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Slide set: The Frolie Grasshopper Circus (advertising: manufacturer unknown, at least 6 slides, in/after 1894)

Descriptive data for this set (listed below slide images)
Slide 1
Introduction -- Frolie Grasshopper Circus
Slide 2
This little trick we give you here to show / A right good thing which everyone should know
Slide 3
Don't be afraid! His playfulness denotes / That, fed on grain, he sometimes feels his oats
Slide 4
This act is harder than the first by far / This noted 'hopper is our leading star
Slide 5
Now thro' the hoop he jumps with perfect ease / Life 'Quaker Oats' he never fails to please
Slide 6
To walk a rope and keep a level head / Needs only care and 'Quaker Oats' 'tis said

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3010487. Accessed 7 May 2024.

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