BAKER, W. Weaver (1866-1954) – lecturer
Torquay Natural History Society – organiser
“Exonian's lecture at Torquay.
The weekly lecture at the Torquay Natural History Society's Museum Hall was delivered by Mr W. Weaver Baker, of Exeter, on 'Record Work with a Camera.' Mr Baker greatly interested a large audience for one hour, first with a description of the aims and operations of the Exeter Pictorial Record Society, and then with very useful practical suggestions for the amateur photographer, including hints for colour photography. There followed the exhibition of a series of splendid lantern slides illustrating the subject, the pictures given comprising flowers, birds, and animals, and very fine architectural specimens, among the latter being remarkably good views of the exteriors and interiors of Salisbury and Exeter Cathedrals. The clearness of Mr Baker's remarks and the beauty of his slides were very much appreciated, and the lecture ranked as one of the best for the present session.
”Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 3 August 2016
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