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Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon

All items so far listed in this collection (265)
Slides (265)
Item details
Item status
Collection ref.
Map of Africa
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Tanganyika Territory
Slide 1 / 36 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Map of Tanganyika
Slide 2 / 37 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
West Central and East Africa
Slide 3 / 38 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Development of East Africa
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 4 / 39 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
[Slide title unknown]
Slide 43 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Herd of Grant's Gazelle near Kilima Njaro
Slide 33 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Distant view of the Kilima Njaro group from the South
Slide 8 / 43 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Girls of the Masai Tribe
Slide 9 / 44 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Masai Warriors
Slide 10 / 45 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Ascending the Valley of the Uma
Slide 12 / 46 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Masai Warriors
Slide 11 / 45A of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
On the way to the Saddle
Slide 13 / 47 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Inside Kibo Crater
Slide 14 / 48 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Glacier in the Crater
Slide 15 / 49 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Dar es Salaam Harbour
Slide 16 / 50 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Lion with dead zebra
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Thompson's Gazelle
Slide 35 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Herd of Burchell's Zebra
Slide 32 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Gnu or Brindled Wildebeest
Slide 31 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Lumbwa River -- Livingstone Mountains in the background
Slide 23 / 55 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Bamboo forest on the slopes of the Livingstone Mountains
Slide 22 / 54 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Hippo on the verge of the swamp
Slide 21 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Hippopotamus in swamp; too frightened to land
Slide 20 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Port of Mwanza on Lake Victoria
Slide 19 / 53 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
View of the Rungwe Mountains (Iringa)
Slide 18 / 52 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Main Street of Dar es Salaam
Slide 17 / 51 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Lion lying among rocks
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Lioness with killed animal
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Bigger flea
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Tsetse Fly
Slide 25A of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
African elephant with one ear missing
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 29B of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Arm of person suffering filariasis
Slide 29A of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Feet of person suffering filariasis
Slide 29D of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Lower leg of person suffering filariasis
Slide 29C of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Group of hunters with dead elephant
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Group of people butchering dead elephant
Unnumbered slide from [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
An Ivory Tusk
Slide 36 / 63 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Rubber Tapping
Slide 28 / 60 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Husking Copra
Slide 30 / 62 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Rubber Drying
Slide 29 / 61 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Sisal Cutting
Slide 27 / 59 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Sisal Planting
Slide 26 / 58 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Ngombezi Sisal Estate
Slide 25 / 57 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Wandamba Hut and fishing tackle
Slide 24 / 56 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Thompson's Gazelle
Slide 34 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 6 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 12 / 42 of [Tanganyika] (lecture: privately made, 50 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Map of the Gold Coast
Slide 1 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Map of the Gold Coast
Slide 1a of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 2 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Cape Coast
Slide 3 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Christiansborg Castle
Slide 3a of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
'Bush' Country
Slide 4 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
River Prah
Slide 5 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
A Native Bridge
Slide 6 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Cattle in Northern Territories
Slide 7 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Population Map
Slide 8 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 9 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 10 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Lagoon Fishing
Slide 11 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Another Method of Fishing
Slide 11a of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Fishing Village
Slide 12 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Drying Fish
Slide 13 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Curing Fish
Slide 14 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Girl Carriers
Slide 15 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Bush Path
Slide 16 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Native Village
Slide 17 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Making a Dug-out
Slide 18 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Shaping the Dug-out
Slide 19 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 20 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 21 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Fruit Carriers
Slide 22 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 23 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Market -- Old Coomassie
Slide 24 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Native Children
Slide 25 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Corn Grinding
Slide 26 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Preparing Food
Slide 27 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Bead Polishing
Slide 28 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Chief of Yendi
Slide 29 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Map of Kola and Oil Palm Districts
Slide 30 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Carrying Kola
Slide 31 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Oil Palm Country
Slide 32 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Oil Palm Village
Slide 33 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 34 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Palm Oil Barrels
Slide 35 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Map -- Cocoa Area
Slide 36 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Clearing for Cocoa
Slide 37 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 38 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Diagram of Cocoa Plantation
Slide 39 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Cocoa Plantation
Slide 40 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Cocoa Tree
Slide 41 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Drying Cocoa
Slide 42 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Cocoa at Accra Station
Slide 43 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Accra Beach
Slide 44 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Gold Mining
