsworthy Road, Hampstead
23 The Grove, The Boltons, South Kensington
CROWHURST, H.A.  (1868-1943)
partner in lantern and optical supply business
38 Gower Street
27 Catherine Street, Covent Garden
CURE, Frederick Capel  (1869-1901)
partner in lantern slide supply business
37 York Place, Marylebone
Locklee, 202 Bedford Hill, Balham
CURTIES, Thomas  (c.1832-1897)
partner in optical supply business
244 High Holborn
CUSHING, Reverend T.E.  (1855-1902)
clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer
1 Percy Villas, Tottenham
2 Station Parade, Winchmore Hill
DARKER, William H.  (c.1812-1864)
optical instrument maker
9 Paradise Street, Lambeth
DARKER, Charles  (c.1841-1900)
optical instrument maker
9 Paradise Street, Lambeth
53 Malham Road, Forest Hill
103 Malham Road, Forest Hill
DAUGLISH, Edith M.  (c.1849-1910)
author of stories used with slide sets
6 Ridgway Place, Wimbledon
1 Denmark Avenue, Wimbledon
Church Army officer
Clifford House, Villiers Road, Southall
5 Margaretta Street, Southall
20 Avenue Road, Southall
DAY, Will  (1873-1936)
proprietor of lantern and cinematograph supply business
16 Sherborne Street, Islington
39 Pellatt Grove, Wood Green
15 Cholmley Park, Highgate
DEAN, Frank  (1857-1922)
music publisher and composer of songs used with slide sets
48 Great Marylebone Street
1 Langham Street
7 Riding House Street
DICKER, Stanley G.S.  (1864-1954)
contributor to OMLJ, 1893
6 Camden Square, Marylebone
24 Tabley Road, Holloway
29 Tabley Road, Holloway
Rosemead, Woodhouse Road, North Finchley
DOCKETT, Bishop  (1873-1913)
lantern slide painter
48 Corrine Road, Tufnell Park
7 Retcar Street
DOCWRA, Colin  (1855-1942)
engineer and contractor; designer of magic lantern
106 Balls Pond Road, Islington
Old Park House, Palmers Green
DOGGETT, Thomas J.  (c.1846-1914)
magic lantern maker
19 Dagmar Terrace, Islington
Hillside, Birkbeck Road, Hornsey
DOLLMAN, Philip  (c.1855-c.1931)
partner in slide manufacturing business
8 Newton Grove, Acton
34 Woodstock Road, Chiswick
DOUBELL, E.H.  (1843-1928)
lantern slide painter
81 Park Street, Lambeth
66 Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth
3 Edith Grove, Chelsea
2 Edith Grove, Chelsea
7 Edith Grove, Chelsea
380 Stanstead Road, Lewisham
DRESSER, A.R.  (1845-1903)
contributor to OMLJ, 1890-91
Oak Villa, Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood
Salvation Army officer and editor of books used with slide sets
10 Gunton Road, Clapton
DUKES, Reverend E.J.  (c.1848-1930)
clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer
14 Barnsbury Street, Islington
DUNCAN, W.H.  (c.1830- after 1901)
inventor of type of mechanical triunial lantern
269 Acton Lane, Acton
DUNSTERVILLE, Fred  (1847-1908)
Indian railway administrator; contributor to OMLJ, 1896
12 Etchingham Park Road, Church End, Finchley
EATON, W.A.  (1848-1915)
author of poems used with slide sets
27 Rodney Street, Clerkenwell
40 Whistler Street, Drayton Park
47 Ringcroft Street, Holloway
12 Fieldway Crescent, Highbury
EDWARDS, Walter N.  (c.1853-1916)
temperance campaigner and lantern lecturer
180 High Street, Shadwell
6 Shardcroft Avenue, Herne Hill
ELLIS, Francis E.  (1861-1934)
photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
25 Severus Road
Ivy Croft, Stockfield Road, Streatham
EMLER, F.G.  (c.1859-1928)
photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
Florence Villa, 1 Chelmsford Road, Woodford
Murton, 40 Chelmsford Road, Woodford
ENGLAND, William  (c.1830-1896)
photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
7 St James's Square, Notting Hill
ENGLAND, Louis  (1851-1919)
partner in photographic materials supply business
7 St James's Square, Notting Hill
95 Great Portland Street
10 Dewhurst Gardens, Acton
ENGLAND, J. Désiré  (c.1861-1931)
proprietor of photographic supply business
36 Camborne Avenue, Ealing
EVANS, Miss A.K.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
26 Crooms Hill, Greenwich
FAIRHEAD, Thomas  (1861-c.1947)
partner in lantern slide supply business
Chase Side Villa, Winchmore Hill Road, Winchmore Hill
19 Berners Street
101 Crouch Hill, Hornsey
FALL, Thomas  (1833-1900)
photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
Wensley, Arkwright Road, Hampstead
FARMER, Howard  (1856-1944)
photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
20 Nassau Street, Marylebone
3 Bedford Road, Bedford Park, Chiswick
FINCHAM, Philip H.  (c.1839-1928)
proprietor of photography and slide making business
Myton Villa, 1 Myton Road, West Dulwich
155 Norwood Road, Tulse Hill
7 Warmington Road, Herne Hill
FLETCHER, Frank, B.A.  (1867-1956)
occasional lantern lecturer
114 Streathbourne Road, Balham
FLOWER, J. Edward  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
37 Norfolk Street, Strand
FORESTIER, Amédée  (1854-1930)
artist and illustrator
7 Alleyn Park, Dulwich
FORSYTH, James  (1827-1910)
sculptor whose work was used for lantern slides
Ednam House, Finchley Road
110 Goldhurst Terrace, Hampstead
FRADELLE, Albert  (c.1843-1884)
proprietor of photography business
37 Countess Road, Kentish Town
partner in optical business; contributor to OMLJ, 1891
2 Charlotte Street, Islington
3 Fleet Street
45 Torriano Avenue, Kentish Town
Kenmore, 58 Woodside Park Road, North Finchley
FRIESE-GREENE, William  (1855-1921)
photographer, inventor and cinematographer
39 King's Road, Chelsea
FUERST, Joseph  (c.1860- after 1914)
partner in photographic materials manufacturing business
25 Craven Street
52 Hamilton Terrace, Paddington
30 Hamilton Terrace, Paddington
FUERST, Jules  (c.1864-1938)
partner in photographic materials manufacturing business; contributor to OMLJ, 1898
25 Craven Street
11 Upper Avenue Road, Hampstead
103 Avenue Road, Hampstead
Oakwood, 1 Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hampstead
FURNISS, Harry  (1854-1925)
artist and illustrator; professional lantern lecturer
10 St George Square, Marylebone
23 St Edmunds Terrace, St John's Wood
G.L.A.  [pseudonym]
contributor to OMLJ, 1890
GAIN, W.C.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
64 Glengarry Road, East Dulwich
GAPE, Herbert  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
30 Silver Street, Notting Hill
GARDNER, S.W.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1890
7 Barry Road, East Dulwich
occasional lantern lecturer
GEERE, H. Valentine  (1874-1923)
archaeologist and author, occasional lantern lecturer
3 Trinity Road, Wimbledon
GILBERT, H.G.  (1837-1901)
Sunday School Union officer and lantern lecturer
305 Walworth Road
41 Sutherland Square, Newington
5 Grosvenor Street, Newington
author of stories used with slide sets
3 Cambridge Square
7 Bryanston Mansions
naval officer; officer of The Lantern Society, 1890
6 Bolton Street
13 Arlington Street
GOGIN, Charles  (1844-1931)
artist and occasional slide paper
59 Berners Street
GOTZ, John  (c.1844-1924)
proprietor of photographic supplies business
19 Buckingham Street, Strand
30 Tytherton Road, Islington
14 St John's Park, Upper Holloway
GOULD, F. Carruthers  (1844-1925)
cartoonist whose work was used for lantern slides
Knighton Villa, High Road, Woodford
3 Endsleigh Street
GREAVES, L.W.  (1868-1948)
partner in lantern supply business
366 Clapham Road
69 Battenburg Road, Kew Gardens
23 Clarence Road, Kew Gardens
GREEN, Thomas B.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
1 Finsbury Circus
GREEN, John  (c.1840-1926)
slide artist at Polytechnic; contributor to OMLJ, 1893
98 Junction Road, Upper Holloway
20 Fairbridge Road, Holloway
47 Blackstock Road, Stoke Newington
240 Hermitage Road, Finsbury Park
GREEN, Richard  (1858- after 1939)
proprietor of slide distribution business
2 Angel Bridge Villas, Fore Street, Edmonton
218 Fore Street, Edmonton
9 Drayton Avenue, Wembley
GREEN, John  (1868-1937)
slide painter
98 Junction Road, Upper Holloway
23 Bickerton Road, Islington
17 Abernethy Road, Lee
240 Hermitage Road, Finsbury Park
63a Chalk Farm Road
GREEN, Richard L.  (1887-1951)
proprietor of optical supply business
2 Angel Bridge Villas, Fore Street, Edmonton
218 Fore Street, Edmonton
Canister Lodge, 3 Forty Hill, Edmonton
GREEN, Dorothy  (1890-1972)
employee of optical supply business
218 Fore Street, Edmonton
