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Slide set: [Charleroi collection: miscellaneous and unidentified slides on science and astronomy] (miscellaneous: manufacturer unknown, ? slides, n.d.)

Descriptive data for this set (listed below slide images)
Explication des taches de Soleil, dans l'hypothèse de Wilson
[X-Ray photograph of lobsters on plate with knife and fork]
[Two human hands with severely deformed fingers]
[X-Ray photograph of human hand with severely deformed fingers]
[X-Ray photograph of group of six birds]
[X-Ray photograph of human hand]
Slide 40**
Paysage Saturnien à minuit au clair d'anneau
Slide 104**
La lune. 1er quartier
Slide 105**
Pleine lune
Slide 311**
Nébuleuse d'Orion
Slide 417**
Comète de Donati, observée le 5, 8 et 9 Octobre 1858
Slide 624**
La Naissance de la terre
Slide 632**
La lumière cendrée de la lune
Slide 825**
La grande Pluie d'étoiles filantes du 27 novembre 1872
Slide 871**
Nébuleuse en spirale de la constellation des chiens de chasse
Slide 6013**
Trombe marine
** there are alternative versions or views of this slide
Lucerna ID  3012786

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 28 November 2023

How to cite this record: all the information in Lucerna is freely available for use for any legal non-commercial purpose. If you use any of the information or any images from this page, please credit Lucerna in the following (or an equivalent) style:

  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3012786. Accessed 2 May 2024.

All Lucerna data is published in good faith as the latest known version of the information, but without any guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness. If you can correct or add to our information, or supply any images, please Contact us.

Using images from Lucerna: all the digital images on the Lucerna site are available to use for any legal non-commercial purpose, free of charge, if you acknowledge their source and include any copyright statement as it appears under the image. The images are relatively low-resolution, and not intended for print reproduction or projection. If you need a higher-resolution version of the image(s) on this page, please Contact us to ask about availability.