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The Lucerna database currently contains records for:
- 13,499 slide sets comprising over 369,300 slides...
- ... of which 199,802 individual slides have been listed – including 53,380 with images
- 5,643 people connected with the magic lantern
- 1,759 organisations (companies, institutions and other groups) connected with the magic lantern
- 6,571 lantern-related events (shows, exhibitions, historical events etc.)
- 11,082 locations (cities and towns, villages, individual addresses)
- 175 items of lantern hardware and other artefacts
- private and public collections of magic lantern material
- 10,934 texts connected with the magic lantern
- subject and other keywords to help with searching
DISCLAIMER: A small proportion of records in the Lucerna database contain words or images that may be racially or otherwise offensive.
They are included here as historical reproductions from a different period with different standards, and do not indicate support or approval
of such attitudes by Lucerna CIC or any associated individuals or organisations.
Lucerna CIC does not authorise use of our images or data in any way which may perpetuate or promote racial or other discrimination.