9 Drayton Avenue, Wembley
GREEN, Cecil  (c.1892- ? )
employee of optical supply business
218 Fore Street, Edmonton
GREGORY, William  (c.1837-1900)
proprietor of photography business
406 The Strand
98 Brockley Road
175 Algernon Road, Lewisham
GREGORY, William K.  (1865-1912)
manager of optical supply business
98 Brockley Road
12 Hawstead Road, Catford
19 Minard Road, Catford
GRINSTED, Alfred E.  (1858- after 1901)
slide maker and lantern exhibitor
34 Dalmeney Road, Tufnell Park
GROVER, Charles  (1842-1921)
employee of optical instrument maker; lantern operator; astronomer
32 Wirtemburg Street, Clapham
188 Wellington Buildings, Westminster
GROVER, George C.  (1864-1916)
author of lectures used with slide sets
188 Wellington Buildings, Westminster
40 Coniger Road, Fulham
170 The Grove, Wandsworth
GROVES, George  (1817-1905)
lantern slide maker and instrument maker
34 Murray Street, New North Road, Hoxton
51 Prince George Road, Stoke Newington
GUINNESS, Dr Harry  (1861-1915)
missionary and lantern lecturer
Harley College, 51-55 Bow Road, Poplar
9 Crescent Wood Road, Mount Hermon, Sydenham Hill
amateur photographer who produced lantern slides
7 Compton Terrace, Islington
author of lectures used with slide sets
8 Princes Gardens, Ealing
HALSE, George  (1826-1895)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
15 Clarendon Road, Notting Hill
HARGREAVES, William  (1880-1941)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
34 Bedford Court Mansions
HARRISON, W.H.  (1840-1897)
contributor to OMLJ, 1893-95
41 Great Russell Street
22 Chaucer Road, Herne Hill
HART, Mrs A.M.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
38 Wimpole Street
HART, Howard H.  (1855-1936)
Sunday School Union member and lantern lecturer
1 Poole Villas, Putney
35 Angles Road, Streatham
Wilton House, Rusholme Road, Wandsworth
1 Hazlewell Road, Putney
HASKETT, Robert  (c.1839-1916)
occasional lantern lecturer
10 White Lion Street, Tower Hamlets
HASLUCK, Paul N.  (1854-1931)
editor of publications related to magic lantern use
42 St George's Road
HASTINGS, Charles W.  (1849-1921)
journalist and editor of photographic periodicals
19 King's Road, Wimbledon
20 Acacia Grove, Dulwich
HAVINDEN, G.E.  (1876-1957)
lantern and cinematograph lecturer
2 Barrington Road, Hornsey
43 Cavendish Road, West Hampstead
HAYLER, Guy  (1850-1943)
temperance campaigner and author of lectures used with slide sets
4 Avenue Road, South Norwood
HEPWORTH, T.C., F.C.S.  (1844-1905)
professional lecturer; author of lectures used with slide sets
1 Raymer Place, Chelsea
17 Guildford Road, Lambeth
37 St Paul's Crescent
45 St Augustine's Road
10 Lysias Road, Wandsworth
HEPWORTH, Cecil  (1874-1953)
cinematograph pioneer; contributor to OMLJ, 1890s
37 St Paul's Crescent
45 St Augustine's Road
10 Lysias Road, Wandsworth
HIDDON, A.M.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1893
2 Thames Place, Putney
HIGGS, G. Bedborough  (1868-1940)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
39 St George's Street, Peckham
HILL, W.R.  (1831-1901)
slide painter and proprietor of slide making business
66 Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth
15 Ennis Road, Hornsey
13 Beversbrook Road, Islington
HILL, Frank W.  (1861-c.1896)
painter of lantern slides
15 Ennis Road, Hornsey
13 Beversbrook Road, Islington
HILL, H.J.  (c.1873- after 1897)
son of proprietor of slide painting business
13 Beversbrook Road, Islington
HINTON, Luther  (c.1829-1902)
lantern lecturer; officer of Sunday School Union
236 High Street, Poplar
162 High Street, Poplar
HOLDING, E.T.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
40 Chesilton Road
HOLDING, T.H.  (1844-1930)
contributor to OMLJ, 1889-90
7 Maddox Street
46 Chesilton Road, Fulham
HOPKINS, Harry Walter  (c.1864-1910)
composer of songs used with slide sets
24 Regent's Park Road
HOPWOOD, Henry V.  (1866-1919)
author of textbook on cinematography
36 Ferncliff Road, Hackney
HORNE, Fallon  (c.1814-1858)
partner in optical instrument and slide supply business
99-100 The Strand
121 & 123 Newgate Street
HORSEY, Fred  (1869-1933)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
2 Chichester Street, Harrow Road, Paddington
44 King's Hall Road, Beckenham
HOUGHTON, George  (c.1805-1887)
partner in photographic supplies business
89 High Holborn
102 Haverstock Hill, Hampstead
HOUGHTON, George  (1835-1913)
partner in photographic supplies business
14 Christchurch Road, Willesden
HOULDER, Reverend J.A.  (1844-1932)
author of lectures used with slide sets
17 Palmers Green Villas, Southgate
HUBERT, Joseph  (c.1854- after 1901)
contributor to OMLJ, 1892
238 Mare Street, Hackney
138 High Road, Chiswick
HUDLASS, F.W.  (1874-1965)
engineer and inventor, manufacturer of lantern accessories
18 Down Street
HUGHES, Henry  (1816-1879)
proprietor of scientific instrument making business
Forest Rise, West Ham
HUGHES, W.C.  (1844-1908)
lantern and slide maker and dealer; contributor to OMLJ, 1898
171 Hoxton Old Town, Tower Hamlets
151 Hoxton Street, Old Street
21 Church Road, Hackney
Belvedere, Holden Avenue, Finchley
HUGHES, Alexander  (1850-1924)
proprietor of optical supply business
Forest Rise, West Ham
The Briars, 7 Lingards Road, Lewisham
109 Tyrwhitt Road, Lewisham
HULLAH, Miss Mary  (1848-1923)
author of services of song used with slide sets
5-7 Powis Terrace, Kensington
5 Colville Mansions, Bayswater
HUNTER, Reverend James  (1817-1882)
clergyman, missionary and occasional lantern operator
52 Leinster Square, Bayswater
author of lectures used with slide sets
7 Cowley Street, Westminster
ISAACS, M.L.  (c.1839-1907)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
18 Milner Square, Islington
32 Sutherland Gardens, Paddington
163 Sutherland Avenue, Paddington
IVES, Frederic E.  (1856-1937)
inventor and photographic pioneer; contributor to OMLJ, 1894
116 Charing Cross Road
Shaftesbury Avenue
author of poems used with slide sets
20 Well Walk, Hampstead
15 Delamere Terrace
JARROTT, T.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
37 Cambridge Street, Belgravia
JEFFERYS, Charles  (1807-1865)
music publisher; lyricist of songs used with slide sets
21a Soho Square
JEFFERYS, Mrs Theresa  (c.1808- after 1871)
partner in music publishing business
21a Soho Square
57 Berners Street
JEFFERYS, Charles  (c.1833- ? )
partner in music publishing business
21a Soho Square
JEFFERYS, Frank  (c.1837- ? )
partner in music publishing business
21a Soho Square
57 Berners Street
JEFFERYS, George F.  (c.1842- ? )
partner in music publishing business
21a Soho Square
JONES, John J.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1891
10 Lydon Road, Clapham
JONES, C.J.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
43 Noel Street, Islington
KEEVIL, Henry  (c.1826-1898)
inventor of design of biunial lantern
1 Portland Terrace
KEEVIL, William  (1875-1917)
maker of lantern slides
188 Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth
9 Old Road, Lee
88 Haldon Road, Wandsworth
KELLY, Reverend Chas. H.  (c.1834-1911)
proprietor of religious publishing business
Spanish Close, 78 North Side, Wandsworth
KEMP, Henry  (1847-1907)
proprietor of optical supply business
7 & 8 Thavies Inn, Holborn Circus
KERDEL, H.L.  (1866- after 1897)
contributor to OMLJ, 1897
St Mary's Cottage, Old Woolwich Road, Greenwich
author and illustrator of books used with slide sets
13 Ormiston Road, Greenwich
Fairview, London Road, Mitcham
KING, Horatio Nelson  (c.1830-1905)
photographer; contributor to OMLJ, 1897
4 Avenue Road, Goldhawk Road
LACOMME, J.M.A.  (c.1833- after 1903)
engineer and inventor
46 Euston Street, Euston Square
LAIDLAW, F. Allan  (c.1855- ? )
author of stories used with slide sets
1 Hasborough Street, Paddington
5 Gloucester Terrace, Herga Road, Wealdstone
LANE, Reverend C. Arthur  (1856- after 1908)
clergyman, author and lantern lecturer
Riversdale, Wood Green
Park Side, Acton Vale
St Mark's Lodge, Woodville Road, New Barnet
LANGFORD, J.A.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
11 Osborne Road, Leyton
author of lectures used with slide sets
Eyre Cottage, Nightingale Vale, Greenwich
Dimsdale, 4 Pond Road, Blackheath
LAWSON, R.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