Slide 45 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 46 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 47 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 47a of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 47b of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 47c of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 47d of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Nsawam Station
Slide 48 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Coomassie Station
Slide 49 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Loco Sheds, Coomassie
Slide 50 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Map of Coomassie
Slide 51 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 52 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Coomassie Fort
Slide 53 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Post Office, Coomassie
Slide 54 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Making a Road
Slide 55 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Motor Lorry
Slide 56 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Volta Ferry
Slide 57 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Village and Motor
Slide 58 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Accra, Panorama
Slide 59 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Accra Harbour
Slide 60 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Surf Boats
Slide 61 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Accra Beach
Slide 62 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 63 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Takoradi Harbour
Slide 64 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 65 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Making Breakwater
Slide 66 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Making Breakwater
Slide 67 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Stool Palaver, Coomassie
Slide 68 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Training Institution
Slide 69 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Native Soldiers
Slide 70 of The fascination and fame of the Gold Coast (lecture: privately made, 70-77 slides, in/before 1930)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Local Map of Petra District
Slide 2 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Petra Basin from the air
Slide 3 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Cube Tombs, on right hand side of W. Musa
Slide 4 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Pyramid Tomb
Slide 5 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 6 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Es Sik
Slide 7 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Khusnah (El Khusnee) or Pharaoh's Treasury
Slide 8 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Three Storied Tomb, or Temple
Slide 9 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Bedouin family at Petra
Slide 10 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Altar
Slide 11 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Statue Tomb
Slide 12 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Latin Tomb
Slide 13 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Ed Deir (monastery) Temple
Slide 14 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The Urn
Slide 15 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
El Habis
Slide 16 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Gateway to El Biyara
Slide 17 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Chimney to El Biyara
Slide 18 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Staircase up Jebel En Mer
Slide 19 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Cave on Jebel En Mer
Slide 20 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Old sketch print of Palmyra, AD 1691
Slide A of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Old sketch print of Palmyra, AD 1691
Slide B of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Western Approach to Palmyra
Slide 1 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
General View of Palmyra
Slide 2 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Entrance to the Temple
Slide 3 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Outside view of Temple
Slide 4 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Inside the Temple
Slide 5 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
View of the Street of Columns
Slide 6 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
View of the Street of Columns
Slide 7 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
View of the Street of Columns
Slide 8 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
View of the Street of Columns
Slide 9 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Model of Temple Buildings
Slide 1 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
[Map of route from Baghdad to Palestine]
Unnumbered slide from From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
The River Tigris at Bagdad showing Maude Bridge
Slide 1 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 1a of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Slide 1b of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
First halt in desert. Ahmed, ex-Shah of Persia and retinue
Slide 3 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
On the desert trail. Note Armoured Car Escort for ex-Shah
Slide 4 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
On the desert trail
Slide 5 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
On the desert trail
Slide 6 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
icon showing image of item
On the desert trail
Slide 7 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
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Original artefact
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Damascus. French Troops en fete for the Shah
Slide 9 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Damascus. Algerian Rifles
Slide 10 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Rutbah Wells Fort and Khan
Slide 10a of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Overland Bus
Slide 10b of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Country between Beyrout and Haifa (quite near Tyre and Sidon)
Slide 11 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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En route between Beyrout and Haifa. The normal country transport
Slide 12 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Load of Cotton
Slide 12a of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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An Aqueduct near Acre
Slide 13 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Slide 15078 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 15078 of Holy Land (lecture: WMSSU, 56-144 slides, n.d.)
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Slide 14 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Mount Carmel
Slide 15 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Sea from Top of Mount Carmel
Slide 16 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The Valley of Rephaim, quite near Jerusalem
Slide 17 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Original artefact
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Lower slopes of Mount Olivet (Gethsemane in centre foreground)
Slide 19 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Lower slopes of Mount Olivet
Slide 20 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The Mount of Olives, Jerusalem
Slide 20a of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The City Wall outside 'the Dung Gate'
Slide 21 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The Golden Gate from the inside of the Temple Area
Slide 22 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Gathering Olives in the Valley of Hinnom
Slide 23 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Jerusalem, General View
Slide 24 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Slide 24a of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Hill of Skull
Slide 24b of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Garden Tomb
Slide 24c of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The present day Pool of Siloam. Native women drawing water
Slide 25 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Jerusalem from half-way up Mount Olives
Slide 26 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Mosque of Omar, on Mount Moriah
Slide 27 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Steep ascent to City Walls from the S.E.
