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Slide set: [Robert Paul's cinematograph film production] (lecture: manufacturer unknown, at least 28 slides, n.d.)

Descriptive data for this set (listed below slide images)
Slide 2
[Frame images from Robert Paul cinematograph film]
Slide 5
[Paul Animatographe film projector]
Slide 5
[Diagram from Robert Paul's patent for cinematograph mechanism]
Slide 6
The Development of the Animatograph
Slide 6
Paul's Kinematograph Camera (1896)
Slide 7
[End of horse race at Epsom race course]
Slide 8
[Two men wearing deep sea diver's costume]
Slide 9
[Three frames from Robert Paul film 'A Railway Accident' of 1900]
Slide 10
[Model set being assembled for Robert Paul film 'A Railway Accident' of 1900]
Slide 11
Pictures of the Transvaal War -- Paul's Animatograph Camera at the Front
Slide 13
[Scenery set up on film studio set]
Slide 14
Rear view of new film works
Slide 15
[Scenes from trick film by Robert Paul, c.1900]
Slide 16
[Cinematograph camera or projector drive mechanism]
Slide 17
[Robert Paul's cinematograph film projector of 1899]
Slide 18
[Robert Paul's cinematograph camera]
Slide 22
[Film perforating machine]
Slide 26
[Robert Paul's 'Newton' Laboratories and Works]
Slide 53
[Electric arc lamp assembly by Robert Paul]
Slide 61
[Two scenes from Robert Paul's film 'The ? Motorist']
[Stage at Robert Paul's film studio, London]
[Men working in film developing room]
[Film winding device]
[Developing racks and drying drums]
[Robert Paul's rotary film printer device]
[Frame images from Robert Paul cinematograph film]
[Frame images from Robert Paul cinematograph film]
[Frame images from Robert Paul cinematograph film]

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3009190. Accessed 18 May 2024.

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