12 Greencroft Gardens, South Hampstead
LEE, A.H.  (fl. 1890s)
professional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
Belton House, Walpole Road, Upton
LEITCH, R.P.  (1827-1882)
lantern slide painter
7 New Ormond Street
LISLEMARTIN, W.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
46 Poplar Walk Road, Herne Hill
LOCKE, C.W.  (1849-1925)
lantern operator and photographer
5 Southall Place, Southall
53 Great Coram Street
12 Ormiston Road, Greenwich
Sunningdale, Woodville Road, New Barnet
Mossley House, 55 Sinclair Road, Kensington
182 Holland Road, Kensington
LOKER, Captain Frank  (1869-1944)
manager of Church Army lantern department
32 Kingston Road, Southall
LOW, Cecil  (1884-1941)
composer of songs used with slide sets
57 Elmfield Road, Balham
MACRAE, Henry  (c.1799-1889)
proprietor of optical instrument making business
34 Aldgate
168 Stroud Green Road, Finsbury
MACRAE, Henry J.  (1837-1903)
partner in optical instrument making business
34 Aldgate
15 Laurence Road, Stratford
MALDEN, B.J., F.R.G.S.  (1838-1933)
lantern lecturer; contributor to OMLJ
5 Chichester Place, Gray's Inn Road
14 Great Coram Street
Tremere Villa, Alexandra Road, Stoke Newington
MALLET, Mrs L.T.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
6 Pembridge Place
MARE, Miss Laura E.A.  (1870-1950)
occasional lantern lecturer
103A Grandison Road, Battersea
MARRIAGE, Ernest  (1866-1952)
photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
Ellerby House, Woodford
MARTIN, Samuel  (c.1871-1953)
employee of lantern distribution business
11a Schubert Road, Wandsworth
MASON, R.H.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
14 Rectory Road
MASON, R.G.  (1849-1912)
proprietor of lantern manufacturing business
69 Clapham Park Road, Clapham
78 Foxbourne Road, Tooting
MASON, Robert  (1875-1914)
employed in optical instrument making business
69 Clapham Park Road, Clapham
23a Lanier Road, Lewisham
17 Mount Pleasant Road, Lewisham
MAY, William R.  (1835-1895)
lecturer; author of lectures used with slide sets
120 Liverpool Road, Islington
39 Mortimer Road, Downham Road
52 Malvern Road, Dalston
130 St Paul's Road, Canonbury
MCLELLAN, José W.  (1861-1916)
proprietor of lantern slide supply business
28 Camden Street
2 Fortnam Road, Islington
36 St Paul's Road, Canonbury
4 Highbury Grove, Islington
61 Alexandra Park Road, Muswell Hill
MEAGER, Alfred  (c.1858-1899)
lantern operator; contributor to OMLJ, 1898
59 Inverness Terrace, Paddington
76 Thicket Road, Penge
Warwick Lodge, Anerley
MEDLAND, J. Brandon  (1846-1916)
professional lantern operator; proprietor of slide supply business
8 Bird Street, Lambeth
51 Heygate Street, Lambeth
13 York Street, Walworth
44 Lorrimore Road, Kennington
8 Walcorde Avenue, York Street, Walworth
MIDDLETON, Thomas  (1817-1889)
proprietor of slide and lantern business
32 Wakefield Street, St Pancras
79 Long Acre
195 Railton Road, Herne Hill
MIDDLETON, Charles  (c.1851- ? )
partner in slide making business; author of book on slide painting
79 Long Acre
MILLIGAN, D.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
21 Spencer Road, New Wandsworth
MILLIGAN, Mrs D.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
21 Spencer Road, New Wandsworth
MILLIKIN, John  (c.1821-1871)
proprietor of optical instrument making business
14 Brockley Lane, Deptford
50 Shardeloes Road, New Cross
MILLIKIN, John  (1851- ? )
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
14 Brockley Lane, Deptford
52 Cold Harbour Lane, Brixton
MONDY, Miss M.C.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
37 Crowndale Road
MONTEFIORE, A.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
1 Marlborough Road, Bedford Park
MOONEN, L.  (fl. 1880s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1889
8 Fellows Road
MOREWOOD, Sarah Louisa  (1867-1950)
author of stories used with slide sets
Noeldene, Windmill Road, Ealing
MORLEY, William H.  (c.1819-1893)
proprietor of slide hire or loan business
The Shrubbery (late Velona Cottage), Finchley High Road, Finchley
226 Upper Street, Islington
MURPHY, G. Read  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
17 Victoria Street, Westminster
MURRAY, C.O.  (1842-1923)
artist whose illustrations were used for slide sets
41 The Grove, Hammersmith
manager of gas factory; contributor to OMLJ, 1892
1e Portman Mansions
1 Eton Avenue, Hampstead
NETTLESHIP, Henry W.  (1863-1914)
lantern lecturer
61 Highbury Quadrant, Highbury
NEW, Charles  (1842-1919)
lantern lecturer and showman under pseudonym 'Professor Koenig'
226 Oxford Street
131 Church Street, Paddington
373 Edgware Road, Paddington
15 Monmouth Road, Westbourne Grove, Bayswater
96 Richmond Road, Bayswater
NEWTON, William Edward  (1818-1879)
partner in optical equipment supply business
24 Granville Square, Clerkenwell
7 The Terrace, Putney
Woolsthorp, The Avenue, Dulwich
NEWTON, Frederic  (1824-1909)
partner in optical equipment supply business
3 Fleet Street
3 Toronto Villas, St Pauls Road, Canonbury
Cromwell House, Haringay Park, Crouch End
420 Camden Road, Islington
4 Hill Side Lawn, Hornsey Lane, Islington
NEWTON, Edward  (1829-1909)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
3 Fleet Street
62 Ridge Road, Hornsey
9 Woodland Road, Southgate
10 Woodside Lane, North Finchley
NEWTON, Mrs Anne  (c.1830-1907)
9 Thornhill Crescent, Finsbury
9 Woodland Road, Southgate
NEWTON, Herbert  (1859-1940)
partner in lantern and slide manufacturing and supply business
26 Sunnyside Road, Hornsey
16 Cumberland Mansions, Marylebone
NEWTON, Ernest  (1860-1929)
composer of songs used with slide sets
7 Garway Road, Paddington
NEWTON, Miss Florence  (1868-1953)
employee of lantern and slide supply business
62 Ridge Road, Hornsey
9 Woodland Road, Southgate
Kingsmeade, Clifford Road, New Barnet
NIX, Josiah  (1847-1924)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
124 Gower Street
NOAKES, David  (1834-1901)
partner in lantern and slide business
14 Brabourne Grove, Hollydale Road, Peckham
NOAKES, D.W.  (1859-1934)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
12 Wood Wharf, Greenwich
18 Clarence Street, Greenwich
Ernest Cottage, Peyton Place, Greenwich
South London Optical Works, 23 Nelson Street, Greenwich
14 Brabourne Grove, Hollydale Road, Peckham
Pleydell House, 81 Humber Road, Greenwich
32 London Street, Greenwich
NOAKES, Gordon W.  (1885-1958)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
South London Optical Works, 23 Nelson Street, Greenwich
Pleydell House, 81 Humber Road, Greenwich
32 London Street, Greenwich
62 Florence Road, Deptford
20 Manor Lane Terrace, Lewisham
84 Brookbank Road, Lewisham
86 Brookbank Road, Lewisham
NOBLETT, T.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
30 Falkland Road, Kentish Town
NORMAN, G.P.  (fl. 1890s-1900s)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
South London Optical Works, 23 Nelson Street, Greenwich
NORTON, C. Goodwin  (1858-1940)
lantern operator, film maker and author
38 Marchmont Street, Russell Square
NYE, G.H.F.  (c.1850-1936)
author of lectures used with slide sets
30 Lorn Road, Stockwell
83 Pollards Hill, South Norbury
OTTWAY, John  (1821-1904)
optician and magic lantern maker
11 Devonshire Street
21 Pakenham Street
83 St John Street Road
178 St John Street Road
OTTWAY, John  (1844-1897)
partner in lantern hardware manufacturing business
21 Pakenham Street
83 St John Street Road
proprietor of optical manufacturing business
21 Pakenham Street
83 St John Street Road
3 Upper Barnsbury Street, Islington
31 Fairbridge Road, Islington
Amberley, 37 Hastings Road, Ealing
OTTWAY, William  (c.1872- ? )
proprietor of optical manufacturing business
3 Upper Barnsbury Street, Islington
31 Fairbridge Road, Islington
Amberley, 37 Hastings Road, Ealing
OUIN, William  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1891
Waverley Road, Park Lane, Tottenham
OVERTON, Robert  (1854-1924)
author of stories used with slide sets
17 Forest Drive, Leyton
119 Lothair Road, Golders Green
OVEY, A.  (fl. 1890s)
professional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
17 Orchard Street, Portman Square
PAGE, Fid  (1850- ? )
lantern slide painter