Slide 28 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Absalom's Pillar in the Valley of the Kidron
Slide 29 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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St James's Tomb and Zechariah's Tomb in the Valley of the Kidron
Slide 30 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The Jews' Wailing Place (Outside the wall of the Temple Area)
Slide 31 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Part of Temple Area. Antonia's Palace on right
Slide 32 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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St Stephen's Gateway
Slide 34 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Slide 35 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
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David's Well at Bethlehem
Slide 36 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Slide 37 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Traditional site of Habitation of Martha and Mary in Bethany
Slide 38 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Lazarus' Tomb
Slide 39 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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On the road to Jericho looking back to Bethany
Slide 40 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The 'Good Samaritan's Inn'. Much battered by gunfire
Slide 41 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Original artefact
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View of modern Jericho in the Plain of Jordan
Slide 43 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Hill of Temptation. Greek Monastery in the Hill-side
Slide 44 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Excavations on site of Ancient Jericho
Slide 45 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Reservoir beside Old (Joshua's) Jericho
Slide 46 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Elisha's fountain by Old Jericho
Slide 47 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Gorge of the Brook Cherith
Slide 48 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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St George's Monastery in the Gorge of the Brook Cherith
Slide 48c of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Looking towards the Dead Sea from Ancient Jericho
Slide 49 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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River Jordan (towards source)
Slide 50 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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River Jordan (towards Dead Sea)
Slide 51 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The Dead Sea
Slide 52 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Floating on Dead Sea
Slide 52a of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Vale of Schechem
Slide 53 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Jacob's Well at Sychar
Slide 54 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Nazareth from East side
Slide 55 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Well at Nazareth
Slide 56 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Cattle drinking at well at Nazareth
Slide 57 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Cana of Galilee (approaching from Nazareth)
Slide 58 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Well at Cana
Slide 59 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Tiberias. Sea of Galilee in background
Slide 60 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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View of Tiberias from Dr Christie's verandah
Slide 61 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Sea of Tiberias (or Galilee) from Dr Christie's
Slide 62 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Restored ruins of the Synagogue at Capernaum
Slide 63 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Bethsaida on the shores of the S. of Galilee
Slide 64 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Original artefact
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Entering Damascus from the South. Valley of River Pharpar
Slide 66 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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The Pharpar River. Part of
Slide 67 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Damascus. Main Square
Slide 68 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Damascus. Thoroughfare leading to Mosque Omayad
Slide 69 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
Original artefact
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Damascus. Entrance to Mosque Omayad
Slide 70 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Damascus. The street called 'Straight'
Slide 71 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Damascus. The house with open gate is known as that of Ananias
Slide 72 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Baalbek. Looking up Temple from hexagonal Court
Slide 74 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 74 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. Right hand corner of propylea adjoining entrance to hexagonal court
Slide 75 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 75 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. Northern wall of Great Court
Slide 76 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 76 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. Great Altar of Sacrifice
Slide 77 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 77 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. Six pillars of the Temple of Jupiter
Slide 78 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 78 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. Near view of the sculpture crowning the pillars of Jupiter's Temple
Slide 79 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 79 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. The Great Stone hewn in Baalbec quarries ready for inclusion in the Temple buildings
Slide 80 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 80 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. Byzantine sculpture on Bath in West Court of the Great Altar of Sacrifice
Slide 81 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 81 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. View interior of Temple of Bacchus
Slide 82 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 82 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. Corner of Temple of Bacchus
Slide 83 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 83 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
Original artefact
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Baalbek. Corner of Bacchus' Temple from above showing roof of terrace
Slide 84 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)Slide 84 of [Petra, Palmyra and Baalbek] (lecture: privately made, 31 slides, n.d.)
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Smyrna. Day breaking over burnt out warehouse
Slide 85 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Smyrna. Quayside ruins
Slide 86 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Smyrna. Loading cotton on ship
Slide 87 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Smyrna. The Turkish Navy in 1924
Slide 88 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Athens. The Acropolis. The Parthenon
Slide 89 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Athens. Entrance to propylea of the Acropolis
Slide 90 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Athens. View of City from Acropolis showing hill of Penticlon
Slide 91 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Athens. Hill of the Areopagus (left foreground)
Slide 92 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Athens. Near view of the hill of the Areopagus (Mars hill)
Slide 93 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Athens. Temple of Jupiter in the City
Slide 94 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Athens. Theatre of Dionysus
Slide 95 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Athens. Propylea to Acropolis from Temple of Minaur
Slide 96 of From Baghdad to Palestine (lecture: privately made, 96-109 slides, 1920s)
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Lucerna ID 2500085

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 11 September 2017

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 2500085. Accessed 15 February 2025.

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