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Human figure – queen

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Queen AlexandraQueen AlexandraQueen AlexandraQueen AlexandraH.M. Queen Victoria in 1837H.M. Queen VictoriaThe Spanish Royal FamilyH.I.M. the QueenPortrait of Queen, and National AnthemI fought for his old grandmother, and I'd fight again for him and dieI fought for his old grandmother, and I'd fight again for him and dieAugustine before EthelbertTheir Majesties' Reception at Temple Bar by the Lord Mayor on their way to the Thanksgiving Service at St Paul'sThy choicest gifts in store / On him be pleased to pour;God save our gracious Queen, / Long live our noble Queen,May she defend our laws, / And ever give us cause,
Lucerna ID 9000508

Record created by Richard Crangle. Last updated 5 July 2018

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  Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 9000508. Accessed 12 June 2024.

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