57 Great Portland Street
34 Burton Crescent, St Pancras
PALMER, F. Grove  (1851-1927)
actor and comedian; author of poems used with slide sets
6 Carlisle Street, Soho
6 Court Road, West Norwood
50 Gresham Road, Brixton
photographer of slide sets, historian, curator of local museum
6 Court Road, West Norwood
The Spinney, Shirley Church Road, Addington
PARSONS, R.H.  (1869- after 1911)
lantern and cinematograph lecturer
39 Chaucer Road, Herne Hill
18 Durand Gardens, Brixton
PARVIN, J.G.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1894
47 Whittingstall Road, Parsons Green
PASSMORE, Joseph  (c.1823-1895)
partner in printing business producing slide readings
30 Brixton Hill, Brixton
PAUL, R.W.  (1869-1943)
inventor and cinematographer
290 High Holborn
Newton Avenue Works, Sydney Road, New Southgate
69 Addison Road, Kensington
85 Victoria Drive, Wimbledon
PEARCE, F.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
39 Crystal Palace Road
PEER, C.J.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
2 Myddelton Square
PEPPER, Professor J.H.  (1821-1900)
scientist and lantern lecturer, officer of Royal Polytechnic Institution
3 Rosebery Road, Clapham
55 Colworth Road, Leytonstone
PERKEN, Louis  (c.1829-1907)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
Gloster Villas, Jeffreys Road, Lambeth
76 Wood Vale, Forest Hill
PERKEN, Frederic L.  (1862-1944)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
Gloster Villas, Jeffreys Road, Lambeth
Oakhill, Forest Hill Road, Dulwich
22 Underhill Road, Dulwich
4 Alleyn Road
PERKEN, Edgar T.  (1865-1942)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
Gloster Villas, Jeffreys Road, Lambeth
PERRY, C.H.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
4 Victor Parade, College Park
PEXTON, Chatham  (1849-1918)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
27 Jeffreys Street, Camden Town
3 Hardinge Street, Islington
13 Burgoyne Road, Hornsey
100 Hampden Road, Hornsey
26 Alexandra Road, Hornsey
Sunbury, Priory Road, Hornsey
PIGGOTT, William F.  (1841-1923)
owner/proprietor of slide manufacturer
11 Deerhurst Road, Streatham
PIGGOTT, John, junior  (1847-1922)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
74 Doddington Grove, Kennington
PIGGOTT, W. Charter  (1872-1943)
clergyman and author of stories used with slide sets
104 Gleneldon Road, Streatham
PIKE, Samuel T.  (c.1843-c.1912)
author of textbook on slide production
86 Milton Street, Marylebone
339 Oxford Street
24 Robert Street, St Pancras
71 Parkhurst Road
68 Margaret Street, Marylebone
photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
8 Ellesmere Road, Bethnal Green
2 Malfort Road, Camberwell
167 Camberwell Grove, Camberwell
clergyman; contributor to OMLJ, 1899
173 Oakwood Court
PITT, Theophilus  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
143 Minories
POULTON, Samuel  (1819-1898)
photographer; proprietor of slide manufacturing business
Springfield, Thirlmere Road, Streatham
POULTON, Alfred  (1850-1928)
partner in slide manufacturing business
24 Taunton Road, Lee
The Gables, Grove Park, Lee
POULTON, Frank  (1855- ? )
partner in slide manufacturing business
41 Effingham Road, Lee
PRICE, Reverend Benjamin  (c.1823-1891)
clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer
59 Penn Road Villas, Islington
PRICE, E.H.  (c.1860- ? )
occasional lantern operator
59 Penn Road Villas, Islington
PRICE, H.B.  (c.1861- ? )
occasional lantern operator
59 Penn Road Villas, Islington
artist whose work was used for slide sets
1 Woodville Road, Ealing
RALSTON, William  (1841-1911)
artist and author whose work was used for slide sets
73 Roderick Road, Hampstead
RATEAU, A.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1898
25 Margaret Street, Cavendish Square
RAYMENT, Arthur  (1847-1922)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
31 Albion Road, Hackney
11 Mamby Grove, Stratford
35 Hamfrith Road, Stratford
125 Earlham Grove, West Ham
REDFERN, Jasper  (1871-1928)
proprietor of photographic and lantern retail business
110 Pancras Square, St Pancras
RENDLE, Charles E.  (1849-1928)
contributor to OMLJ, 1891-93
25 Alma Road, St Paul's Road, Canonbury
REYNOLDS, Ellis  (1866-1952)
author and adapter of lectures and stories used with slide sets
1 Glensdale Road, Brockley
12 Primrose Mansions, Prince of Wales Road, Battersea
89 York Mansions, Prince of Wales Road, Battersea
2b Warrington Gardens, Maida Hill
RIDER, William  (1866-1944)
owner of slide manufacturing business
49 Herbert Road, Wimbledon
42 Merton Road, Wimbledon
72 Quicks Road, Wimbledon
Keith Villa, Effra Road
Bexley House, 204 Queens Road, Wimbledon
36 Chartham Road, South Norwood
RIGG, Caroline  (1824-1889)
author of stories used with slide sets
79 Brixton Hill, Brixton
ROBERTS, James  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1890
ROBERTSON, James S.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1890
ROBINS, Edmund A.  (1874-1957)
contributor to OMLJ, 1897
111 Burton Road, Camberwell
1 Lorne Road, Harrow
ROBINSON, C.B.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
41 Sumatra Road, West Hampstead
member of National Society of Lanternists
6 Brookfield Road, Victoria Park
ROUCH, William W.  (1831-1871)
partner in photographic supply business
9 Castelnau Villas, Barnes
ROUCH, William A.  (1862-1947)
partner in photographic supply business
84 Christchurch Road, Norwood
ROWBOTHAM, F.J.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
2 Endymion Road, Brixton Hill
ROWE, William Hannaway  (1850-1934)
herbalist, dentist, variety artiste and lantern performer
123 Brixton Hill, Lambeth
occasional lantern lecturer
6 Cannon Place, Mile End
SAMBRIDGE, R.J.  (1861-1918)
professional lantern operator
15 Lefevre Road, Poplar
101 Fairfield Road, Bow
78 Tredegar Road, Bow
SANDERS, H. Armytage  (1867-1940)
proprietor of photography and lantern supply business
74 Leighton Road, Kentish Town
27 Catherine Street, Covent Garden
38 Pandora Road, West Hampstead
49 Queen's Road
3 Bigwood Road
SANDOW, Eugen  (1867-1925)
bodybuilder and entertainer; subject of lantern slide sets
61 Holland Park Avenue
SCARBOROUGH, W.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1895
Alyn Bank, Crescent Road, Crouch End
SCHOMBERG, C.M.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
10 Narcissus Road, West Hampstead
SCOTT, Professor Robert  (c.1837-1898)
author of lectures used with slide sets, proprietor of optical business
60 Berwick Street
22 Williams Terrace, Walworth
SCOTT, James  (c.1840-1913)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
60 Berwick Street
SCOTT, Albert W.  (1860-1893)
contributor to OMLJ, 1889-91
22 Williams Terrace, Walworth
SELWYN, Captain   (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
21 Lowndes Square
SHAYLOR, Sidney J.  (1875-1948)
proprietor of publishing business
31 Wilberforce Road, Hornsey
4 Osborne Road, Hornsey
49 The Avenue, Muswell Hill
16 Lanchester Road, Highgate
SHIELDS, Frederic  (1833-1911)
artist; illustrator of lantern slides
Morayfield, Kingston Road, Merton
SIMMONS, F.  (fl. 1890s)
officer of charitable society, 1893
158 Frances Terrace, Herne Hill
SIMPSON, Reverend H.E.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
St Matthew's Clergy House, Great Peter Street, Westminster
SIMS, George R.  (1847-1922)
journalist and author of texts used for slide sets
48 Hamilton Terrace, Marylebone
12 Clarence Terrace
SLIGHT, George H.  (1822-1904)
contributor to OMLJ, 1889-96
413 East India Dock Road, Tower Hamlets
Lindisfarne, 255a Romford Road, Upton
SMITH, G.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
4 Saville Street, Marylebone
SMITH, W.L.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
19 Alexandra Road, Selhurst
SMITH, Joseph J.  (fl. 1890s)
director of lime production company; contributor to OMLJ, 1899
122 High Street, Peckham
SMITH, Frederic  (1841-1919)
temperance campaigner; author of lectures used with slide sets
West Central Hotel, 75 Southampton Row
West Central Hotel, 101 Southampton Row
Elmleigh, Tenterden Grove, Hendon
leader of religious community; subject of lantern slides
2 Clapton Common, Hackney
SNAZELLE, G.H.  (1848-1912)
