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Vehicle – cart

Slide images marked with this tag (41)
The Mid-day SleepNorth Holland dog cartScarboro, The Foreshore RoadStick to it and succeedCart before the HorseBaggage SmashersSunday morning, Getting ready for ChapelA timber waggon blocked the way, but she cleared the lotA timber waggon blocked the way, but she cleared the lot'Off with the mails'A Coffee Stall, Indirect TaxpayersChristmas Eve had come at lastNext moment he was beside the farmer'Why, to be sure I do,' answered the boyHe harnessed in his horse and started on his way'Oh, so different from dear, dirty old London'Watching the waves as they shoreward creepWatching the waves as they shoreward creepEvery evening at his stall stood Old Roasty''Ere little 'un, who told you to sit on my box?'The child was warm inside his coatOld Roasty nearly dropped the sackRoasty's old stall was decorated with flagsNancy brought him his supperThe Cottage of ContentThe Cat and The MuttonThe cat and mutton -- Those who habitually frequent houses of this sort get but little mutton for their pains[Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown][Slide title unknown]The Old Geggie Theatre[Farmer's cart parked outside pub][Left to mind the bear, man begins to feel thirsty][Bear tied up to the farmer's cart][The worse for drink, the farmer sets off for home][Farmer gets a rude awakening ][Farmer abandons his cart to the bear][Chichester Hotel, Mortehoe]Waggon and Horses, Longsight, June 1897[Slide title unknown]Commercial Travellers and Buggy
Lucerna ID 9000263

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