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Slide set: In the workhouse (recitation: Bamforth & Co., 9 slides, 1890)

Known references to this set (listed below slide images)
Slide 1**
It is Christmas Day in the Workhouse, and the cold bare walls are bright
Slide 2**
'Great God!' he cries; 'but it chokes me! for this is the day she died'
Slide 3**
He looked at the guardians' ladies, then, eyeing their lords, he said:
Slide 4**
'Keep your hands off me, curse you! hear me right out ot the end'
Slide 5**
'I came to the parish, craving bread for a starving wife'
Slide 6**
'I slunk to the filthy alley -- 'twas a cold, raw Christmas eve'
Slide 7**
'All through that eve I watched her, holding her hand in mine'
Slide 8**
'I rushed from the room like a madman, and flew to the workhouse gate'
Slide 9**
'For there in the silv'ry moonlight my Nance lay, cold and still'
Slide 3 (rpt)**
'You, who would feast us paupers, what of my murdered wife?'
** there are alternative versions or views of this slide
Lucerna ID  3000606

Record created by Richard Crangle and Lydia Jakobs. Last updated 4 May 2024

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 3000606. Accessed 11 May 2024.

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