performer and author of readings used with slide sets
1 Stockwell Park Crescent, Stockwell
SOPER, T.H.  (1869-1903)
partner in slide manufacturing business
170 Bridge Road, Battersea
Rockley, 69 Santos Road, Wandsworth
37 Santos Road, Wandsworth
SOPER, H. Tapley  (1875-1951)
librarian and occasional lantern lecturer
57 Bouverie Road, Stoke Newington
SOWTON, Stanley  (c.1875-1958)
author of lectures used with slide sets
93 Duke's Avenue, Muswell Hill
SPAWFORTH, A.B.  (c.1864-1924)
wine and spirit merchant; contributor to OMLJ, 1893
91 Fordwych Road, Kilburn
The Homestead, 2 Dartmouth Road, Willesden Green
SPITTA, Dr Harold R.D.  (1877-1954)
physician and microphotographer whose work was used for lantern slides
46 Lowndes Square
STABB, John  (1864-1917)
proprietor of slide making business
139 Queen's Road, Paddington
154 Queen's Road, Paddington
152 Kensington Park Road, Bayswater
STEDMAN, Frederick J.  (1866-1932)
proprietor of slide making business
174 Bridge Road, Battersea
103 Albert Road, Battersea Park
82 Sternhold Avenue, Streatham Hill
136 Eswyn Road, Tooting
STEVENS, J.C.  (c.1842-1910)
auctioneer holding regular sales of lantern material
38 King Street, Covent Garden
STEWARD, J.H.  (1817-1896)
proprietor of lantern and slide making and dealing business
406 The Strand
Horn Park Villa, Eltham Road, Eltham
STEWART, Robert W.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1897
Lansdowne Road, London Fields
STYLES, W.J.  (1842-1914)
religious leader, subject of lantern slides
Elmscroft, 10 Melrose Road, Wandsworth
TAMBLYN, Jonathan  (1843-c.1904)
owner of printing company used by slide manufacturers
32 Robert Street
8 Ladbroke Grove Road
132 Lancaster Road, Bayswater
TAMMADGE, J.C.  (1856-1908)
occasional lantern lecturer
16 Neate Street, Camberwell
12 Jerningham Road, Deptford
TAYLOR, A.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
54 Oxford Road, Ealing
TAYLOR, J. Traill  (1827-1895)
photographer and journalist
Nithsdale Villa, 21 Trinity Road, Tottenham
Nithsdale Villa, 21 Trinity Road, Tottenham
TAYLOR, J. Hay  (c.1858-1936)
photographer and journalist; editor of OMLJ 1889-1902
Nithsdale Villa, 21 Trinity Road, Tottenham
5 Alfred Place, Finsbury
9 Colina Road, Tottenham
Bleak House, 178 Wightman Road, Hornsey
45 Belsize Avenue, Southgate
43 The Grove, Palmers Green
TAYLOR, Alfred  (c.1863-1945)
photographer and partner in lantern publishing business
Nithsdale Villa, 21 Trinity Road, Tottenham
Nithsdale, Wealdstone
114 Station Road, Wealdstone
partner in lantern and slide supply business
4 Church Street, Kensington
20 Church Street, Kensington
25 Bensham Grove, Thornton Heath
THEOBALD, John  (1858-1926)
proprietor of slide manufacturing business
4 Church Street, Kensington
20 Church Street, Kensington
Wormwood Scrubs Prison, Ducane Road, Shepherd's Bush
126 Stockwell Park Road, Brixton
clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer
76 Alscot Road, Bermondsey
3 Albert Road, Peckham
133 Wynchgate, Winchmore Hill
partner in optical manufacturing and supply business
4 Willow Bridge Road, Islington
Highbury Hill House, 14 Highbury Hill, Islington
THORNTHWAITE, William  (1850-1908)
partner in optical manufacturing and supply business
4 Willow Bridge Road, Islington
Highbury Hill House, 14 Highbury Hill, Islington
occasional lantern lecturer
20 Gowlett Road, Camberwell
TOMS, H. Luscombe  (c.1870-1935)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business
4 Waldemar Avenue, Ealing
TONKIN, J.P.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
61 Beauchamp Road, Clapham Junction
TOWNS, W.H.  (1861-1953)
partner in lantern accessory manufacturing business
32 Portland Street, Walworth
35 Cavendish Road, Clapham
TREMLETT, Reverend F.W.  (c.1822-1913)
author of lectures used with slide sets
St Peter's Parsonage, Belsize Park, Hampstead
TRESIDDER, J.E.  (1825-1895)
occasional lantern lecturer
15 King Edward Street, Southwark
6 Paragon, New Kent Road
clergyman and occasional lantern lecturer
149 Lower Road, Rotherhithe
TRUCKLE, George  (c.1842-1907)
photographer of lantern slides
81 Lupus Street, Pimlico
82 Loughborough Road, Brixton
Campden House, 4 Hartfield Road, South Wimbledon
48 Merton Road, Wimbledon
TRUSLOVE, W.H.  (1853-1933)
proprietor of printing and publishing business used by lantern dealers
6 Bloom Grove, Norwood
TRUSLOVE, F.H.  (1892-c.1973)
adapter of stories used with slide sets
6 Bloom Grove, Norwood
TUSSAUD, Madame Marie  (1761-1850)
artist in wax, proprietor of wax museum
58 Baker Street
author of lectures used with slide sets
24 Josephine Avenue, Brixton
2 Hambledon Road, Southfields
TYLAR, William  (c.1859-1929)
proprietor of lantern and slide supply business; contributor to OMLJ, 1892
22 Wilderness Row, Finsbury
TYLER, Walter  (1850-1909)
lantern and slide dealer and manufacturer
12 Tonsley Hill, Wandsworth
8 Rutland Park, Lewisham
UNDERHILL, Alfred  (1862-1939)
proprietor of slide manufacturing business
Walton Yard
UNDERWOOD, L.J.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
23 Dorset Square
UPHILL, Captain Henry  (1875-1956)
Church Army officer and lantern lecturer
122-130 Edgware Road
URBAN, Charles  (1867-1942)
director of cinematograph and film supply business
103 Ashley Gardens, Westminster
34 Half Moon Street, Mayfair
77 Park Mansions
VARLEY, F.H.  (fl. 1890s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1896
82 Newington Green Road
VAUGHAN, Frederick  (fl. 1880s)
contributor to OMLJ, 1889
Vestry Road, Camberwell
VEDY, Miss L.M.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
35 High Street, Battersea
VEZEY, J.J.  (1844-1906)
contributor to OMLJ, 1895
55 Lewisham High Road
188 Lewisham High Road
VINER, Reverend A.J.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
118 Herbert Road, Plumstead
WADE, Mrs Ada E.  (c.1848- ? )
proprietor of optical supply business
36 Bryanston Street, Marylebone
177 Walworth Road
WAKELY, Charles  (1849-1926)
temperance campaigner, author of lectures used with slide sets
29 Church Street, Camberwell
17 Glengall Grove, Camberwell
36 Glengall Road, Camberwell
148 Jerningham Road, Deptford
WALKER, W.J.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
90 Amherst Park, Stamford Hill
WALLACE, J. Bruce  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator; member of National Society of Lanternists
90 Lavender Grove, Dalston
WATERS, Reverend W.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
7 Oliver Road, South Norwood
WATFORD, Charles  (c.1846-1935)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
177 Walworth Road
WATSON, William  (c.1815-1881)
proprietor of slide and lantern dealing business
12 City Road
74 City Road
313 High Holborn
WATSON, Thomas  (1855-1897)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
74 City Road
313 High Holborn
Delves House, Streatham
The Priory, Roehampton
WATSON, George  (1857- after 1881)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
74 City Road
313 High Holborn
WATSON, Charles  (1866-1938)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
313 High Holborn
WEEKS, Frank F.  (1845-1914)
illustrator of lantern slides; contributor to OMLJ
104 Back Church Lane, Tower Hamlets
40 Watney Street, Commercial Road
21 Thorpe Road, Forest Gate
14 Thorpe Road, Forest Gate
263 Cann Hall Road, Leytonstone
129 Alverstone Road, Manor Park
WELFORD, Walter D.  (1857-1919)
contributor to OMLJ, 1893-94
166 Romford Road, Upton
WESTLEY, William  (c.1807-1887)
partner in slide manufacturing and supply business
24 Regent Street
author of lectures used with slide sets
93 Cornwall Gardens, Kensington
WILKIE, Edmund H.  (1857-1935)

lantern lecturer, exhibitor, writer and historian

201 Tottenham Court Road
4 Pemberton Terrace, Islington
114 Maygrove Road, West Hampstead
70 Dyne Road, Brondesbury
WILLIAMS, John A.  (c.1870- ? )
partner in lantern slide manufacturing business
203 Albion Road, Stoke Newington
WILLIAMS, William Railton  (c.1874-1944)
partner in lantern slide manufacturing business
203 Albion Road, Stoke Newington
85 Queens Drive, Finsbury Park
WILLWAY, F.W., M.R.C.S.  (c.1868-1938)
medical practitioner and occasional lantern lecturer
19 Penistone Road
WILTON, S.L.  (1871- after 1901)
insurance clerk; contributor to OMLJ, 1895
Longmoor Villa, 158 Romford Road, Forest Gate
WINKS, Foulkes  (fl. 1890s)
officer of charitable society, 1893
2 Pretoria Avenue, Walthamstow
WINKWORTH, J.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
290 Burdett Road
WINTER, William  (fl. 1890s-1900s)
proprietor of slide making business
71 Hatton Garden
WINZAR, George  (1836-1907)
lantern slide painter
66 Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth
2 Geneva Cottages, Lambeth
1 The Terrace, Mottingham
Shelton Lodge, South Norwood
151 Selhurst Road, South Norwood
WIRE, Alfred P.  (1839-1914)
author of lectures used with slide sets
168 Birkbeck Road, Leytonstone
WOOD, E.G.  (1811-1896)
lantern and slide manufacturer and dealer
123 Newgate Street
117 Cheapside
9 South Road, Edmonton
74 Cheapside
author of lectures used with slide sets
5 Selwyn Terrace, Jasper Road, Upper Norwood
WOOD, A.A., F.C.S.  (1846-1900)
proprietor of lantern and slide business, occasional lantern lecturer
117 Cheapside
74 Cheapside
16 Finsbury Square
WOODBURY, Walter B.  (1834-1885)
photographer, inventor and proprietor of slide making business
Dulwich Road, Penge
Manor House, South Norwood
WOODBURY, Walter E.  (1865-1905)
photographer and journalist; contributor to OMLJ, 1893
Dulwich Road, Penge
WOOLDRIDGE, A.J.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
4 Grove Cottages, Western Road, Ealing
author of lectures used with slide sets
Wesleyan Training College, Horseferry Road
29 Vineyard Hill Road, Wimbledon
WREN, R.C.  (fl. 1890s)
occasional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
26 Whitbread Road, Brockley
WRENCH, Edward  (1797-1866)
optician and proprietor of optical business
6 Gray's Inn Terrace
9 Roseberry Villas, Islington
WRENCH, John  (1830-1883)
optician and proprietor of optical business
6 Gray's Inn Terrace
7 Gaisford Street, Kentish Town
83 Brecknock Road
49 Highbury Park, Islington
Sunnyside, Elsworthy Road, Hampstead
WRENCH, Alfred  (1861-1913)
optician and proprietor of optical business
83 Brecknock Road
49 Highbury Park, Islington
1 Mecklenburgh Street, Mecklenburgh Square
61 Oakley Square
WRENCH, Herbert Holmes  (1885-1951)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
7 Wetherby Mansions, Earl's Court, Kensington
3 Albemarle Street
WRIGHT, D.  (fl. 1890s)
professional lantern operator and lecturer; member of National Society of Lanternists
37 Warden Road, Kentish Town
WRIGHT, Mrs   (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
37 Warden Road, Kentish Town
WRIGHT, Lewis  (1838-1905)
author of books on lantern use
32 Ashley Road, Hornsey
7 Beaumont Road, Islington
52 Cromwell Avenue, Hornsey
partner in lantern and slide supply business
32 Ashley Road, Hornsey
7 Beaumont Road, Islington
52 Cromwell Avenue, Hornsey
11 Hornsey Lane Gardens, Hornsey
51 Park Hall Road, Finchley
Runswick, 12 Fitzalan Road, Church End, Finchley
WYBROO, G.S.  (c.1833-1918)
occasional lantern lecturer
64 Hyde Vale, Greenwich
YERBURY, S.E.  (fl. 1890s)
member of National Society of Lanternists
23 Parade, Acton
YORK, Frederick  (1823-1903)
photographer and proprietor of slide manufacturing business
81 Lancaster Road, Bayswater
115 Golborne Road, North Kensington
22 St Quintin Avenue, North Kensington
75 Lancaster Road, Bayswater
YORK, William  (1855-1931)
partner and proprietor of slide manufacturing business
115 Golborne Road, North Kensington
164 Lancaster Road, Bayswater
22 St Quintin Avenue, North Kensington
67 Lancaster Road, Bayswater
75 Lancaster Road, Bayswater
233 Ladbroke Grove, North Kensington
YOUNG, George  (1858-1919)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
59 Albert Road, Hackney
68 Norfolk Road, Dalston
YOUNG, Albert  (1865-1934)
partner in lantern slide making business
283 Regent Street
263 Lauderdale Mansions, Maida Vale
ZAMBRA, Joseph  (1822-1897)
partner in lantern and slide supply business
9 Manchester Street, St Pancras
Villa Carreno, 39 Carleton Road, Islington
Walden, 80 Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hampstead
Date of death
AIRS, William  (1862-1916)
proprietor of lantern manufacturing business
ALDIN, Cecil  (1870-1935)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
6 January 1935
British Army officer, subject of lantern slides
14 May 1936
ARNE, Thomas  (1710-1778)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
5 March 1778
ASCHER, Joseph  (1829-1869)
composer of songs used with slide sets
4 June 1869
ASKEW, W.D.  (1862-1918)
tailor; occasional lantern operator; contributor to OMLJ, 1893
composer of services of song used with slide sets
author of services used with slide sets
20 August 1951
BANKS, Mrs Isabella  (1821-1897)
poet and novelist; subject of lantern slides
4 May 1897
BANKS, Horace  (1858-c.1946)
proprietor of lantern supply business; contributor to OMLJ
author of stories and poems used with slide sets
17 June 1845
BARNARD, D'Auvergne  (1867-1929)
composer of songs used with slide sets
BARNBY, Joseph  (1838-1896)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
28 January 1896
BARNES, J.H.  (1850-1925)
actor and subject of lantern slides
10 November 1925
BARNES, Bill  (1920-2019)
historian and collector of lantern and other optical material
2 July 2019
BEARD, R.R.  (c.1856-1932)
proprietor of lantern accessory manufacturing business
3 February 1932
BEATTY, Admiral David  (1871-1936)
British naval officer and subject of lantern slides
11 March 1936
BEECHAM, Thomas  (1879-1961)
compiler of song collections used for slide sets
8 March 1961
BENEDICT, Sir Jules  (1804-1885)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
5 June 1885
occasional lantern lecturer
11 October 1927
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
16 May 1906
BING, Stephan  (1880-1940)
proprietor of toy manufacturing business
19 April 1940
BISHOP, Sir Henry  (1786-1855)
composer of songs used with slide sets
30 April 1855
author of lectures used for slide sets
BOLEYN, Anne  (c.1501-1536)
Queen of England; subject of lantern slides
19 May 1536
BONNER, Reverend Carey  (1859-1938)
arranger of services of song used with slide sets
16 June 1938
BOOTH, Josiah  (1852-1929)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
29 December 1929
BOULTON, Sir Harold  (1859-1935)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
1 June 1935
BOYD, Reverend William  (1847-1928)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
16 February 1928
BRAHAM, John  (1774-1856)
opera singer; composer of songs used with slide sets
17 February 1856
BRIDGE, John F.  (1844-1924)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
18 March 1924
BROWN, Robert  (1773-1858)
botanist; subject of lantern slides
10 June 1858
BROWNE, Tom, R.I.  (1870-1910)
cartoonist whose work was used for lantern slides
16 March 1910
BRUNN, George  (1863-1905)
composer of songs used with slide sets
18 December 1905
painter of lantern slides
BULLEY, Margaret H.  (1882-1960)
author of books used with slide sets
BUNYAN, John  (1628-1688)
author of stories used with slide sets
31 August 1688
BURGESS, J.B.  (1829-1897)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
12 November 1897
BURNE-JONES, Edward  (1833-1898)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
17 June 1898
author of lectures used with slide sets
28 October 1914
CAMPION, Thomas  (1567-1620)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
1 March 1620
CAREY, Henry  (c.1687-1743)
poet and dramatist; lyricist of songs used with slide sets
5 October 1743
CARPENTER, Philip  (1776-1833)
proprietor of slide manufacturing and supply business
30 April 1833
CARPENTER, Miss Mary  (c.1788-1877)
proprietor of slide manufacturing and supply business
CARPENTER, Joseph E.  (1813-1885)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
6 May 1885
scientist; author of lectures used with slide sets
25 December 1890
CARROTT, Livesey  (1863-1900)
arranger of services of song used with slide sets
November 1900
CARRUTHERS, Douglas  (1882-1962)
23 May 1962
CATTERMOLE, George  (1800-1868)
artist whose illustrations were used for slide sets
24 July 1868
CENNICK, John  (1718-1755)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
4 July 1755
King of England; subject of slide sets
30 January 1649
CHATELAIN, Clara de  (1807-1876)
author of stories used with slide sets
30 June 1876
New Zealand Army officer and subject of lantern slides
15 June 1939
CHILDERS, Hugh  (1827-1896)
British and Australian politician, subject of lantern slides
29 January 1896
CHORLEY, Henry  (1808-1872)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
16 February 1872
British politician, subject of lantern slides
24 January 1895
CHURCHILL, Winston  (1874-1965)
British politician and journalist; subject of lantern slides
24 January 1965
CLARKE, Jeremiah  (c.1659-1707)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
1 December 1707
CLAUDET, Antoine  (1797-1867)
photographer and artist
27 December 1867
CLAXTON, Marshall  (1811-1881)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
28 July 1881
contributor to OMLJ, 1892-1900
COLLINS, Charles W.  (c.1810-1861)
proprietor of optical supply business
author of poems used with slide sets
17 October 1836
member of British royal family; subject of lantern slides
14 March 1917
COOK, Miss Eliza  (1818-1889)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
23 September 1889
COOPER, John S.  (1877-1967)
proprietor of slide hire or loan business
2 March 1967
CORBOULD, E.H.  (1815-1905)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
18 January 1905
COWEN, Frederic H.  (1852-1935)
composer of songs used with slide sets
6 October 1935
CRIPPEN, Dr Hawley  (1862-1910)
physician and murderer, subject of lantern slides
23 November 1910
CROFT, William  (1678-1727)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
14 August 1727
CROMPTON, Dennis  (1935-2025)
officer of Magic Lantern Society
20 January 2025
CROMWELL, Oliver  (1599-1658)
English politician and subject of lantern slides
3 September 1658
CRUIKSHANK, Percy  (c.1818-c.1907)
artist; illustrator of lantern slide sets
CUMMINGS, Michael  (1919-1997)
newspaper cartoonist
9 October 1997
DAREWSKI, Herman E.  (1883-1947)
composer of songs used with slide sets
21 June 1947
DAVY, John  (1763-1824)
composer of songs used with slide sets
22 February 1824
DEAN, Frank  (1857-1922)
music publisher and composer of songs used with slide sets
16 July 1922
DEFOE, Daniel  (c.1660-1731)
author of stories used with slide sets
24 April 1731
DIBDIN, Charles  (1745-1814)
writer and dramatist; lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
25 July 1814
DICKMAN, George  (c.1846-1898)
contributor to OMLJ, 1894
15 November 1898
DICKSEE, Sir Frank  (1853-1928)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
17 October 1928
DISRAELI, Benjamin  (1804-1881)
British politician; subject of lantern slides
19 April 1881
DIXON, Colonel Henry  (1824-1883)
army officer and photographer; author of lectures used with slide sets
16 March 1883
DOYLE, Richard  (1824-1883)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
10 December 1883
DUFFERIN, Lady Helen  (1807-1867)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
13 June 1867
EATON, W.A.  (1848-1915)
author of poems used with slide sets
EDWARD VII, King   (1841-1910)
King of United Kingdom; subject of lantern slides
6 May 1910
ELAND, Reverend E.H.  (c.1862-1929)
author of lectures used with slide sets
7 April 1929
ELLIOTT, James W.  (1833-1915)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
5 February 1915
FAED, Thomas, R.A.  (1826-1900)
artist whose work was used for slides
17 August 1900
architect and historian, arranger/compiler of slide sets
3 August 1916
architect and historian, arranger/compiler of slide sets
17 August 1953
FORD, Lena Guilbert  (1870-1918)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
7 March 1918
FORSYTH, James  (1827-1910)
sculptor whose work was used for lantern slides
3 February 1910
FOXE, John  (c.1517-1587)
historian and writer, subject of lantern slide sets
18 April 1587
GARWOOD, E.J.  (1864-1949)
geologist and photographer whose work was used for lantern slides
12 June 1949
GAUNTLETT, Henry  (1805-1876)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
21 February 1876
GERMAN, Edward  (1862-1936)
composer of songs used for slide sets
11 November 1936
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
5 October 1897
GOLDSMITH, Oliver  (1730-1774)
poet whose work was used for slide sets
4 April 1774
GOODEVE, Mrs Arthur  (1849-1915)
composer of songs used with slide sets
GORST, Sir John, M.P.  (1835-1916)
British politician; subject of lantern slides
4 April 1916
GOW, M.L.  (1851-1929)
artist and illustrator whose work was used for slide sets
27 May 1929
GREEN, Matthew  (1696-1737)
author of poems referring to the magic lantern
GREEN, John  (c.1840-1926)
slide artist at Polytechnic; contributor to OMLJ, 1893
photographer, inventor and cinematographer
5 May 1921
GREGORY, William  (c.1837-1900)
proprietor of photography business
2 April 1900
GREY, Lady Jane  (c.1537-1554)
claimed Queen of England; subject of lantern slides
12 February 1554
GUERNSEY, Wellington  (c.1815-1885)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
HAGGARD, H. Rider  (1856-1925)
author; subject of lantern slides
14 May 1925
HAMILTON, James  (1814-1867)
author of texts used with slide sets
24 November 1867
composer of songs used with slide sets
14 April 1759
HANKEY, Katherine  (1834-1911)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
9 May 1911
HARDY, Dudley, R.I.  (1867-1922)
cartoonist whose work was used for lantern slides
11 August 1922
HARKNESS, Robert  (1880-1961)
arranger of hymns used with slide sets
8 May 1961
HASLUCK, Paul N.  (1854-1931)
editor of publications related to magic lantern use
7 May 1931
HENRY VIII, King   (1491-1547)
King of England; subject of slide sets
28 January 1547
HERBERT, John Rogers  (1810-1890)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
17 March 1890
HILL, Frank W.  (1861-c.1896)
painter of lantern slides
HILL, W.R.  (1831-1901)
slide painter and proprietor of slide making business
2 October 1901
HOGARTH, William  (1697-1764)
artist of illustrations used for slide sets
26 October 1764
HOPWOOD, Henry V.  (1866-1919)
author of textbook on cinematography
5 December 1919
HUGHES, Henry  (1816-1879)
proprietor of scientific instrument making business
4 May 1879
HULLAH, Miss Mary  (1848-1923)
author of services of song used with slide sets
6 October 1923
HUNTER, Reverend James  (1817-1882)
clergyman, missionary and occasional lantern operator
12 February 1882
HUTCHINGS, William  (1827-1876)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
21 May 1876
author of lectures used with slide sets
30 October 1927
JAMESON, Dr L.S.  (1853-1917)
British colonial administrator and subject of slide sets
26 November 1917
JONSON, Ben  (c.1572-1637)
author and playwright; subject of lantern slides
6 August 1637
JUDE, W.H.  (1851-1922)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
8 August 1922
KENNEY, C.L.  (1823-1881)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
28 August 1881
KING, Horatio Nelson  (c.1830-1905)
photographer; contributor to OMLJ, 1897
KIPLING, Rudyard  (1865-1936)
author of poems and songs used with slide sets
18 January 1936
clergyman and subject of lantern slides
10 January 1645
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
7 January 1830
British politician and colonial administrator, subject of lantern slides
27 June 1879
LEECH, John  (1817-1864)
artist whose work was used for slide sets
29 October 1864
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
25 January 1896
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
1 September 1922
LINLEY, George  (1798-1865)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
10 September 1865
LODER, Edward  (1813-1865)
composer of songs used with slide sets
5 April 1865
LUCAS, Miss E.M.  (1897-1973)
actor who performed as model for slide sets
1 January 1973
historian and politician; subject of lantern slides
28 December 1859
MACDUFF, William  (1824-1881)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
MACFARREN, Sir G.A.  (1813-1887)
composer of songs used with slide sets
31 October 1887
MACKAY, Charles  (1814-1889)
author of poems used with slide sets
24 December 1889
MACRAE, Henry  (c.1799-1889)
proprietor of optical instrument making business
7 August 1889
MACWHIRTER, John, R.A.  (1839-1911)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
28 January 1911
MAHER, Dannie  (1881-1916)
American jockey; subject of lantern slides
9 November 1916
clergyman and subject of lantern slides
14 January 1892
MARKS, H. Stacy, R.A.  (1829-1898)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
9 January 1898
MARY, Queen   (1867-1953)
Queen of United Kingdom; subject of lantern slides
24 March 1953
Queen of England; subject of slide sets
17 November 1558
MASON, Robert  (1875-1914)
employed in optical instrument making business
20 December 1914
MEDLAND, J. Brandon  (1846-1916)
professional lantern operator; proprietor of slide supply business
artist; illustrator of slide sets
13 August 1896
MILTON, John  (1608-1674)
author of poems used with slide sets
8 November 1674
MOIR, Mrs Jessie  (c.1831-1906)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
MONK, William H.  (1823-1889)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
1 March 1889
MOTTERSHAW, Frank S.  (1881-1931)
employee of photographic supply business
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
7 July 1863
British army officer and subject of lantern slides
14 January 1890
daughter of magic lantern showman
18 December 1896
NEW, Charles  (1842-1919)
lantern lecturer and showman under pseudonym 'Professor Koenig'
11 March 1919
NEWTON, Reverend John  (1725-1807)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
21 December 1807
NEWTON, William Edward  (1818-1879)
partner in optical equipment supply business
1 April 1879
NEWTON, Frederic  (1824-1909)
partner in optical equipment supply business
3 October 1909
NICHOLLS, C.W.  (1831-1903)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
24 January 1903
NORTON, Caroline  (1808-1877)
author of poems used with slide sets
15 June 1877
NOVELLO, Ivor  (1893-1951)
composer of songs used with slide sets
6 March 1951
O'CONNOR, T.P., M.P.  (1848-1929)
journalist and politician, subject of lantern slides
18 November 1929
O'ROURKE, Edmund  (1814-1879)
writer, actor and lyricist of songs used with slide sets
29 September 1879
OLIPHANT, Mrs Margaret  (1828-1897)
novelist; author of lectures used with slide sets
25 June 1897
OTTWAY, John  (1844-1897)
partner in lantern hardware manufacturing business
8 November 1897
OTTWAY, John  (1821-1904)
optician and magic lantern maker
14 April 1904
OVEREND, W.H.  (1851-1898)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
18 March 1898
OXENFORD, John  (1812-1877)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
21 February 1877
PIKE, Samuel T.  (c.1843-c.1912)
author of textbook on slide production
PRIOR, Melton  (1845-1910)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
2 November 1910
PROCTER, Miss Adelaide  (1825-1864)
poet; lyricist of songs used with slide sets
2 February 1864
PRYNNE, William  (1600-1669)
lawyer and politician, subject of lantern slides
24 October 1669
PURDAY, C.H.  (c.1799-1885)
arranger of services of song used with slide sets
RALEIGH, Sir Walter  (c.1554-1618)
seaman and explorer; subject of lantern slides
29 October 1618
RALSTON, William  (1841-1911)
artist and author whose work was used for slide sets
26 October 1911
missionary and author of texts used with slide sets
11 February 1879
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
23 February 1792
RIVIÈRE, Briton, R.A.  (1840-1920)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
20 April 1920
ROGERS, Samuel  (1763-1855)
author of poems used with slide sets
18 December 1855
ROWLANDSON, Thomas  (1756-1827)
artist and illustrator
22 April 1827
RUSSELL, Henry  (1812-1900)
composer of songs used with slide sets
8 December 1900
RYAN, Richard  (1797-1849)
lyricist of songs used with slide sets
20 October 1849
SANDOW, Eugen  (1867-1925)
bodybuilder and entertainer; subject of lantern slide sets
14 October 1925
SANT, James, R.A.  (1820-1916)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
12 July 1916
SCOTT, Clement  (1841-1904)
drama critic; author of poems used with slide sets
26 June 1904
SCOTT-GATTY, Alex  (1876-1937)
actor and subject of lantern slides
6 November 1937
SHELDON, C.M.  (1866-1928)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
SHENSTONE, James C.  (1854-1935)
proprietor of lantern manufacturing business
SIMS, George R.  (1847-1922)
journalist and author of texts used for slide sets
4 September 1922
SLATER, Edward  (1844-1920)
composer of songs used with slide sets
SMART, Henry  (1813-1879)
composer of songs used with slide sets
6 July 1879
SMEDLEY, Miss Menella  (c.1820-1877)
author of poems used with slide sets
SMITH, Isaac  (c.1734-1805)
composer of hymns used with slide sets
14 December 1805
SPITTA, Dr Harold R.D.  (1877-1954)
physician and microphotographer whose work was used for lantern slides
30 September 1954
composer of songs used with slide sets
29 March 1924
STANLEY, Henry Morton  (1841-1904)
journalist and explorer; subject of slide sets
10 May 1904
STEWART, Lady Caroline  (c.1791-1864)
composer of songs used with slide sets
15 January 1864
STONE, Marcus  (1840-1921)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
24 March 1921
STOREY, G.A.  (1834-1919)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur  (1842-1900)
composer of songs used with slide sets
22 November 1900
SUMMERS, Somers L.  (c.1875-1905)
author of texts used with slide sets
28 October 1905
SWINTON, A.A.C.  (1863-1930)
electrical engineer, photographer of scientific lantern slides
19 February 1930
TATE, Nahum  (1652-1715)
poet and dramatist; lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
30 July 1715
TATE, James W.  (1875-1922)
composer of songs used with slide sets
5 February 1922
novelist; author of poems used with slide sets
24 December 1863
scientist; author of lectures used with slide sets
12 June 1916
THORNTHWAITE, William  (1850-1908)
partner in optical manufacturing and supply business
26 June 1908
TOURS, Berthold  (1838-1897)
composer of songs used with slide sets
11 March 1897
TRESIDDER, J.E.  (1825-1895)
occasional lantern lecturer
4 February 1895
TUSSAUD, Madame Marie  (1761-1850)
artist in wax, proprietor of wax museum
16 April 1850
VAN DYCK, Sir Anthony  (1599-1641)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
9 December 1641
WATERHOUSE, J.W., R.A.  (1849-1917)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
10 February 1917
WATTS, Isaac  (1674-1748)
lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
25 November 1748
WEEKS, Frank F.  (1845-1914)
illustrator of lantern slides; contributor to OMLJ
6 November 1914
WELFORD, Walter D.  (1857-1919)
contributor to OMLJ, 1893-94
WESLEY, Charles  (1707-1788)
religious pioneer; lyricist of hymns used with slide sets
29 March 1788
WEST, Benjamin, R.A.  (1738-1820)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
11 March 1820
WHEATLEY, Francis  (1747-1801)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
28 June 1801
WILKIE, Edmund H.  (1857-1935)

lantern lecturer, exhibitor, writer and historian

11 February 1935
WILLIAMS, Bransby  (1870-1961)
actor and comedian who appeared in lantern slides
3 December 1961
WILLWAY, F.W., M.R.C.S.  (c.1868-1938)
medical practitioner and occasional lantern lecturer
10 July 1938
WOLCOT, John  (1738-1819)
author of poems used with slide sets
14 January 1819
scientist and inventor of optical recreation devices
22 December 1828
WOODVILLE, R. Caton  (1856-1927)
artist and illustrator whose work was used for lantern slides
17 August 1927
WRENCH, Alfred  (1861-1913)
optician and proprietor of optical business
10 July 1913
WYLLIE, Charles W.  (1853-1923)
artist whose work was used for lantern slides
28 July 1923
YOUNG, Dr Thomas  (1773-1829)
scientist and physician; author of book describing design of phantasmagoria lantern
10 May 1829
YOUNG, George  (1858-1919)
lyricist/composer of songs used with slide sets
9 April 1919
Lucerna ID 1500493

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 4 October 2016

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 1500493. Accessed 14 February 2025.

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